My Mom And I

Just talking to my mom now and I went down memory lane,

There was a time we had nothing and we managed everything, even feeding properly was an issue, but somehow we always scaled through, my dad made sure of that, He would never let anything bother us as kids not even hunger but then, even as kids we knew we could be classified under the poor, of course we see many kids with their lunch packs in school and how some would go buy things during break period but not us.


We were either forcing pap down our throats to get filled up before school or rushing back home after school with hunger bearing in mind my mum’s promise for a good meal in wait for us, of course when those days of promises comes we knew we had to go to school on empty belly and pretend all was well through the day,


We no go shame our parents nau? We were well behaved.


I remember how we got better and better financially and one day, a chicken was slaughtered for a meal and my mom that was used to economizing things hid the whole chicken, leaving us with only the legs and wings 😂, my dad asked her why she won’t let us eat to our satisfaction,

She responded that she was leaving it for days of lack, just in case we ain’t able to afford meat again, My mum was not even kidding, she fried the meat very dry so it wont go bad and hid it in their bedroom.


One week or more later, the meat started to grow fungus and my dad shouted from the bedroom to my mom who was in the parlor

“…. That meat you’re saving for season of lack has spoiled o😂, better come, carry it from my bedroom!”

“and its not my children that’ll eat this thing” He added


My dad knew his wife, she doesn’t like waste and would find a way for that Chicken’s consumption, he wasn’t wrong because my mom cooked a fresh soup and put all the meat inside 😂 🤣


See! The simple gospel,

that Jesus is the son of God, that he came to the earth, died and resurrected on the third day, that WHO-SO-EVER that believes in Him will have eternal life.


You believed.

So why are you hoarding the simple gospel of Grace that saved you to yourself?

You haven’t told anyone about it, you haven’t won any soul since you knew him, what exactly are you waiting for?


There is one who was called into ministry, to lead people from the darkness into light yet you haven’t started, the fungus is about to grow on this knowledge of yours because the Holy Spirit doesn’t like to waste his resources on one who would live in disobedience to Him?


What exactly are you waiting for? You have gotten the knowledge you need of the scripture yet you won’t act on it, why are you economizing the truth?

Are you now part of the first nation who got salvation yet wanted to keep it only for their tribe?


There are souls tied to you answering this call or are you now one that goes from lack into plenty and yet economizes the plenty not wanting others to benefit of it?


Freely you received and freely shall you give.

Jesus said you’re only His friend when you do the will of the father


I urge you answer your call.


Your gifts and calling and knowledge becomes stale and may grow fungus if you do not let it flow for others to drink from, it would never be progressive, evolve or better anyone’s life if you do not set to work.


And what good is the salt of the earth if it loses its savor? It’ll be thrown and men will trample upon it.

Tell someone about Jesus today and you’ll be set on for life.

I was told to reach out to you today,

lets talk about it.


So back to my story 😂, so no one agreed to eat the soup or meat, we all left it for the economizer who awaited a time of lack in a period of plenty knowing fully well that tomorrow had always been known to take care of itself , besides no! not with cooked foods please, how long can it stay?

My dad had already made sure there had been so much in store for such days if there would ever be.


Guess what she never tried it again, intention was good but she had to learn to leave the days of lack and darkness to enjoy the days of light and plenty,


I love my mom and I told her that as we walk down this memory lane.

My mom and I laughed very hard.


…but wait o! Does the story even relate to the message being passed? 🤔

Oh?! Well

I’ve passed it, that’s all that matters.

Did you receive it?

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