On Faith

By Brother Tobi Thompson

30th May 2022

In the next couple of minutes, bless the Name of the Lord for His goodness and kindness towards us.

Father, we thank you!

Thank You for the release of the spirit of revelation and understanding over us. We are grateful Lord.

Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Alright, so, tonight we’ll be discussing one of the elementary principles of the Kingdom of God, which is FAITH.

In all of the Scriptures, it is evidently seen that anyone who wants to relate with God and partake of His blessings must have faith in Him.

“For without faith, it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God MUST believe that He is…….”

[Heb. 11:6]

Now, we are the new creation, so I’ll focus on what it means for the man in Christ.

One thing I need you to know is this, Faith doesn’t grow rather we are the ones that grow IN faith!

That’s why there is no difference in the principle of faith in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

When it comes to the manifestation of faith, it is either you believe or you don’t at all!

So, please, shun off anyone that tells you that the reason you didn’t get a miracle is because you didn’t believe enough……that is total nonsense!

See, faith is one-size-fits-all!

Let me explain this:

In Matthew 17, Jesus said the reason the disciples couldn’t cast out the demon from that young boy is Unbelief…I honestly don’t know why they doubted the power of God even after working miracles in chapter 10.

Then Jesus goes on to say “if you have faith as a mustard seed” …

In Luke 17:5, when the disciples said to Jesus “Lord increase our faith”, Jesus still gave the same reply, “if you have faith as a mustard seed”

Jesus implied it is never about the size but about the presence of (substance of) faith!

So, the same faith that got you salvation, is the same that can heal the sick, raise the dead and do other signs and wonders!!!

You don’t need more faith! You just need to grow IN the faith that you’ve received according to Romans 10.

The difference between a believer walking in power and one not walking in power is that the former has gained maturity IN the faith while the latter has refused to mature.

When you read through the epistles, you’ll notice that the reason for the word and prayer is not for more faith but for maturity IN faith.

Let’s quickly break down Romans 10:17

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”

In context, Paul was referring to faith unto salvation. So, no one would be able to believe in Jesus until the word of God is preached to them… okay?

That’s how all of us here got saved, and when the faith was imparted to us, it is now in our authority to manifest this faith.

Now, as the man in Christ! For every time you read and hear the word of God, faith is no longer imparted to you rather THE FAITH IN YOU IS NOW STIRRED UP!

So, we can now say, when it looks as if the believer is “faithless” when he begins to hear the word of God the faith within him begins to be stirred up since it’s the word of God that imparted faith in the first place.

When a believer stays away from the word of God and prayer, he reduces his ability to manifest faith in God.

The disciples of old did not have greater faith than we have now! We also don’t have greater faith than they had!

But when we come into maturity by staying with the word and prayer by the Spirit of God, the manifestation of our faith will make it look as if one is greater than another.

That’s why God never emphasizes more faith, rather He emphasizes on growth in this faith we’ve received!!!

So that you know that the same way you believed Him for daily bread is the same way you can believe in Him for something bigger than daily bread…

When the church went through persecution in Acts 4 and they prayed and were filled with the Spirit, He didn’t come with more faith, He came with more boldness to preach and manifest the power of faith.

Let’s end here tonight……..we should continue next week.

Note this, please! You already have faith, what you need is boldness to manifest this faith!

In the name of Jesus in your daily living and walk with God, you have the boldness to manifest faith by the power of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you.

If you have questions, you can ask, please…

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