I Saw Apostle John!

Something very strange happened some days back and that’s what proved to me that every person the bible talked about and said to be dead centuries ago still lives, not like I never knew or believed they lived because I do believe in life after death but having physical contact with any of them was on another level, should we talk about the fragrance they may leave when they come? Sweet, smelling, aromatic perfume.

It was time for communion service on Personal Fellowship and like usual we had it programmed, The thirty minutes of praying in the Spirit, an hour of bible reading, breaking of bread , the word, the gist on Jesus and the grace, the scriptures we were to read on that day was the whole 1st , 2nd and 3rd book of John.


Communion Service started and bible reading was on, the book of John is one book I love to read, you could literally feel the love of the father emerging from the book and embracing you and not letting you go, the spirit behind those words is full of the fathers love, I love everything about John, his writing and the way he expressly talked about the Holy Spirit and Jesus, the words of Jesus in his books are powerful.


While the bible reading was ongoing, I suddenly began to feel sleepy, very sleepy, I struggled hard to keep awake since I was the anchor of that service but couldn’t , I slept off and in seconds, He came into my room, blessed my communion elements and made to leave, there was oozing of fresh smell of perfume in my room and I was in time to open my eyes to see him walking away so fast, ah!


Apostle John was in my room to bless the communion elements I placed before me while we read his book, I could still perceive the fragrance he left behind in my room till the next day, the Holy Spirit smiled at me and whispered “that was Apostle John”


He was just trying to confirm to me whom I saw so I didn’t have to be mistaken, Apostle John lives! I have seen him! He knows us and even by name.


The robe he wore covered from his head down, black, shiny and beautiful , very beautiful, its nothing you have ever seen and Yes! other colors exist  in heaven besides the white or lights you think you know or have imagined there, some people usually think that everyone in heaven wears only white robes from everlasting to everlasting  but that’s false, the colors that is here on earth exist in the heavens in its ten times beauty, you should experience it for yourselves, Heaven and all its creatures are beautiful, very beautiful to see.

This is one of my many encounters I thought to share so you may know that all the bible Characters you know, loved and have ever read about exist, they live and can visit or teach and tell you lots of things as believers in the gospel of Christ.


You will be glad to meet them. The Holy Spirit is the father of all and can bring all your heart desires to life.




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