The Holy Spirit hears us all the time, Our little thoughts, our heart beat, our gestures, our desires and all of it.

A month ago I looked at my shoes, all warned out, Not like I have so many like I used to anymore but the couple of them I had, needed changing, I have worn the lives out of them, I am one person that loves shoes so much, I did not consider how much they cost if I saw anyone I loved to buy in a passing, so long as I have the money, I would buy but this was different, I can not spend so much on shoes or any material things any longer, whenever I am about to buy something material for myself, I would remember that this money can sort out at least two or three peoples needs who might come asking for financial help inbox then I move on from buying them.

A little thought in my heart whispered “Lord! I need shoes!” then I moved on to other activities, without thinking of it again.

Days past and the Holy Spirit wanted me to have a quiet time with him “give me three days!” He said and I knew it was time for a retreat, He told me where to go and at whose place to stay, He showed me the people I would  be fellowshipping with in the cause of my retreat and that’s how I found myself in a dear sisters house in Ogun state, Nigeria.

Dear Brethren, the first thing that greeted me in her house were two pairs of new shoes, just the way I loved them, very high, beautiful, looked expensive, durable and it was my size! What a wawu!


This sister of mine had traveled, came back from her journey same day I arrived her house with two new shoes for me as a gift, I screamed and danced out of excitement, she didn’t understand the drama I was on about but then


Jireh heard me!

He heard me!!

That simple thought in my heart, he took it seriously.

No! it did not stop there, she also gave me some of her shoes that her leg did not fit in without my asking, they were beautiful to see and have….

They were all mine now!

All mine!



I needed socks for one of the sneakers about four days ago and just a random thought flashed my mind again, Like the way your mind would wander some times on things you consider unnecessary or not too pressing enough, your thoughts would say “Princess, is it not high time you bought a pair of socks for this sneakers?”

“I usually don’t go out or even know where socks are bought, I wish I have one though” I replied my thoughts.


Like the first, I moved on to other activities and when I appeared in Church @ on Saturday for the ascension program, a sister came to me “Do you need a pair of socks?” she asked me out of the blues while prayers were on

Ha! People of God who brings a pair of new socks to church and for what reason? Just like that? It was obvious it was the work of the Holy Spirit, He read my thoughts again and provided!

“when I was dressing up to church and wore a socks, the Holy spirit asked me to take the last pair of new socks I had, He said someone would need it, so I took it along and when I saw you, I just thought to ask you” she said to me as I asked for explanation! This socks was exactly how I like them, pure white and on the ankles.

Know this:

Jesus sees! Jesus knows! Jesus hears!

And Jesus would answer, I just want to encourage someone here today, Your believing is not in vain, He sees you, He knows you and He has answered you, all you are doing now is waiting for the manifestations……..

He has answered you!




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