Good morning,  I trust y’all are doing well and having a loving relationship with the Holy Spirit the way you should?

 life is indeed awesome with him I can tell you that for sure, I remember how I started experiencing the supernatural supply of physical money, I will tell you the story, one time that I stayed in Abuja and was without money, the world would call it being broke but as a believer, we always speak with faith,  

So, I would say it was a period I was expectant for money, trust me transportation was even a problem, I had a remote job but the money that came was always very little to sort out bills, 

This time came when I needed to go somewhere and I budgeted N300 for transportation, that was all I had on me actually, so I took a bike to the place, the man who rode me took me to a different address and we had to retrace our location, 

We got to realize that the new location I was supposed to go was further than where we were and that meant increase in transport fare, I would no longer pay the agreed amount, 

And I wouldn’t be caught arguing with a bike man over money as little as that either so I gave him all I had, 

And that left me with no transportation back home, I silently prayed for a miracle, after I had finished what i came for, i had time to discussed with this sister of mine i visited, of cause we talked a lot about the supernatural, salvation, our relationship with the Holy Spirit, marriage and many other stuff that believers talk about, she fed me with good food and it was time to leave,

I tried so hard but couldn’t tell her i needed transport fare, i used all my will power and mustard all the courage i had left in me, yet it couldn’t come out of my mouth in words that ‘this Princess needs N300 for transport back home’, i was too embarrassed to ask, she had walked me down her estate and rain started to drizzle at that point, oh how fast she got another bike for me and we said our goodbyes.

‘Oh God! you couldn’t even speak to this girl on my behalf’ I thought

When i got on the bike, for a start, I commanded the rain to stop which it did [controlling weather is what I have done so well and have mastered at the time, I could/ can stop and start rain at will] 

“Dear Holy Spirit, I am your child and right now I do not have money to pay this bike man, please fix it, do not let him embarrass your son Amen!” I prayed.

minutes later i got to my bus stop and it was time to pay. By faith, I dipped my hand into my bag and took out my purse, guess what?

Your guess is as good as mine, there was N300 lying right there in my purse, oh wow! i was surprised, 

I trusted the Holy Spirit to supply, in fact i always trust him to supply all my needs but not this way, this way was new, what i had in mind was I would pretend to deep my hand in my purse like i did, then pretend my money was missing or stolen then maybe a good Samaritan [I mean a passer-by] would somehow ask what the problem is and end up paying the bill or i would beg the bike man in the process to pity me and forgive the bill or i could even collect the bike man’s account details and pay him when i get money, LOL! i had many thoughts in my head, not this one, not like this.


But the Holy Spirit burst that bubble! He put the exact amount of money I needed in my purse from nowhere, so there will be no arguments at all. I wish this bike man knew or understood what just happened. ha!


That’s not all people of God, the icing on the cake was after i alighted the bike, i paid and was about to cross the road, cause it would take me another 10 minutes to walk down my house, i was still contemplating on what happened, how awesome God is and also secretly thanking him, a car drove and stopped in front of me ” enter let me drop you” He said.


I was looking at him and wondering the audacity he spoke in, then he added


 ” ….. I was on my way home after work but my spirit told me to stop and wait at this bus stop, immediately i saw you drop from that bike, i knew he wanted me to drop you at home, so please tell me where you are going to so i can drop you and rush home, it is about to rain so I have closed for the day”

Just wow!

I entered the car and directed him. He dropped me right in front of my gate and left without collecting phone numbers or anything like that. He clearly just wanted to obey the Holy Spirit [which he called his spirit] . I smiled and felt like the Princess I am. 


Immediately i got into my house and to my room, the rains started to fall heavily.


then the Holy Spirit whispered to me ” I love you!”

of course you do love me dear Holy Spirit, if not so, who would have saved my neck like you did today? It brought tears to my eyes.


Dear brethren, God is good to us and I have read, heard, felt, seen and known it. His goodness is all I see.

people of God! know that God is really good!

Since this experience I have had several other supernatural supplies of money both in my bank accounts, at ATM stands, at shopping malls and in my bags. This though was the first and what opened the door to more supernatural supplies of money.


I hope this inspires you today?




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