How to deal with Stagnation

Ministering: Brother Elisha Arewa

Date: On Monday 13th February 2023

Topic: How to Deal with Stagnation

Welcome to our Word and Bible Study.

Today, with the help of the Holy Spirit we will be learning about “How to deal with Stagnation”

Let us pray.

Father, we thank You for another beautiful day and time with You.

We ask that You open our hearts and flood them with the light of Your Word. Let us be instructed, comforted, and edified by Your Word tonight.

Do what only You can do. In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.

We see that most people in life today face a particular challenge in life and it is the challenge of being stuck or feeling stuck.

And this cuts across various aspects of our lives. Both our physical lives, family, business career, relationships, and so on. Even in our spiritual lives too, in ministry, and in our walk with God.

And we tend to want to just make excuses for ourselves and remain where we are and find ways to cope with whatever situation we find ourselves in. And funny enough this doesn’t only happen when people find themselves in situations of failure because I have seen successful people who get to certain levels in their journey and just camp there even if they know there is more.

However, we see it and whichever category we belong, the truth is that stagnation is never ever the will of God for us.

God doesn’t want us to just Coast and survive, instead He wants us to thrive and live a life of consistent progress.

See what the Bible says in Proverbs 4:18

But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.

[Proverbs 4:18 NKJV]

This is God’s will for us My brothers, My Sisters. And anytime you take stock of your life and find out that you have stayed too long on a spot then you have the right to challenge that situation, break out, and breakthrough by the “WISDOM OF GOD” and by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

So, if there is anyone here today that has settled in the wrong place and thinks he or she has the right reasons for doing that, the Word of God is coming to you tonight to challenge you, push you, and set you in motion again.

We will start the call in a few minutes’ time. Let’s join and continue with the teaching.

To be able to listen to the continuation of this teaching, join our telegram fellowship here and access the recorded teaching here.


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