A President-elect That Never Ruled

Do you want to hear a story? I will tell you a story from the realms, only those with the eye could see and testify that what I write is true,


Once upon a time in the realms of spirits, a little land in the portions of these realm had many positions and many little thrones, then there was one throne that sprung up bigger and greater than all, the most attractive of all, the position for this throne in this land was for one who could rule over other rulers who took their positions on the smaller thrones,

The first said he wanted to be the chosen one for the bigger throne because of the critical situations of this land, he could fix it if allowed, the second made his claims saying it was his turn and no! he wasn’t joking, even though he was lied to, it was actually his turn to rule in the old order (If only the people didn’t cry so loudly to the all-seeing eye, his claims could have been sealed) And there was the third who claimed he had the experiences needed in this land to make better decisions,


Then I looked closely and the first was the most loved, he was also the will of the all-seeing eye and so long as the people in this land will play their parts, he had the position and the throne, in this land, numbers were important and power was held by the people who lived in it, the realms of spirits do not interfere in this land except when summoned or given an expression, humans were mediums in which these spirits find expression so I saw that they responded to the first because he had honor, great honor and everyone respected that, in fact as at the 10th times of the previous seasons, the first held the position and the throne:


in a movie titled ‘Black Panther’ king T’chaka once said to T’challa “You are a good man with a good heart. And it’s hard for a good man to be king.”


I will pause here and bring in the story of the Israelites.



In the eighteenth year of the reign of King Jehoshaphat of Judah, Joram son of Ahab became king of Israel, and he ruled in Samaria for twelve years. 2He sinned against the LORD, but he was not as bad as his father or his mother Jezebel; he pulled down the image his father had made for the worship of Baal. 3Yet, like King Jeroboam son of Nebat before him, he led Israel into sin, and would not stop.

4King Mesha of Moab bred sheep, and every year he gave as tribute to the king of Israel 100,000 lambs, and the wool from 100,000 sheep. 5But when King Ahab of Israel died, Mesha rebelled against Israel. 6At once King Joram left Samaria and gathered all his troops. 7He sent word to King Jehoshaphat of Judah: “The king of Moab has rebelled against me; will you join me in war against him?”

“I will,” King Jehoshaphat replied. “I am at your disposal, and so are my men and my horses. 8What route shall we take for the attack?”

“We will go the long way, through the wilderness of Edom,” Joram answered.

9So King Joram and the kings of Judah and Edom set out. After marching for seven days, they ran out of water, and there was none left for the men or the pack animals. 10“We’re done for!” King Joram exclaimed. “The LORD has put the three of us at the mercy of the king of Moab!”

11King Jehoshaphat asked, “Is there a prophet here through whom we can consult the LORD?”

An officer of King Joram’s forces answered, “Elisha son of Shaphat is here. He was Elijah’s assistant.”

12“He is a true prophet,” King Jehoshaphat said. So the three kings went to Elisha.

13“Why should I help you?” Elisha said to the king of Israel. “Go and consult those prophets that your father and mother consulted.”

“No!” Joram replied. “It is the LORD who has put us three kings at the mercy of the king of Moab.”

14Elisha answered, “By the living LORD, whom I serve, I swear that I would have nothing to do with you if I didn’t respect your ally King Jehoshaphat of Judah. 15Now get me a musician.”

As the musician played his harp, the power of the LORD came on Elisha, 16and he said, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Dig ditches all over this dry stream bed. 17Even though you will not see any rain or wind, this stream bed will be filled with water, and you, your livestock, and your pack animals will have plenty to drink.’ ” 18And Elisha continued, “But this is an easy thing for the LORD to do; he will also give you victory over the Moabites. 19You will conquer all their beautiful fortified cities; you will cut down all their fruit trees, stop all their springs, and ruin all their fertile fields by covering them with stones.”

20The next morning, at the time of the regular morning sacrifice, water came flowing from the direction of Edom, and covered the ground.

21When the Moabites heard that the three kings had come to attack them, all the men who could bear arms, from the oldest to the youngest, were called out and stationed at the border. 22When they got up the following morning, the sun was shining on the water, making it look as red as blood. 23“It’s blood!” they exclaimed. “The three enemy armies must have fought and killed each other! Let’s go and loot their camp!”

24But when they reached the camp, the Israelites attacked them and drove them back. The Israelites kept up the pursuit, slaughtering the Moabites 25and destroying their cities. As they passed a fertile field, every Israelite would throw a stone on it until finally all the fields were covered; they also stopped up the springs and cut down the fruit trees. At last only the capital city of Kir Heres was left, and the slingers surrounded it and attacked it.

26When the king of Moab realized that he was losing the battle, he took 700 swordsmen with him and tried to force his way through the enemy lines and escape to the king of Syria, but he failed. 27So he took his eldest son, who was to succeed him as king, and offered him on the city wall as a sacrifice to the god of Moab. The Israelites were terrified and so they drew back from the city and returned to their own country.


27 Then the king of Moab took his [a]eldest son, who was to reign in his place, and [b]offered him [publicly] as a burnt offering [to Chemosh] on the [city] wall [horrifying everyone]. And there was great wrath against Israel, and Israel’s allies [Judah and Edom] withdrew from King Jehoram and returned to their own land.



The second had understanding of the spiritual realms, he knew it was governed by laws and principles that can not be broken, he got to find out by the open portals that he was not in the position of the great throne and if nothing was done, he would lose in this land because everything in the realms of spirits happens before it gets into this land, just like the king of Moab in the story of the Israelites, He made a sacrifice of blood two terms before the becoming of things in this land and all tables turned around! The blood (sacrifice) cried out louder than the voices of the living people and a law of realms was obeyed, the principles of sacrifice was greater than that of honor, they respond to sacrifices more than you may know,


Positions were exchanged immediately, the first became the second, the second became the first but in the becoming of things in this land, the first became the third, the second the first and the third the second.


It is true that things happen from the inside out, everything comes from within, same way the physical is the manifestations of the sealed and settled cases in the spiritual, how true is the saying “what will be, will be”?


Well…… there is a change of events to come because the all-seeing eye stepped in, the realms had responded to the language they understood but was it sustained? A voice declared loudly in the realms saying, “the only way the second  can rule is over dead bodies and I will not allow that happen!”




The second who became the first never ruled in this land, events turned so greatly, and I looked to see him whisked away on the 5th times of the current season and the darkness that hovered around this land faded away with him, there was a clean sweep, a weather change and the position and throne given back to the first but in the next season.


Joy and sanity was restored in this land, laughter was heard, a contest that never was and a president-elect that never ruled.



This is written today, the 15th day of March 2023,  this was played before me in October 2022 and settled in November 2022.


Whatever you see today had already played out and the end seen many seasons ago, those with the eyes saw and spoke of it but the wisdom of God had always been foolishness to man so many never believed but saw it happen and will see it happen!


God is the greatest!



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