Who is God to you?

“God is responsible for you!”
I must have heard this twice that night on my way home from the passport office.
It was a Wednesday and I wasn’t prepared for how stressful that day eventually turned out.
The passport ordeal is one I would still share another day. You know those days you would have and you would know that
“Nah, today is not my day”
because only me, wore the wrong side of my trousers ( didn’t realize till I got to the immigration office, had to do the walk of Shame), stomach cramps, I also ended up paying extra money. This wasn’t my first or second attempt at my relocation process.
I had done the usual cast and bind prayers,
“Any village person that doesn’t want me to tra…….vel! baba! I command them to die by fire!!!” I screamed as I prayed and cursed, shaking my head violently,
I really wanted it to work this time around because I was genuinely tired.
I must have muttered it one time while talking to God that if my relocation plans don’t end up working, ah! I could actually break down, the thought of not having it scared me to death, I left the passport office around 9pm, it was pretty late and my father won’t stop calling on how late it was already.
I took a bike as I needed to get home as fast as I could.
With the soft breeze, that Wednesday night, I took a deep sigh on the ‘okada’. “God abeg!” I muttered in prayer. And there He was, I heard it as clear as crystal “God is responsible for you”
Did I just think of this or what?
Then I heard it again. I muttered it to myself on the bike that day, “God is responsible for me”.
Little did I know that He saw me and He was giving me a word ahead.
I have never felt such peace since then, I felt and smiled like a pampered baby, the bike man probably heard me chuckle a bit. Nothing has been as true as this , God had, has been responsible for me and still is, Since inception till date.
It’s beautiful to see how intentional and how He is everything. Same God and to some He’s a Father, Same God and to some He’s a Healer , same God and to some He’s a Restorer, Same God and to some He’s Everything.
No! I did not get to travel like I prayed I would, maybe some day I would but that peace has kept me, God is everything to me, how about you?
Who is God to you?
~ Aweke;

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