I was in a boarding school at the time, in JSS2, i rarely sleep at noon yet we were forced to observe siesta everyday after lunch.
But this very noon was different, after lunch, we were ask to go sweep and clean up all the surroundings of the school,
Portions were given and duties shared according to availabilities  and capabilities, mine was given as it should but i suddenly became too sleepy to do it.
All i wanted at the moment was my bed, so i made for the Hostel. It was the third day in October 2005, as i laid on my bed
I slept off and i saw him.
He was all glamed up in light, pure white clothes/light and in the sky, i was on the ground looking up to him as he floated in the air, with tears streaming down my face i was wondering to myself why he was all healthy, joyous and smiling down at me
As i look up still beholding the glory about him, his face shone so bright, yet i knew whom he was, he was my earthly father (yes! the very sick man i left at home, that one that gave birth to me, the one i kept praying for his recovery, that one that loved me beyond doubts) I could see his face but i didn’t understand what he was doing in the air
My Dad: My time is up, i told you i was given limited time to sort things out and put things in place, i’ve told you all that u needed to know and be, i am leaving.
Me: leaving to where please?
My Dad: I just came to say goodbye, i am leaving
As he said this, he kept ascending
Me: Daddy please come back! please come back!
I stretched my hand as i cried on and pleaded, i saw him disappeared into the sky and as i cried in this trance, i cried from my sleep
I awoke and kept crying, how do i explain why i am crying?
I was asked many times why i was
I told a few that my dad was dead, i was asked how i knew and i couldn’t answer.
What would i say?
There was just this knowing that he was dead to this world yet in a better place but how many people would understand this language of mine?
It was a school were no one visited me or was allowed to visit anyone if it wasn’t visiting day.
It was up to a month and two weeks i left home and phones were prohibited neither did i use any, so how could i have gotten this info?
I couldn’t explain to anyone
And some of my class mates accused me of pronouncing the living dead, they accused me of not having enough faith and lying.
All the pleas my dad pleaded with me not to cry when he finally dies fell on deaf ears, i cried my eyes sore, i refused to be consoled, his departure broke
Me into bits even though i knew better. I still felt hurt.
24hours passed and my Aunt came to school asking for me, i was already prepared and was granted permission to leave for home.
I left with her and couldn’t cry again.
Are u broken at the moment? Are u bereaved?
Are you hurt over anyone’s death?
Did s/he passed on without a goodbye?
I totally understand!
Was this person a Christian?
Are u a Christian?
Do u believe every Christian that “dies” is in a better place?
Do you believe we are not of the world but are in the world?
You should take comfort in the eternal life which (was promised to us) we have in Christ Jesus.
If you believe this world is not your home so why do u fear death so much?
Why don’t you rest in His truth/word?
Its really painful loosing a loved one but we should not mourn like
the unbelievers do, like people who have no hope.
We do know better and take condolences in that
Do u know the Holy Spirit is here to comfort us at all times and give us peace when bereaved
Do u know the Holy Spirit?
Do u want to meet him?
If u are pained and wants to reach
Out to someone, kindly DM me.
I have nothing much to give or say to u but i know a God who wipes away all tears.
I will pray with you and you’ll be fine.
I have Holy Spirit to introduce to u too if you do not know Him yet.
But above all, i know one who takes away all sins
And gives eternal life even before death
If you’re not a Christian and u fear death, it’s time to know this man, His name is Jesus.
All u need to do is believe in Him and make a confession.
I can lead you if u don’t mind
I love u and i totally understand, so allow me help u!

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