I remember the first miracle I performed for myself by the power of the Holy Spirit, when I first joined a Bible school  working miracles is our normal life in that school
It was and still is an online bible college and of course you have to have a clear network and sufficient data with electricity supply in order to drink from this fountain without interruption during classes.
Now, I was in a remote area of Akpabuyo somewhere in Cross Rivers state in Nigeria and network service  was so terrible, power supply went out at the time and of course my data was running out
During the 9pm-10pm prayer, my battery got to 3%, how would I have coped when I still had an hour of class to attend?
There was no power supply and its not like the network service was clear.
Then I remembered what Jesus did to the ragging storm
“Peace be still” He said, and the storm went calm
I know that I am Christ on earth, so what’s the big deal giving it a trial? After all, I just finished speaking in tongues for a whole hour,
I place my phone on the table in front of me, laid my right hand on it and spoke to it,
“Peace be still”
Then spoke to the network
“Peace be still”.
A battery of 3% lasted me another hour of class, it never went out, and yes! The network service remained very clear too, no interruptions as it used to be.
After the glory shout of victory (our teacher always asked us to shout “glory!” after each lecture),
I happened to check my data again and I saw the data never reduced too, it stood still
It was a wonder. Even though I had faith, I wasn’t expecting this much, the joy that filled my soul, it was awesome to see
Although I charged my phone the next day I still noticed the data stood still for three more days and while everyone was complaining of bad network service, mine was very clear for those days
Now! Who told you inanimate things can’t hear?
Who told you they don’t understand  languages and can do your bidding as a Christian?
Who told you, you can’t speak to that mountain and it answers to you?
Who told you, you can’t speak to situation and they give way?
Today, I got lots of testimonies from the Personal Fellowship we have every morning and my joy is so full, yesterday’s testimony made everyone cry, no one could hold it in, its amazing what God is doing in our midst by just obeying His words.
As believers its an error to lack or suffer,
its a big error!
The gospel is rest and only those who obey Him whole heartedly reaps the reward there of.
He said
Jeremiah 29:13
“If you seek me with the whole of your heart, you’ll find me”
That means if you don’t find Him, you’ve not searched for Him and if you did searched for Him and still didn’t find Him, it wasn’t with the WHOLE of your heart because once you seek him with the whole of your heart, you’ll definitely find Him.
God does not lie, no! He never does and if peradventure he did lie, that lie becomes the truth because His word can never be a lie
 It must fulfill that which it was sent to accomplish.
My dear brothers and sisters, is there anything you are struggling with?
Anything that takes your peace away and makes you cry a lot?
Are u depressed or burdened? Come and drink from this water
And have life in abundance, come and rest in His love for He cares for you.
I love you with all my heart and I’d want you to receive of this goodness too that’s why I am here saying this to you.
If Christianity is not working  for me, I wont be here, Jesus is real, the Holy Spirit is realer than the air you breathe and God exist
Its time to know Him more intimately and let him carry your burdens.
Come! Drop it at His feet.
I love you and God is intentional about you, He loves you so much.

7 thoughts on “PEACE BE STILL”

    1. I do not have it anymore but i can give you someone’s phone number, remeber it is a school sha, so you will pay school fees

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