There’s this story I’ve been meaning to write but haven’t brought myself to doing that, maybe because it hurts or because I haven’t found a right way to put it down yet
However it is, I’ll write this story, just because my Spirit wants me to
I had a certain someone I really loved and wanted to be with, well…?! The feeling was mutual on his path or so he said.
Time passed and he wanted to wife me, mommy was putting pressure on her little girl as usual and oh well?! I felt marrying him wasn’t a bad idea after all
Then I had to involve the Holy Spirit, not like he wasn’t speaking already but you know that little human side of you that just wants what it wants without a hindrance?
That part kept nudging  me on even when the Holy Spirit told me he wasn’t the one for me.
Then one Sunday I came in from church, boom! My eyes opened, I saw a lady in his house, all dressed with her white short, striped top, clean hair which she parked into a pony tail, she was fair and beautiful but I couldn’t see her face clearly
my man was on his bed and I knew what was up, he was cheating.
I didn’t bother to call, I was heart broken enough,
I went to visit him the next day and asked if there was someone else he was seeing, he swore with heaven and earth that I was the only sugar in his tea, the only one that made his heart glad, he swore he couldn’t be hurting me in that manner
He kept asking me why he’ll cheat on me when I was all he ever wanted and would ever want? After hearing all those sweetness drip from his lips, I felt like the crazy one,
I started to think maybe it was my imagination playing on me and not a vision, but then deep within, I knew the truth and how the supernatural worked with me.
sometimes I went to his house and would smell her there, my eyes were opened to stained bedsheets too yet physically there was nothing there (ah!  Life of a prophet , you see and know all that is shown to you by the Spirit yet you pretend about it since there’s no physical prove to give)
Well….?!  I kept quiet, or what should I have done?
Time passed and I went around his area to find network, I needed to attend a bible class online, it always ended by 11pm and it became too late to go back home, I called over the phone and he did not answer
Actually we planned on seeing that day but he called to cancel with excuses of hanging out with the boys
I however decided to still go to his house, didn’t know why,  it was spontaneous.
If his ride was home, he was definitely home, I called, the phone rang out, the lights went out immediately, windows closed and his phone went dead, this got me curious so I knocked countless times and there was no response, I got tired and wanted to go home, then I remembered the authority I carry
Ah!  Why stress myself when I have angels at work and the Holy Spirit is with me?
“Dear Holy Spirit, please make ******* Open up this door, I want to get in” I said
Of course my angels got to work
I waited.
In five minutes I hear a quarrel, in ten minutes I hear a struggle, in fifteen minutes, a lady opened the door and stormed out.
It was the exact lady I saw wearing those exact clothes in my vision two weeks back, she walked away
I didn’t know how to feel
I never expected it would be because of another lady my said “husband to be” would ignore me in the cold at that hour,
I followed after her,
“babe e neva reach mak u go house this night nau, we can all sleep in the house and find our way in the morning” I said to her
She looked at me and shame washed her face,
wait! I know her! I remember her very well!
She was the same lady the Holy Spirit once showed me her house in a night vision.
In that vision, I saw her run in distress into the house crying profusely,
the Holy Spirit told me her name and gave me directions to the house from mine
it came in a map,
I went, her mum was seriously ill, I prayed with her and she was healed, I spoke to her and asked her to give her life to Christ, the Holy Spirit was interested in her obviously, she refused, she gave reasons why, she was angry with God, very angry with Him and she just wanted to live without Him,
I left.
and here she is again after coming out of  my mans house,
ah! Holy Spirit!
He sure has His ways with people, and I immediately understood why things happened the way it just did.
Well…?! She refused to go back in, she left at 12:30am
Days passed, tears shed, apologies poured out, forgive?
That one was certain, I had to forgive, I went back to her house and she legitimately gave her life to Christ , I invited the Holy Spirit into her life and left.
I know right? You want to know what happened to my so called man and I? 😄
You guessed right!
What did u expect?
The Holy Ghost just has His ways, every life is more important to Him than your relationships, don’t go witch hunting people just because of an adult that decided to stray.
***** is a born again and doing the Lord’s work, the Holy Spirit has touched this sister too, as for me I am a believer and doer of the gospel,
We are all doing fine and that is all that matters.
PS = The bible says that when a thief is caught red handed he gives back seven folds of all he has stolen.

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