After the Night Of Glory yesterday, I was taken back to 2010 a time in my life I was just meeting and trying to know the Holy Spirit, a time I was coming to understand the supernatural and why things happen the way they do.


I enrolled in a catering school cause I was in a new city and looking to a skill that could help me meet ends.


It was a mixed school for both genders yet the female was predominant and hostels were put in place for those that will like to board, I was one of such, I had to be since I dislike inconveniences, I boarded


While in school, there was this lady that took to liking me, let’s call her Q, she was all over me and since I didn’t see anything wrong with having a friend, I went with the flow.


Although we were in same hostel, I was on the first roll, she was on the last,

As time went on she brought me meat and I ate, smile, she did, the nights came and I started to have night mares.


In my dreams, I’d see an ugly old lady dragging me to places I didn’t want to be, she was either dragging me into a group or taking me to the waters or wanting to make love to me hence I fought a lot in my dreams and would wake up to physical injuries,




I mean I would fight in my sleep and wake up with burns, razor-mark cuts on my body as I feel  so much pains all over my body.


It happened for many days, most times I’d awake during the tussle and can’t sleep back


I became afraid of the nights,


why should it come at all when I was unable to sleep?


Lady Q would come to me in the morning, all smiles and asking how I was, I would tell her about the dreams and she encouraged me to yield so I don’t have to sustain more injuries


Well it sounded like the logical thing to do but I just didn’t like this woman in my dreams, she was too ugly, very ugly she turns me off at first glance


The night came again and I saw her, this time in a familiar place with calabash, I laughed, she started calling on to me and I saw myself walking towards her, I couldn’t help it, she was calling to me and I succumbed like I had no choice


Then suddenly, I resisted her call and turned back to leave, she got up, took some powdery substance from the calabash and throw it on me, it landed on my hand just before I woke up with yet another burn,




I got angry, very vexed in my spirit and started to pray, I prayed from 1am down to 3am and laid back to sleep


I said to my Spirit, take me back to this woman, it must end today, she can’t be troubling me all the time and I let it slide, take me back please!

I projected the last picture of the dream in my mind and slept off, as I slept on, I got back to the same spot, the woman was happy to see me, she laughed stretching forth her hand to receive me, I started to beat her, I don’t know how and where I got the strength from but I beat her so hard and called down fire on her,


Immediately she saw the fire, she vanished.


Suddenly I started to hear a lot of noise, I couldn’t differentiate where it was coming from, was it from the dream?


I knew it was day break  but the noise was unusual, I finally woke to discover it was a noise from my hostel room


I found lady Q screaming in pains and packing up her stuffs,


“Where are you going to now?” A lady asked


“I don’t know, I just cant stay here again before, they kill me” she responded


I sat on my bed, trying to make sense of everything,  I mean who pays 6 months rent and packs up in less than two weeks?


I just looked on.


“Okay so, what are you going to do now?”


“Id go rent a house off the school and live there, id be coming to classes from there” she responded


I checked the time, it was just 5am, still trying to make sense of things cause I didn’t understand what was going on, I mean when did she make the decision of leaving the hostel when her rent isn’t due and going out to pay another which would be much more expensive and of course there’s no refund for the first? We were together through the previous day, why didn’t she feel it necessary to inform me of this decision of hers, I thought we were good friends? I thought to myself,


well…. I jumped down from my bed walking close to her,

I asked “when did u arrive at this decision?”


“Just now” she said , I walked through to help with her luggage and she screamed


“don’t come close to me o stay there! don’t you dare come close to me!”


I stood still, we were known to be friends everyone knew we were and in fact it was one of the hostel girls that asked why I wasn’t helping my friend pack up.


Everyone was surprised I was surprised too.


But she packed up and left.


Everyone turned to me for explanation, I was as surprised as they were, I just stood there looking.


Lady Q started to avoid me, I cared enough to want to know where she was living, but she kept

running away from me, I still didn’t understand what was going on with her, but I noticed I slept better, there was no old woman to drag me to places, no night mare, just pure bliss.


Days later a lady came borrowing my note book, she missed classes and wanted to meet up the notes


After weekend I asked her for my note and she told me it was with lady Q, why?


“I finished using it and lady Q asked me for it, since she’s your friend, I gave it to her”




“Where is lady Q?”


“In her house”


“Where is her house?”


She gave me directions and since it was close to the school I decided to go visit and collect back my book, I thought it was time to settle our issues, and apologize if need be.


I got to the street leading to lady Q’s  house, she was outside, seeing me, she ran in to bring my book

“Please stand there, don’t come in!” She shouted,


“I know its your book you want, please don’t come into my room before your spoil things for me” she said


I stood outside and asked,


“what did I do to you, why are you avoiding me?”


“You don’t know? you that wanted to kill me?” I stood amazed at her accusation while she talked on.


“I am a member of a white garments cult, I loved you and wanted you to join us but you kept refusing, then that day like usual I came to force you to join us but you beat me up and released fire on me, if it wasn’t for the god of tyrdtrftfddg that came himself to save me, you would have killed me that day, I thank the god of tysyfcgjgvddhg”


As she said this, she dropped my book and left, the book was useless to her after all, it was later on I found out that she was asked to bring a personal belonging of mine and since she couldn’t come herself to get it, she sent someone else to get my book for her, in her coven they wanted to understand me and know who I was or what happened that day, they needed something that was mine to do so.


I couldn’t believe my ears, I stood still trying to understand the rubbish she spat out, she rushed back to her room and shut the door.


😂 I’m laughing hard as I remember this


I mean, doesn’t this sounds like in the Yoruba Nollywood movies?🤣


Yet it was my reality at the time, this lady I found a friend in was the witch tormenting me at night to the extent I got scared of the night?

oh?! wow!

At that moment everything came together and made sense, I didn’t know whether to keep standing there or just walk away, I did the latter.


See! What reality are you living in?


are you troubled by nightmares?


Dreams of sexual molestation, lesbianism, occultist realms is an error, its time to turn to the light and let the Holy Spirit of promise help you!


As a Christian, its an error to dream nonsense!


Its an error to be fed with nonsense in dreams! Its an error to even have night mares at all.


The only time you should dream is when you’ve grown old and dream of Zion


Joel 2:28


In 2010, I was still a babe and didn’t know why or how things should happened, I just see them happen but now I’ve come to an understanding of whom I am in Christ and what I should and should not allow in my space


Are you a Christian with this kind of reality? its time to wake up o!


Are u an unbeliever and of this reality,


The Holy Spirit says wake up!





6 thoughts on “ON DREAMS”

  1. I haven’t had a funny dream until recently and I was really bothered as I thought I was growing in Christ and shouldn’t be having such dreams. For two nights now I’ve been having dreams that give me reason to pause. Last night, I was learning to use a gun and killing people 😂.
    But, now I know what to do. Shalom!

  2. Great!

    This is quite enlightening
    I can’t be messed up again.

    Infact the last encounter I had was a man chasing me with knife, at a point I stopped running and faced him, took the knife from him and about stabbing him, I remembered that if I kill him police will come after me as a murderer, I left but when I woke up, I wished I could go back and continue the dream……

    Now I know how to handle it better.

    Thanks for sharing

  3. I woke up this morning with 4 red angry slahes on my hand, they are fresh and deep. But I didn’t have any dream prior to having them because i woke up and thought long and hard … i was really vexed in my spirit and said to myself that I’ve passed this stage nahhh. I prayed about it and made declarations with Hot anger ehhh🤣🤣. And now I’m seeing this your post, I will wait for whatever it is again and rain down fire on them . Thank you for sharing your experience, God bless you. I’m really encouraged

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