I remember the very first time I started to do things with my mind (imagination) I was either 9 or 10years old.


My dad was a math’s teacher in an all boys boarding school and we were living in the staff quarters


Because of this a lot of the boys were my paddy, we climbed trees together, bathed under the rain, caught and made pets of grasshoppers and did a lot of rough plays together.


My dad was a man of the people so parent handed over their wards to him


He became a guardian to many and they in turn became like family, we eat together too,


So it was visiting day and parents brought lots of food and provisions for their children, I wanted to eat with one of the boys as usual but he wouldn’t let me, he wanted to share it with


His school father, i got upset with the way he shushed me off.


He was packing up the food in a flash at the balcony close to the kitchen, i entered the parlor and went to the window to take a peek at him


I kept starring at the flask where the food was, after  a while

I said in my mind “I wish this food will pour out!”



The flask fell over from the stool he kept it on, everything pour out, both his share and that of the school father.


I laughed hard!


He looked at me and said  “you’re a witch!”

He was very angry.


You see, since then I understood that some things could be done through my mind and imagination, I turned over his food, because I could and wanted to, I never meant it like that though, but my laugh showed I was satisfied with what happened and he called me a witch.


Since then I knew imaginations especially mine were powerful no wonder, the bible urges us to think good only


Philippians  4:8 says

“Brethren, whatsoever things are true, things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think of these things.”


Truth is, you have power as a natural human, you have more power as a supernatural human and you have much more power as a Spiritual being.


The ability to see all these powers through the eye of Christ (the word), through the filter of the Holy Spirit and through God’s mind is what makes you a Christian.


The people of the world cheat believers today because we are not making use of our God given authority and powers


We believe God will do everything for us from heaven while he has already given us all things and we still have our authority as humans.


Remember 2peter 1:3?

“According as his divine power has given us all things, that pertains to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him has called us to glory and virtue.”


Truth is I’ve learned a lot about myself, why I do the things I used to do, why it worked for me, how it worked the way it works.


I’ve learned many things about the supernatural, I still walk in it and practice it


I’ve also learned how to walk with the Holy Spirit.


I’ve learned a lot in a year like the Holy Spirit said I would 10years ago


Yet it’s worth it.

If you know you’ve walked in the supernatural before (as humans we can do some supernatural things naturally ) and you were either called a witch or a wizard because of this then its time to come to the fullness of light and walk with the Holy Spirit.


NOTE: Please I was 9/10yrs old when that incident happened and was naïve,  our minds are meant to be used for good and not for mischief, I am a child of God that has come to know this.

PS – Frederick O. Okwori do you even remember this incident? I doubt 😃

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