So this morning when I was praying at mid-night the Holy Spirit brought an encounter I once had to remembrance.

I really don’t know why He does that, but He is like that with me, sometimes, He does this either when I’m about to have a greater encounter, about to continue from where the first encounter stopped or when I’m beginning to take Spiritual stuff too lightly.

Maybe it’s just His way of saying: “Hey! Stay focus, you know this isn’t about what you’ve been told, but what you also have experienced”

I sometimes wonder if He is this way with others?

Oh well?! 🤷🏾

His walk with us are unique to us, so this might either be too far fetched for others or they may have gone over this level of growth.

Anyways, It happened years back, some time between 2010 and 2013.


It was a normal Sunday service like it should be and we were all in church like usual






Then the:

Excess laughing…

Continues crying…

Falling under the anointing…..

the staggering…..

the cold shivers…

the burns…

the lightening of dark places… started to happen

I was in deep worship and prayer when I looked to the Altar and saw Him!

It was Him and I was there at the foot of the great throne, It was so large it covered every space there was, it looked like a golden fire, felt like it was moving yet rooted to the altar, it felt as though the throne itself was alive.


An encounter I can not fully describe, English language cannot do this description, I was there like an ant, crying  as I shivered, I didn’t know what to do


It felt as though I was melting away, my blood was hot!

My body burning!

Yet my heart at peace, that peace that always comes with his presence.

I was sweating as I cried!

Worshipping him in his majestic glory!

No! He didn’t speak and I couldn’t speak too

I just cried away!

I tried to close my eyes, He was there

I opened it, He was still there,

I wanted to run away but I couldn’t move.

Then I raised my head and saw the one who sat on it quietly with eyes blazing with fire

In fact he was fire in human form.

He sat there, seeing all things and delighting in the worship of His people

His robe is not even what I can explain



Flowing like a river and covering the whole temple.

From besides the throne I could see two rivers flowing out into the church where I laid

No! It wasn’t water

It was like a river of milk and the other of honey

It was sweet even though I did not taste it.

It flowed down

And kept flowing

Till it was lifted.

Ha! what a day that was!

Shivers and goose bumps was an understatement to what was happening to me.

All my walls were broken,

I couldn’t scream!

I couldn’t talk!

I couldn’t explain it or tell anyone about it!

The terror that took over me that day,

I’m yet to experience any other like it.

It humbled me.

You see, I was fresh from an orthodox church were falling under anointing and speaking in tongues was strange to us

So, I was one of those who wondered at such and had many questions.

But that day cleared all my doubts.

It was beautiful yet terrifying.

And all these years, I haven’t been able to tell any one up until now.

After praying from 5pm down to 7pm yesterday.

I was woken by the Holy Spirit at mid night and was reminded of this.

He said he was going to fill all those who thirst and hungers,

He said he was going to be available for everyone who wanted an encounter with him today!

Ah! What a mighty God we serve!

I don’t know why he picked today, I didn’t ask

But one thing I know is, if He is set to do His thing, He does it, and does it well!

And all who seeks Him with the whole of their hearts will always find Him.


Indeed he is even more willing to show Himself to you than you desire to see him!

My brothers and sisters in the Personal Fellowship Ministries International can testify of His tangible manifest presence today as we had our 4am – 6am fellowship.


It was a party of:




And drunkenness’ in the Spirit.


I am bringing all these here, to say this:

If you’ve ever craved an encounter with the Holy Spirit,

If you still have that hunger,

If you are thirsty for his drink,

If you still desire to know him.

Today is a good day to see him!

No! He is not invincible, He is even realer than the air you breathe.

It’s time to close your doors and spend time with him!

If you need a prayer partner, an accountability partner or just a group of friends to pray with whenever you are ready to have this experience.

I am here 🙋🏽

I and my friends wake up everyday 4am – 6am to worship with the host of heaven, for it is written:

Hebrews  12:22 But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,
12:23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaks better things than that of Abel.


Why not join us to worship when you can?

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