Grace Vs Law Series (Part Three)

By Sister Shyim

6th December, 2021

Let us pray. Dear Father, we thank you for today, we thank you for this moment.
Precious Holy Spirit, we have gathered to learn at your feet, our hearts are open, there is no resistance in us. Take your place, have your way. In Jesus name, amen.


So, for the past two weeks, we have been learning about Grace Vs Law. Tonight, our focus will be on Grace.

This Grace that we have been hearing and reading about, do we understand what it means? Do we truly grasp what it means to be under Grace, to be under the new covenant?

We focus so much on the law and sin that we are unable to understand and enjoy what it means to be under the new covenant.

Christ sacrificed his life’s blood to set us free, which means our sins are now forgiven. Christ did this because of God’s gift of undeserved grace to us. God has great wisdom and understanding [Ephesians 1:7 – 8 CEV]

We should focus on Grace and its unlimited benefits.

Because of the gift of Grace, we have no business with sin.

Because of the gift of Grace, we can live victoriously.

All the wonderful things, the miracles, signs and wonders experienced under the law are nothing compared to what has been made available to us by Grace.

And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfil. [Exodus 23:25 – 26 KJV]

Under the old covenant, the Israelites thrived in good health, prosperity and divine provision; God parted the sea for them, caused water to spring out from a rock, fed them every day for forty years! The list is endless!

But we have a better arrangement, a better covenant, Grace.

Shouldn’t it then be easy for us to understand that we have a more powerful advantage?
Why then do we romanticize suffering? Why do we struggle with taking delivery of our victory in Christ, practically?
Why do we even have a phrase like ‘church rat’ in the first place?

We don’t want to be delivered from that satanic mindset that says poverty, sickness and every other form of misery is the Christian’s lot.

We even say, ‘it’s our cross’…

Dear family, there is only one cross and Jesus already carried it!

He carried it ALL the way to calvary!!

Why can’t we just relax and let Him take care of us?

And how do we relax? By simply believing!

Believe that you have been bought with a price.

That you have been exalted above principalities and powers.

That you are seated with Christ in heavenly places.

Just believe. Don’t kill any cow. Don’t sacrifice anything. Just believe.

But we struggle with doubt.

And this is the deception that has been holding us back, keeping us stuck in mediocrity.

Jesus said in John 16:9 that the world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in Him.

If you want to talk about sin, this is the sin to talk about; our refusal to believe in Him.

The core of our existence as Christians is hinged on this. Believing in Him.

See, the children of this world are truly wiser than some of us. They have nothing yet they are so bold and audacious.

We have EVERYTHING yet we cower like rabbits. Hiding. Doubting. Basking in mediocrity.

All the arguments and debates on sin and law and what not is totally unnecessary, completely off the point. It is the Great Deception.

The devil is having a field day watching us at each other’s throats on something so inconsequential while that which is most important fades and fades into oblivion.

Focus on what is obtainable for you under the new covenant – victory, dominion, peace that surpasses all understanding, etc.

It is a serious error for a believer to be sick, for example,  and convince themselves that the sickness is God’s way of punishing them for stealing or committing adultery or any other sin. That is sin consciousness. A grave error. The Great Deception.

As a redeemed child of God, your reaction to any illusion of sickness (or any other erroneous situation) should be, ‘I cannot be sick, Jesus did not go through all of that for me to struggle with sickness, body you are not allowed to be sick, sickness I rebuke you!’

Resist. Superimpose. Confidently hold on to the Word. That will be you taking delivery of your victory in Christ.

Last week we learnt about our identity in Christ. Now that we are aware, our actions should match our knowledge.

Know who you are and act like it!

You are a King and a Priest, act like one!

Call out every deception for what it truly is. Identify it and call it out!

Get angry!

Superimpose your authority over any circumstance until the desired outcome is achieved.

Stop stressing your sweet head over the things that don’t matter. Focus on what matters; your glorious heritage, your privilege.

Show that you believe in Jesus by doing all that He has said you can do.

Make Christianity attractive again.


Thank you dearest Teacher for the light and understanding which we have received. Guide us as we walk in this Light. Hold our hands every step of the way. And let all the Glory return to you. Amen.

If you have any questions, please go ahead and ask in the comments.


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