Dwelling in the Presence of God

By Sister Aduratomi

27th December, 2021

Let us pray. I pray that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened and the light of His Word shines into our heart… Amen.

So as always I asked the Holy Spirit what He wants to teach us today and He said, “My presence”

So I asked, “What about your presence sir?”

Then He said to me, “Tell my people to dwell in my presence…”

So tonight we will be discussing How to Dwell/ Abide in His presence

Before we proceed I would like to ask us some questions. The first one is what does the presence of God mean?

Second question is what does it mean to dwell/abide in his presence?

Please answer these questions in your heart before you proceed.


Whenever we talk about the presence of God,  a lot of people associate it with a religious gathering, either a church or a fellowship.


Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

John 15:4 NIV


More than your presence in religious gatherings, your daily communion with the Holy Spirit is key to your growth in the knowledge of the Lord.

Coming to fellowship regularly creates an avenue for you to grow but you need to personally abide in His presence to achieve this and even enjoy the Father.

So many a times a lot of people who claim to abide in the presence of God just go to Him with prayer request in mind and a list of things they want from Him….

That does not mean it’s wrong or bad to you have prayer requests.

But I have learnt that when you abide in His presence your needs become insignificant to you….

And His might and ability and promise become real.


How do you abide in his presence?

First, you set your heart always on the things of God

Every morning we come together to read the Bible and Pray in tongues. The problem is, some people do it as a ritual and so are not getting the maximum benefit from this exercise.

When you study the Word of God you create a favourable atmosphere in your mind/heart for communion.

After studying the Word keep thinking about it, keep ruminating on it…

That verse sister Princess dragged you for during fellowship or mentioned or laid emphasis on, why don’t you engage the Holy Spirit as you go about your daily activity? Ask Him to teach you or just keep rereading it in your mind.

Or a scripture dropped in your spirit. Stay on it until it opens to you.

Let your mind wander to Zion always.

The 24 elders bowing down. The one like the son of man clothed in white…

Use your imagination throughout the day….

Glorify Him in your heart always.

Secondly, you abide in His presence by praying in the Spirit… For communion.

It’s not every time that you pray in the Spirit that you must have a request. Let the Spirit pray through you.

Don’t let your mouth ever be shut!

Pray in tongues consciously until it becomes an unconscious habit!

We are in the month of December, how many days this year did you create a time out just for you and the Holy Spirit personally?

A time out just ruminating on His word and His person…

That is how to dwell/abide in His presence

You don’t just come to fellowship in the morning and then forget about God for the rest of the day… You keep Him in your thoughts

That’s how to be fruitful

That’s how to grow

That’s how to abide in His presence

It’s in abiding that you become.

Be intentional about your walk with the Holy Spirit just like you would be intentional about your love relationship or any relationship you hold in high esteem…

So as I round up, here is a summary of Dwelling in the Presence of God:

  • Commune regularly with him in your heart
  • Let your heart stay on the word of God and on the things of God always
  • Enjoy His presence as you pray in tongues
  • Study the word of God always….


Sweet Holy Spirit I thank you because for everyone who desires a closer walk with you….that as they practice your presence you reveal yourself to them… In Jesus name.  Amen!

Remain blessed!

I love you all!!


See you all next week.


PS: If you have any questions please go ahead  and ask.


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