Princess "O"

I am a Christian, strong willed and passionate about God's kingdom.

My Mom And I

Just talking to my mom now and I went down memory lane, There was a time we had nothing and we managed everything, even feeding properly was an issue, but somehow we always scaled through, my dad made sure of that, He would never let anything bother us as kids not even hunger but then, …

My Mom And I Read More »


Written By: Ebanehita Otoibhi It’s funny, but true, that I have no idea when I devoted my life to Christ. My family hardly prayed the rosary in my house, despite my father’s desire for us to have one. My father, or so it looked to my young mind, was the family’s spiritual leader. He was always …

FREE AT LAST! Read More »


One Sunday I went to church as usual, did I say “as usual”? Oh?! Well it wasn’t as “usual” as a usual w0uld be, the youth pastor was given an opportunity to preach that day, so he started teaching and at the middle of his sermon I was hit by the word! Boom! then the …

THE MESSAGE. Read More »


Its been a while a wrote a story, so I would love  to write on how I met with  Pastor  Timothy Dakut One day after our 4am prayer and bible reading on Personal Fellowship, I needed clarity on something and I had an impression to call brother Samuel, (I wish I knew his surname, but …

PASTOR TIM Read More »


I was the marketing manager for the water company and as such into all the runs and daily running of the company. One of our loyal, honest and best staff was late, again and for the umpteenth time, the management were angry and was thinking of the suitable punishment to serve him, it was supposed …

ARISE! Read More »

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