I have been thinking upon these scripture recently and how accurate it is about the love of the father towards us.


God truly does not wish for any of His own to perish no matter the situation of things, He tries to sort us out and call us home.


Jesus gave a parable saying:


Matthew 18:12-14

[12]“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?


[13]And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep


than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.


[14]In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.


I have a true life experience that explains this perfectly but are humans even ready to come back to the only one who loves and understands them?


Many people (unbelievers and “backsliders”) look at the world and think God is the problem when in deed He is the only solution


How myopic most of them are, they don’t understand.


They are angry with the only one who has come to save them.


I remember how much a length the Holy Spirit went to reconcile this SON who wandered off to Himself, but did the lady come back home?


(A story for another day)


I was in a night vision then I saw her, a very beautiful lady, fair, someone you’d consider full of life, she was obviously in distress, running in zig zag across the road and into her house,


I looked so closely into her face and I could see worry cum tears streaming down her beautiful face.


Why is she crying? I wondered.


Who’s she? I asked.


Why’s she in so much distress?


There was no reply like I get sometimes but I could see the map.


A map leading from my house to hers.


I’ve certainly never met this lady before,


Well! At this time I already understood the supernatural and was learning the ropes of spiritual matters and I knew this was another assignment for me.


I got her full name impressed upon the tables of my heart and the vision lifted.


I woke and checked the time, 6:00am or there about.


Certainly no one would receive a visitor at that time.


I took my bath, did all them house chores and waited until 10am.


Took my bible and left for her house.


When I got there, I knocked and she came to open the door, I smiled as I saw her.


“Who are u looking for?” She asked.


“Joy, so and so” I answered


“OK what do you want” She asked


“Some minutes with you” I said and smiled


She was too surprised to let me in or offer me a seat


We stood there staring at each other.


“The Holy Spirit actually sent me to you, I saw you in lots of distress in my vision, what is the problem?” I asked


She brought a stool for me to sit and I lowered myself in it.


“What’s up?”


We started to talk and she told me of her ill mom, of how her mom was the only thing she has in this world, she told me of how she lost her faith 7years ago after her dad’s death and how she was still angry with God, she told me about the loss of a brother and how that made her leave church and all that concerns God.


She only wants to do her will own now!


How can God not save her father from dying after all her prayers and supplication?


How can God still make her mother sick and about to die?


How can God take away everyone she loves in life and leave her all alone?


I could feel her anger and frustration as she talked.


She was once in the choir and a firebrand too,


As she talked, I wondered how life was for her this past 7years that she left the faith.


“Was it better?” A thought.


She was still talking, when we heard a movements inside the house, it was her mom shouting out of pain, she was brought out and I asked if I could pray with her and if she was willing for me to lay my hands on her,


her mom agreed.


“That’s probably why you are here at this time” Joy replied.


I looked at her, she was right


I prayed with her mom, as she repeated after me, she became calm and I realized immediately why I was there.


I must confess it wasn’t clear at first and I was just following a path which was given but now I know.


Mother went in to rest and daughter thanked me.


“The Holy Spirit is interested in you sister Joy and He wants you to turn back to Him” I said.


She refused.


“Please? the Holy Spirit cared so much about you that is why He has sent me, a total stranger, just so you know He still cares about you”


In my heart I wondered, can you imagine the length at which the Shepard has come for His missing sheep?” 🤔



But she refused.


She refused to give her life to Christ or accept the Holy Spirit.


She was still angry even after healing her mom instantly, She was more concerned about the death of her father which happened 7years ago and why God did not save him from dying.


Well…?! I left the house and she somehow became a burden in my heart.


Days past (maybe a week or so) and I went to visit, the mother was in good health and was grateful, I was told that she was indeed healed instantly and there was never a re-occurrence since that day.


Daughter was happy, everyone was happy,


They prayed for me and ushered me in to eat,




I was hungry,


But the meal I wanted wasn’t the physical food they were offering,


The meal I wanted was their daughter, I just wanted her reconciled with the father


And full of the Holy Ghost again for the good of the kingdom.


There, I understood what Jesus meant when he said:


“My food, is to do the Will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.” John 4:34.


Someone called me today and was talking about how she was once fervent with the


Things of the Spirit and somehow lost it because she became angry with God and this story came to mind.


This caller has now reconciled with the father and is about to go fully into that which God has called her to be.


How about Joy?


Did she later reconcile with the father after all said and done?




She did, the salvation of her soul was very important and she finally did, but that’s the story I wrote titled BREAKFAST SERVED (you should search and read it)


God is calling you home today, why are you angry at Him?


Why are u angry at the only one who can help you in this world?


Jesus is calling many to Himself, the Holy Spirit is going lengths and breaths just to keep us from falling.


Every believer should not forget that there is much rejoicing in heaven and even upon the earth for every Soul who repents and is reconciled back to the father.


So as a believer we need to go out there and draw as many as we can into this kingdom of ours before it’s too late.


It’s time to get off our comfort zone and do that which we were given at the beginning.


Many are lost, Many wants back in but do not know how,


Many wants this light which we are and which we carry.


What part are you doing for the body?


Imagine you go to heaven as a SON and you don’t have any soul going into that place with you, what then is your purpose on earth since you were born?


What did u then achieve? Vanity?


As the Holy Spirit goes these length to reconcile His own to Himself, He needs people to achieve this for Him.


He needs you and I cause He lives in us.


He needs those with fleshy hands and feet who can speak forth His words without fear


He needs those in close proximity to these souls.


If you do not offer yourself, How do they get saved?


In deed the harvest is ripe and plenteous and you and I are the laborer.


Let’s do the will of our father and get satisfied with this food!


I hope this encourages u to do more❤

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