I was the marketing manager for the water company and as such into all the runs and daily running of the company.

One of our loyal, honest and best staff was late, again and for the umpteenth time, the management were angry and was thinking of the suitable punishment to serve him, it was supposed to be an offense that would relive him of his job, but which company would want to lose their most loyal?

He was called in for questioning “My mum is very sick, they said it’s ulcer and would need sixty thousand naira for her operation, I don’t have the money, my dad died two years ago from same sickness, my brother died last year and I’m only left with my mum, now she’s ………….”

He kept talking and talking as I begin to wonder why anyone should get operated on for ulcer, I mean I thought it’s something drugs can take care of gradually? Why will anyone get operated for such? Is he lying? Ulcer isn’t even contagious or hereditary, why will his brother die of it? Then his father? Aren’t they eating enough food?

While I was lost in thought and he kept talking as the other managers decided his fate,

“I will like you to pray for her” I heard the Holy Spirit say, again, I listened to be sure it wasn’t my imagination speaking, then He spoke the second time “She needs the laying on of hands, I will like you to pray for her.”

Then I became certain it was the Holy Spirit, Some how I got it! And was certain the case was already settled.

And again it was a confirmation from the Holy Spirit that the boy’s story weren’t lies

After he left we decided to let the matter slip. He was just.


When will Princess visit? She didn’t know because she didn’t go, not even the next day did I go, I felt lazy,

did I go on the third day? No! I didn’t.


The Holy Spirit asked me at some point “When are you going to lay hands on her?”

“Tomorrow” I replied,  He went silent


tomorrow came and I still didn’t go, not like I couldn’t, I was thinking many things like


“What if she doesn’t believe in laying on of hands?”

“What if they ask me what church I attended?”

‘ What if I prayed and it did not work?”

“What if they judged me by my dressing and how I looked”

I know I didn’t look like the Holy Ghost filled sisters with the long skirt and turban scarf,

“what if they embarrassed me?” too many thoughts were running through my head and time was going.

All that came to my head was SELF ‘me, me, me.’ and the what ifs, ‘What if this, what if that’


Then this same man was missing from work again and on the sixth day he made a call to me, “my mother is dead, I’m calling to take permission, I wont be able to come to work today”


“Ha!!!! What?!” Shock and fear paralyzed me

“Wait! what?!”

I couldn’t believe my hears, I felt guilt and fearful all at once, this is the woman that just needed a laying on of hands, how could I have allowed this happened?


I cried my eyes sore while the Holy Spirit looked on, something I could have prevented.


Princess said “this dead must be raised back to life o”


she set out to work.

Ha! Just maybe it was guilt speaking, or it was my faith at work, or was it the fear in my heart? Somehow I wasn’t thinking straight, this dead must be raised back to like. I promised

Even though I knew deep down within me that she was gone, gone! and the Holy Spirit is of light and does not walk with fear or negativity

Still, I set out to try, I called my teacher, we spoke

I was taken to the room where her corpse laid, I prayed and prayed, I layed hands, I talked to her, I tapped her, I read the scriptures aloud to her, I almost beat her corpse for not responding, I tried but she was gone! dead and totally gone! “why wont God just do this for me”, I thought to myself

Her people, relatives, friends, Neighbors, well wishers and everyone who heard the news gathered outside waiting on the miracle working Princess to bring out their sister alive, at that time it didn’t matter what I wore or how I looked or what church I worshipped in, they just wanted results so they waited on me, and believed I could raise her back to life, I wish I did. I asked the Holy Spirit what went wrong and


the Holy Spirit said to me ” I asked you to heal the sick not raise the dead!”


I wept and blamed myself sore, who would console me? Who could have consoled me? I wanted them to see that all hopes were not lost and God was good, I wanted to absorb myself of the guilt lurking around in my heart, I learnt a great lesson that in this Christendom, you do not ever neglect the instructions of the Holy Spirit especially when you’re sure He is the one speaking, it’ll definitely end you in premium tears and profit you nothing if you disobey Him,


Are you a believer that the Holy Spirit is asking you to do something and you feel you’re too small or unqualified for?

Please walk in obedience and wait for the outcome? Trust and Obey Him!


My brother @earthworkrr ‘s tweet some weeks back reminded me of this incident, you could learn from both our experiences, we’ve made the mistakes, you shouldn’t one’s life and soul is much more important than our emotions and fears.

All it could have taken from me was just my obedience.

All it takes is just your obedience





those that I thought would ask me lots of questions and not allow me lay hands on their sick, gave me access to lay hands on their dead and even obeyed me when I asked them to leave the room, Not like they all knew me, They just believed I could bring her back to life like I said I would.

That goes to say they had enough faith.

With that faith, She could have lived, she could.

Yet I did not come through, she was buried the next day and I couldn’t bring myself to attend the burial, I tried!


Please obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, it is the difference between life and death for someone.

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