COME HOME: The Prodigal Son!

  Story By: Paul Emmanuel

I do have a story to tell, would you want to hear it?

I will share it anyways, because it may just encourage someone you know if not you, this is a story of a prodigal son, no! not of the bible character but of my life.

About a year ago, I left home on a quest to ‘hustle’ my way out of poverty without telling anyone where I was going to or where I would be, I was a young boy of nineteen years and was still very much needed at home, In fact the day I left, my Mum had just returned from a meeting that evening and every one was at home, I welcomed her as usual and while she was trying to get settled, I silently took my bag and left home.

I switched off my phone so no one could reach me, and though I was fully aware that my family would be worried about my sudden disappearance without a cause, I had made up my mind that I wasn’t going home, not until I had achieved what was on my mind, money! I wanted to be rich, very rich and I needed to figure it out myself.

After leaving home, I went back to cultism and different addictions even though I had once been SAVED and baptized in the Holy Spirit. I was stubborn and had told the Holy Spirit that this time, things had to happen my way, and so I disobeyed every of His instructions.

Soon, my conscience got tired of pricking me and my old ways became a comfortable routine once more, I even did stuff I had not done before my salvation, in this cult I belonged to, we were asked to provide stuffs we didn’t have and it resulted to stealing and taking things forcefully from people, stuffs that wasn’t ours.

yes! we hustled but not in a legit way, we had to pay dues and even dabbled into many spiritual jargons, making incisions on our bodies, incantations to call forth bad spirits to protect us in case we were to be caught while committing these crimes or carrying out any operations.

So after trying several ‘hustles’ that did not pay me the way I projected it would, I got this offer to join a marketing company and I loved the idea because it sounded both ambitious and adventurous, I love adventure.

I was interviewed, employed and got trained and with all my prowess, I was already picturing the success in it all.

When I started working, things were working out just fine for me but later on, I started facing many challenges as time went on, challenges I knew were not man made and no human could help me, in fact no one knew were I went to for many months, how would they have helped or come to my rescue? I knew I needed help, yes I did and I was fully aware that my family and loved ones were searching and also praying for me as they wanted me to return home but I was just too stubborn to yield and I still refused to call home or anyone.

The difficulties and challenges grew worse and I was beginning to feel frustrated, in fact I was frustrated.

One faithful Friday, I felt a strong conviction to go for a certain church meeting holding closed to where I stayed as the Holy Spirit would not let me be,

While I was in this program, I couldn’t explain what I began to feel, this is me in the presence of God, face to face with my father after running from Him and everyone I knew for months, I was broken and immediately made up my mind to return home, I suddenly missed home and even though I had no idea how to go about it, even though I was in a far away land, as far as the North is from the South, that was how far away I went from home.

who would help me?

I didn’t have money but I wanted to return to my family,

As soon as I made that decision to return, things started to happen in my favor again and I became more convinced that it was the right thing for me to do.

I finally dialed one of my sisters number the following morning and when I told her I wanted to return home, it sounded ridiculous to me but she was excited about it. She sent me some money and I left everything I had and left for home that same day,

You would think something was chasing me in a hot pursuit!

It was something I couldn’t explain or understand.

After a month or two following my return, I got to know that I was a prayer point on Personal Fellowship and that very Saturday I called my sister about coming home, it had been prophesied earlier, through the interpretation of a dear sister’s tongues during the 4:00 am fellowship, that I was going to return home the same day I did.

Her tongues was interpreted to mean “come home! I know you want to hustle but come home!”

That was when it all made sense to me, because personally, I had no plans of coming back home at the time and it had to be something extraordinary that compelled me to do so.

The Holy Spirit brought me back home because they said so.

After such an intriguing experience, I couldn’t resist the desire to be part of such a fellowship where supernatural things were happening by the power of the Holy Spirit through the prayers, desires and the coming together of believers.

indeed wonders happen when believers come together to pray in one accord.

Ever since I became part of this PFMI family, it has just been one level of growth to another, and all with speed! truly, I’ve seen great things happen on a daily basis on Personal Fellowship as a result of the promises that came from the Holy Spirit.


But the path of the just is as the shining light, That shines more and more unto the perfect day.

Proverbs 4:18 KJV.

That is my testimony!

Glory Hallelujah!!!


PRINCESS’ NOTE: The Holy Spirit has promised us on Personal Fellowship that He will multiply us and that any prayer request brought on this ground, He would answer, He has kept his promise and He is still keeping it till date, why not join us? the Holy Spirit has been good to us and has kept all from falling! Hallelujah!

1 thought on “COME HOME: The Prodigal Son!”

  1. This is really encouraging ,thank you Jesus do same for my brother Lord bring him home in peace and turn him to a man of God .

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