The Holy Spirit went further to say, “it is okay if you worship me while at it but the aim of creating man is for him to be a god on the earth” no wonder Jesus in His teaching on prayer while on the earth said “Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”

Who would do Gods will here on earth if not humans? That’s how we pray that our will aligns with that of our Father.

I will tell you a story, during my Youth service days, I had a room mate named Ella, Ella was to be a marketing Manager after me and so she would follow me around to get duties done, at that time it was the rainy seasons where it rains for days un-end,

It was already raining for three days at the time and we had a deal to close for the company we were working for, there was a university and we were supposed to there in persons to close it, we were not given official car and this rain was heavy, we waited patiently for the rain to stop from morning till about 3pm, if the rain did not stop, the only option we had was to go in the rain, Ella suggested so,

Now imagine two beautifully dressed ladies on a bike under a heavy rain that has been falling for three days, what an awesome sight that would be and I turned to her and said “do you know I can actually stop this rain from falling now?”

Ella laughed and responded “Nobody can stop this rain except God himself because He owns it”

I responded “But God is my father and if my father owns the heavens and earth, it will automatically respond to me when I speak”

Ella failed to realize that gods gives birth to gods, God is my father and so I am a God!

I stepped into the rain right there, I looked up to the clouds pouring out its rains mightily and I spoke to it “Dear clouds, I command you to cease your rains until I release you, I and my friend is going to close a deal”

Not more than two minutes after I spoke, the down pour reduced into a drizzle, I turned to Ella “Lets go!”

She couldn’t believe it. When we got on the motorcycle the rains had completely stopped and the sun started to shine on us, all this in less than ten munities, Ella was loss for words and in silence till we arrived our destination


The next words she spoke was “How did you do this? I want it too”


I told her about the Holy Spirit, taught her about spoken words, told her about salvation and there and then, Ella’s life as a believer started, she was baptized in the Holy Spirit the next day and life has been beautiful.


It actually was not my first day to have stopped the sky from pouring out and no! it isn’t my last and I am not about to stop now, if I hear of traditional rain makers, why cant there be a Christian rain stopper? I am both the maker and stopper, I make all things happen by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in me because I am a God.


To prove that it wasn’t my shire luck or coincident the rain stopped, I made sure to release it when we got home, I didn’t want anyone misunderstanding what was the power of God at work in me and what was a coincident.


Just like Elijah of old did and many other children of God we have heard of has done, I have also done it and would do it again when needed, You can do it too in the name of Jesus!


Everything responds to that name.


And Yes! We are created and called to be Gods upon the earth!

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