Jesus Christ is said to be the express image of the God head and to experience God you will need to come through His son Jesus Christ and know Him for yourself.  Hebrew 1: 3.
Who is Jesus Christ?
He used to be the only begotten son of God,  who was born to the world but then He died and resurrected and He’s resurrection made all who come to Him and accepted Him as Lord and master sons and daughters of God, John3:16.
Therefore all who came to Him has become joint heir with Him. Romans 8:17.
That is to say Jesus Christ who was the only begotten son of the father has become the first born son (of God)  amongst many other sons including me and you (that is if you believe)
How do you experience God for yourself?
1. Believe in Jesus Christ John 3:16
2. Confess Him as Lord and saviour Romans  10:9 -10
3. Read the bible to understand your new life Joshua 1:8
4. Be baptized in the Holy Spirit Luke 3:16
5. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit always.
Romans 8:14
Are you ready to experience God for yourself?
Then say these words of confession after me:
Dear Christ Jesus,
         I have heard of you and I wish to know you more,  I believe in your birth,  your death and also in your resurrection, I also believe that you came to the earth to set me free from my sins and reconcile me to God,  forgive me all my sins as I repent of them, let me be translated from this death unto life,  I believe you are the son of God, may the Holy Spirit come alive inside of me and help me always, I am born again!
If you have said this prayer,  kindly send us a message or call any of the numbers on the page,  we will direct you on what to do next and how to experience God for yourself.
Click this link: https://t.me/joinchat/Qmp065g6OERjNTBk or click the telegram icon below the page.
You’re welcome into this kingdom brothers and sisters.
I rejoice with you in this day!


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