
She is the newly employed psychologist in this organization , she left her previous job to start working here, everyone brings their mental issues to her, she is more of a consultant for this organization and one of the senior management staff also, no decision is made without her, therefore no staff is sacked or let go without her approval. The first day she stepped into this organization she greeted everyone cheerfully but I did not respond, why would I? I was always secluded from everyone in my office, not even my bosses do I relate with because they all treated me badly, it was rumored amongst them that I behaved strangely and because of this, I stayed alone, of course there were some guys amongst us that have coconut head [it means they were stubborn] who did not care what was rumored or how I behaved , they found me attractive and try to relate with me by all means so I give them a little attention, but that’s it. This new psychologist named  Imelda took a liking to me and started giving me special attention, I liked her so much too because there is this light I saw in her, its something I can not explain, she’s so warm and easily loved by all and she became my friend, for 6 months she was the only one I could talk to concerning anything.



I was lead by the Holy Spirit to apply into this organization after my previous job started giving me issues, Of cause I was offered the job easily so I came in, made a friend and for six months she’s been the most amazing friend I had until she stopped talking to me one day and for no reason or fault of mine,  she leaves the room anytime I come in and she wouldn’t respond to my greetings any more, she started to behave strangely and I knew what it was, you see, as a Christian its only normal that demons flee at your presence and sickness leaves at your touch, our light shines in darkness and even as darkness do not comprehend it , the possessed are drawn to it, why is that? you may ask, that is because when a person is possessed, it is his mind or soul that the demon possesses not his entire being or spirit, therefore there’s still chances of the possessed acting sane sometimes, can love and be loved, this is same reason why a “Christian” can be possessed by a demon.

Veronica couldn’t stand me anymore nor could she stand anyone at this time, she talks to invisible people, walk as though she was scared of everyone, always secluded and unhappy, she hallucinate a lot to the extent the management made plans to relieve her off her duty as her strange behavior was not conducive for our work space neither was she effective at her job but I would not allow that happen because I am the solution that is needed, my steps has always been ordered by the Holy Spirit and it is no coincident that I am here at such a time as this, so I made plans to set her free by the power of the Holy Spirit, but a lot was also happening to me and that made me feel reluctant to minister to her or anyone around me, I was grieving, so it took me another six months to take actions but one day sister Princess called………..


Princess :

“Babes how far nau? How far with  that lady you told me about? Have you ministered to her yet?” I asked expecting a positive feedback, the Holy Spirit had already told me how very reluctant Imelda had become in spreading the gospel and also setting people free from the shackles of death, sin and the devil, it is understandable why she took a break,  She lost a brother we all loved so much, not like his passing did not hurt us but there is work to be done and we must do it while its day, Her brother was supposed to go on this journey with her which makes it more difficult for her as she is doing it all by herself now. I urged her to go ahead and visit this lady’s home if she had to and get it done as soon as possible because it had been a year since she told me about Veronica, why was she even taking this long? I sometimes wonder, It takes a believer  five munities or less to cast out demons in the name of Jesus, all that was needed is her obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit and her presence in her house, Imelda promised she would handle it that evening and she did.



I went home and could not figure out why my bible was sitting open on my table, this book belongs to the fridge I imagined, so I took it there, the darkness came again, that deep darkness that swallows me up, its shadow is like a horse and it forces itself on me, I only do what he pleases cause I can not help myself, it was the reason I stopped talking to Imelda, its heavy on me, its dark, its depressing and very desperate to posses, it talks to me and I talk back, many times it has made me stay away from people, it just wants me for itself, alone and out of reach, that is why my room is dark, very untidy, full of foul smell with my best clothes stuffed through the leaking roof and the best of my pants hanging through the  broken widows, as it rains, water leaks into my room soaking all the stuffed clothes as I find comfort sitting on the  floor of my room just looking into space and waiting on my dark master to speak, this fridge where my bible belongs is full of trash and all the nonsense my master has asked me to stuff it with, my bed which I removed from the bedroom into the sitting room at his command carried all the clothes and shoes that is meant to be in my closet, all I do is receive instruction from this being that moves inside of me, as I sat on the floor staring into space, all of a sudden I saw someone come through my open door, who could this be? I thought, because no one visits me, I do not like anyone paying me visits neither does anyone knows where I live, I looked closely again ………. How did Imelda find me?




After talking to Princess, I knew the time is now! Its been a year I came to this place and the more I waste time, the worst Veronica becomes, so I set out to go to her house that evening, I did not know where she lived so I asked the Holy Spirit for directions and he showed me her location, he also told me the better road to pass through since it had rained and the main entrance to her street was bad and flooded, Immediately I entered her room I could see how wicked the devil is, wow! How he has reduced his victim to filth and nothingness, not even in her house did she have peace or some comfort, The devil is a bastard!, the sight of her sitting on the floor and staring into space annoyed me instantly, the foul smell, the mess of a house, the darkness that crawls all around her,

“what are you doing here? How did you find me?” she asked as she looked closely to find me by her doorway, I smiled and acted friendly

“ I came to buy pepper soup and decided to pay you a visit since I was told you lived here, can we go get some pepper soup?” I asked and she got up immediately to join me, I could sense the relieve in her smile, on our way she said

“Imelda, something moves inside of my body, I do not know what it is but I know there is something inside me that is not me, he makes me do things and I can not help but do them”. I smiled as she talked.

After we had eaten to our fill, I started to talk to her about Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and asked her if she would like to accept him as Lord over her life because if she does, the dark master will leave, the saying that two captains can not rule a ship is true, one will have to give way to the other and as for Jesus, his burden is light and his yoke is easy,  she told me she was a believer of Jesus actually and she sings in her church choir and also speaks in tongues.

This may be laughable because her reality does not show her identity in Christ but some people’s reality are like this, these are people who do not understand the position they occupy in Christ, neither do they have knowledge of the word of God nor have the manifestation of his Spirit that’s how they allow wrong things into their lives and space, as a believer, You do not give devil a chance.

“ok! Let’s pray together in the spirit then?” I asked and she agreed,

I held her hands and led her to confess Jesus as her Lord and savior again, I layed my hand on her as I commanded the demon to leave in the name of Jesus! I saw her manifest in many forms but the demon finally left her, she broke out in tongues, new tongues, the deep kind of tongues, the type that she might never have heard before then we began to pray together, I made sure I held her hands while praying in the Spirit until she was totally fine. It is done now! I was totally happy! It was long over due! I saw Satan defeated, I saw him leave in shame and disgrace, I was happy I did this and did not waste more time! The next thing that was needed was knowledge, she needed to be taught on her reality in Christ and how to operate or walk in it, for it is written in Matthew 12:43-45

43 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.

At this point, she needed to occupy her mind [Spirit, House] with the word and knowledge of God.



After I prayed with Imelda, the darkness left me, I could feel its weight off me, I felt very new, very light and full of joy, all I wanted now was to go home with her, she can not leave me here in this filth of a house, what if the darkness comes back? I thought to myself, I wanted to run far away from this place I used to call home as far as my legs could carry me, then she asked suddenly 

“ would you like to follow me home?” I nearly jumped out of my skin in excitement! Yes Please? I begged so we left for her house.

For the first time in a long time, I slept peacefully, with nothing talking to me or trying to strangle me, with no one giving me orders or telling me who to talk to, I was happy, very peaceful and happy in her place then she came into the room which I was in by morning and asked us to read the book of John together, after the bible reading, she taught me to understand my position in Christ, to read the scriptures and also pray in the spirit, I knew I was totally fine so I thanked Imelda and left for my home the next day, For The first time in many years I called my sister not just to visit but to come stay with me and for the first time as a believer I understood this scripture “for who the son sets free, he is free indeed” John 8:36. its been months now since Imelda came walking through my opened door, the change is visible for everyone to see, I have made new friends since then and have been out on the field working, something I could rarely do before, I am totally fine with no weight on my neck nor any dark master to respond to. I am free indeed!


Jesus is coming soon, we must do the work which we are sent while it is still day, Dear believers it is time to manifest Christ upon the earth, the time is short and we must work now!!!




2 thoughts on “HE WHOM THE SON SETS FREE….”

  1. Wow, this is amazing. I have never heard the point of view of someone being manipulated before. We always treat them with disdain forgetting they need help to truly manifest their true self. Thank You Jesus for always loving us unconditionally and never leaving us to ourselves. I love You Lord

  2. Deep!!! Oh the darkness cannot comprehend indeed!!! He whom the son has set free, is free Indeed!!!. Further delay might have led to the death of yet another soul.Thank God ,for imelda yielding to that prompting, irrespective of her own pain . The evangelism must continue, the work must be done!. Glory to God Hallelujah.

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