In all of the times that I started to do the will of my father as I carry the gospel of Christ, I had desired to have encounters which I have had many with the Holy Spirit, first, then so many angelic encounters, then I had once with God the Father but there was this longing I had, I wanted to experience God the son for myself, I had so many questions about his ministry here on earth, I wanted to know what his hands looked like, what his feet looked like and why this or why that happened to him as a son of God,

So Yes! I’ve had encounters with the Brethren, some of the Host Of Heaven, The Holy Spirit , with God The Father and my next desire was to see God The Son who is in the person of Jesus who is the Christ.


There were times I prayed or even fasted just to see him like others have yet nothing happened, I have heard of preachers who talked about having Jesus in their rooms, bed rooms, teaching them the scriptures or something close to that, but here I am having same longing yet this desire of mine was not satisfied or so I thought,

Time went by and there is this man of God I love to listen to, my spirit accepts him for whom he is and from time to time, I go to the internet to download his teachings, I downloaded one of his messages from Koinonia titled “Teach Us To Pray”, this messages had three parts and each of them were two hours long,

this day in  2nd Of February, 2021, I had my house chores to carry on that day so, I played the messages while I cleaned up, went to the market to get stuff to cook, I was distracted with all of these chores, cooking, cleaning, sweeping, washing etc. while the messages played, when I got home from the market, I went straight to the kitchen to prepare the rice and stew,


As the stew fried and I made to seat on the kitchen stool suddenly the atmosphere changed completely, it was like everything began to float, I was floating, chilled shivers run through my system and I started to shake violently, I felt all the emotions all at once and I began to cry, what was happening to me? I couldn’t understand it so I turned and I saw him, IT WAS JESUS CHRIST! right in the kitchen with me, covered in light, I cried , I was shaking, my knees were weak they couldn’t carry me again, I saw his beautiful legs and what looked like the garment of light which he wore but I couldn’t see his face or anything beyond that.

I cried!

Every questions I had prepared to ask him dried up in my mouth, my teeth trembled and he said “Be Still!” and the violent shaking ceased, I felt peace wash over me and I was calm then He said “I am here, with you always”

And He vanished!

Everywhere became normal again, the message continued playing, Stew continued frying while I was left amazed in the silence of my environment.

what just happened?

its been more than a year now and I am writing this so you know that these things are true, encounters are real and you too can have or desire to have an experience but know this that you can not invoke God, He decides to show up whenever he wants to but it is not a bad thing to desire an encounter with Him, for any one who searches for him with the whole of his heart will find him.


This is my first and for now, the only encounter with the first born, Jesus Christ who is himself God!






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