It is true that bible characters can be met, seen and talked to, the scriptures are more spiritual than we know and if you are given to reading them daily and at all times, every written thing comes alive and becomes flesh to you, I talk to believers who understand my language and my stories are to inspire those who believe that they may know such things exist and can be encountered, For me this started to happen sometime back in the year 2020 and it opened the door to many more encounters with the lives of just men on earth who were made perfect,


In this year, I came back to Jos after many years of living in Port Harcourt and One morning when I was done with my personal fellowship time which I usually held in my bedroom, I took the bible and read Genesis 5, I came across the scripture that said;

“And Enoch walked with God and was not!”

that was the only part I saw that struck me, I couldn’t read beyond that, it held me so strong and I kept muttering it that early hours of the morning,

“Enoch walked with God and was not!”


I thought about it again and I wanted more clarity on how Enoch was NOT, I did not know what being NOT was, at that point of my thoughts, my mom screamed my name from the living room, telling me she was going to the market and about to leave the house, trust Nigerian moms, it was around 7am in the morning and she screams my name from the living room everyday since I came back and was usually in my bedroom, she’d prefer to scream my name and give me any instruction than walked down to my room or call me to come over to her, today’s instructions were not any different, She instructed me on what to cook for dinner, where my breakfast and lunch was kept, how to lock the door when she goes out and many other things she was saying…., as she spoke, I strolled into her bedroom and took her catholic bible, Remember it was still 7am, she was still speaking when I opened same passage and it read:

“Enoch walked with God and disappeared”

As soon as I muttered those words, I was caught up in the wind and taken across a place that looked like a desert filled with many reddish looking stones, I could see the heap of rocks and bam! I saw myself with Enoch, it was the time of his life here on earth, I was taken into time and across many generations, I could see him in the home that looked like a cave, He was alone writing,  there were many angels and angelic activities upon the earth at the time and I could see Enoch, using a very faint (torch) light for illumination while he wrote,


Enoch could be described as a very weird man who was YHWH’s friend, He cared less about the world, He wrote many ‘books’ that I do not know where they are kept today, I wonder why they were never found or published like the the bible or were they? I could read many things that he wrote about, and this ability was given to him by the supernatural, he wrote about the heavens, about its layers and levels, he wrote about angels, about God, He was often in the spirit as he walked and was always muttering stuff and nodding his head, He always had a presence about him that was no doubt of the Lord, it was an amazing sight, and I was beginning to get comfortable when I heard my name called in my dialect.


“Ojo I am back, have you eaten?” I heard my mom say this out loud while walking into her bedroom to meet me there.


At that moment I tapped out of  the mar’eh to realize it was evening, everywhere was dark….. the time was around past 5pm wow! This encounter happened like it was in a split second but in reality, I was 10 hours gone.

My mom had gone to the market, was done with her daily runs and back to the house to meet everything as it were, no house chores done…..


“huh?, you are back?” I asked my mom again looking for how to explain what just happened.


She went into the kitchen and shouted from there “You did not eat breakfast, You did not eat lunch, neither have you cooked dinner, or did you do any house chores, in fact the door was not locked, I met it just the way I left it and you are still in same position I left you in the morning, are you ok? What happened to you?” She asked.

Sincerely I cannot remember what I told her but I was too stifled to leave my position, she ended up cooking dinner that evening


That would be my first authentic experience with a bible character, I say authentic because before then, all I had were my imaginations of what it would have been like and most times my imaginations came with our current reality forgetting what it was back then, I have had many more after that day, it is beautiful to see how scriptures come alive by the power of the Holy Spirit and with the help of angelic activities.


You too can experience this, know the father today, read the scriptures to find enlightenment by the Spirit and travel across generations to meet people you read about and love so can gain clarity on whom they were or what they were on about, Do not forget to share the gospel to as many people as you can, God is good to us.




5 thoughts on “INTO THE MAR’EH”

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