There was this of point of my life a time I had a lot to achieve and felt underachieved, that time I gave up and just wanted to do me, not caring what the Holy Spirit wanted me to do or not do.


It was a trying time for me and all I wanted to do was just be a “baby girl” club, drink, bed the boys, seduce the money bags and make something I thought was worth making for myself.


I stopped going to church, I mean I thought since I had backslided there was no need going to church, no! I can’t go and hear all the works and laws expected of me to keep yet come back unchanged, I’d rather not be a hypocrite.


This went on for many days, weeks and was running into months, then one Saturday the Holy Ghost said to me


“You’ll dress up and go to my people tomorrow, I have a message for them.” I knew He wanted me to go to a church,

He’ll show me, It wasn’t the first time He was doing that, I didn’t have any church I attended at the time, (I packed in newly into that area) many believers from different churches had come to invite me to one, two and many more programs and church activities that I didn’t honor, I just wanted a big break.


Sunday came and the Holy Ghost reminded me, He woke me up by 7am and asked me to dress up, I didn’t , I didn’t want to, I was  just tired, I was depressed, I just wanted to pause Christianity (which seemed impossible, He lived in me, we are bound, no leave, no transfer) and you know how gentle He is, He doesn’t argue

So I slept at home through out that day, I didn’t go.


The next Saturday, I went clubbing again, I danced, drank, inhale lots of smoke, watched how many danced, smooched, kissed and doing all there is to do in the dark ,


At about 2am, I made to live but wouldn’t get a taxi so walked back home exhausted and very drunk, I laid in my bed and slept off, when it was 7:45am there about, His voice came calling again “wake up! I have a message for my children” upon hearing His voice, I adjusted my cover cloth and made to sleep deeper but like in a twinkle of an eye, the deep sleep was snatched off my off me, it was completely lifted, I couldn’t find sleep, I tried but the giver of the sleep had taken that which belonged to Him, I sat awake

“Dress up now!” He said

I staggered with hang over and got something to wear,

He said “Not that!”

He showed me a red gown and blue blazer suite and a rubber covered shoe to wear instead of the white wedge sandal I loved to wear

I wore it.

“Now start moving”


People of God! I no even bath, wash my mouth, spray perfumes or anything like that, na so I wear my shoe start to waka. I reached an RCCG church and wanted to go in, since I didn’t  want to go far from home.

But no!

He had a different plan.

“Not here” he said, so I kept moving and moving and moving, turning to the directions he asked me to and I later found myself in front of the church “Faith Alive Today Ministries” it read


Now, one will think that after “defiling” myself with all these stuff last night and probably disobeying the Holy Spirit the first time, the Holy Spirit would have “left” me and not speak to me again, after all it is said that God could not (does not) behold iniquity and the prayer of a sinner like me was an abomination to Him, I felt so too, so why then was it important to Him that I should be the carrier of this message He so wanted me to deliver to His people?

Seeing that I did loved the dark places at the time, my mind was quick to do the not-so-good things, I didn’t bother with fellowships etc. I thought God was angry with me and would not speak to me anymore and probably condemn me to hell.

but no! He didn’t

He loved me still

or how else will I be here following the lead of the Holy Spirit after all that went on last night?

I mean, I looked at myself how can one still rick of alcohol, smoke and the night life yet comes to church with a message from the Lord, who would believe my type?


He could have sent an holier than thou, or just reveal to the Pastor of the church the message He had, but I guess our human minds can never fathom His ways, so I went in and worshiped with them,


The atmosphere was so heavy with His presence and people started to speak in tongues, I opened up and the prophecies for the church started to flow in all its beauty, it was like a gushing of many waters out of my belly, oh! how relieved I felt, the joy and peace that followed have no description.

After all said and done, When it was almost closing hour, before the grace would to be shared, I took my bag and started to sneak out the church (I didn’t want to answer so many questions)


One of the usher that mounted the entrance blocked my way

“Pastor said you shouldn’t leave, he wants to speak with you” He said, I laughed at myself

How timely, nothing I said made him let me go.

After the service the pastor said to me.


“I’m happy to see you, We’ve been waiting and also praying  for you  to come to church since last week Sunday, the Holy Spirit told me he was sending  someone who would come and prophesy His messages” he said this smiling,

“We have been expecting you since last week and since you did not show up we started to meet in church and pray for you” He added,


I noticed he had a gap tooth and his smiles were the brightest I’ve seen in a very long while, he is very handsome too and I remember wondering to myself when God started using single, tall, dark and very handsome men to preach his word, I mean a lot of single women who are praying to be married will find God in such a church most certainly, I mean why wont they? lol!.


I introduced myself and coincidentally he bared the male version of my name, I found that interesting,  we talked for a long while, and I left.

Somehow something in me changed, I felt different, very different, I was lifted, relieved, Happy, fulfilled, I felt on course again.

And that was it!

That was the last time I went into a club or had that kind of night life.

You see this part of the scripture that says

“Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy,” Jude 1:24

that scripture came alive in me that day.


The Holy Spirit really cares about us, our daily lives and all there is to us, He loves us genuinely and wants a continues fellowship with us, we are important to Him and He is deliberate about us.

Are u a believer struggling with one bad habit or the other?

The Holy Spirit is able to keep you from falling,


Do not loose your fellowship with the Holy Spirit no matter what you do or have done.

You masturbate? No qualms keep your fellowship!

You’re a drunk? Keep your fellowship!

You smoke? Keep fellowship!

You womanize? Keep fellowship!


The Holy Spirit will help you shine the light in that darkness once you’re willing.


Keep fellowship!

Do not loose it!


PS – Pastor Prince is now married to Pastor Judith and are both pastoring the Faith Alive Today branch in Abuja, they both got married in the month of February 2021, I celebrate you sir and ma I thank you for all you do in Gods kingdom. Thank you for praying me into the right part.

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