The Holy Spirit is an amazing person, like in most of my stories, I will tell you how an assignment was accomplished by Miriam, Miriam is a friend of mine, a lady whose love for God and the things of the gospel was unquestionable .


Yes! It was that time of the year where we all graduated and was mobilized for NYSC, this a program put in place by the government of Nigeria years ago where every graduate of an higher institution goes to a state in Nigeria he/she was not familiar with to serve the country for a year, in this year, they are trained and would receive a stipend as they serve, this initiative have been known to bring a lot of tribes, people, ethnic groups and even couples together, it helps unite the people of Nigeria in Nigeria.


Miriam was posted to the North while I was posted to the South, Miriam was paired with a room mate who was from another religion and because she respected Personal space it was difficult for her to pray in the room, 4am was her best time with the Holy Spirit and what better way was she to express her fellowship with him than pray in tongues?


“Dear Holy Spirit, what do I do about my roomie?” she asked Him


“she’s actually your first assignment” He informed her,


She knew what he meant, It meant that the Holy Spirit was interested in Hannatu and would want her to give her life to Christ and also come to know Him better by fellowship.


Ha! She was levied, she had evangelized to many before now and people who knew God the religious way came to understand Him better and was more fervent in prayer, but how does one “convert a conc. follower of another religion?


Where do I start from? She thought to herself.


The Holy Spirit became silent on the how.


Miriam kept praying but keeping it on the low, normally she was loud when it came to praying and was much used to speaking loudly to the Holy Spirit so this gave her much concerned that her room mate was entirely of another religion and would not understand this, even if she would, of course not with praying in the Spirit for a language.


Morning came and Miriam remembered the authority she had in Christ, that every declaration she makes never returns to her void, as Christ would say “The words which I speak are Spirit and they are Life”


So was Miriam’s , after the room was cleaned up and everyone ran to work, Miriam stayed back praying in the Spirit for a while, She proceeded to make these declarations  you might consider dangerous, but was it really dangerous?


You decide


She said “Dear Holy Spirit , since you said Hannatu is my first assignment in this town. I ask that everything good be withdrawn from her until she gives her life to Christ! May she Lack food and come to me for help, May her relationships become faulty!, May peace be far away from her! And may everything crumbles until she comes to you! Amen!”


Hannatu is a beautiful girl who had a relationship going well for her, she was engaged to be married to Yohana before leaving her home town, Yohana was nice, sincere and in love with her, He would call her three time a day or more to know how she was doing, what she was eating or planning on eating for the day, they talk all morning, all night and all day, she loved him too and the plans for their wedding commenced.


Three days after Miriam would make this declarations, Hannatu spent money in preparation for her weeding to him, shortly after, Yohana would refuse to call her like usual, she would call and he would busy her calls promising in a text to call her back later which he would not, a two year relationship that is leading to marriage was crumbling before her eyes.


“I am very busy” He would say and this became his regular slogan, Hannatu could sense his irritation and none-challantness towards her, what did she do to deserve such treatment from him was a question with no answer.


She cried for some days, she would reach out to his friends and relatives and no body could give her a good explanation why he was avoiding her, they all claimed He was fine, but was he really fine?


Her feeding money got exhausted too,  and Miriam became her GoTo person, she mostly ate from Miriam.


Miriam gladly fed her and would tell her about the love of Christ as they ate together, “who is this Jesus you always talk about?” she once asked


“How do I give my life to Christ?” she asked another time and Miriam will gist her the process of everything but did she believe?


“Can you explain to me what happened in book of Genesis Chapter One, I need some clarity” she requested as Miriam taught her.


All of these times, Hannatu would not confess Jesus as Lord and savior and Miriam’s declaration still stood.

Nobody knew, how would they know?


As the sufferings increased for Hannatu, heart break was taking its toll on her, a time came that she had to turn to Miriam for all the help she needed, she broke down. Her fiancé had not taken her calls for days now, she was not certain if he stilled loved her or the weeding would still hold, she needed to be at work mostly times so traveling back home to see her fiancée was out of the question, it was not even holidays yet and he hadn’t called to explain himself either, what to do? She asked


“I have a prophet that sees and hear from God, I will send you his phone number if you do not mind” Miriam responded.


Phone numbers were collected and the Earthworker was called, After praying with her, he told her what the Holy Spirit said “Give your life to Christ and be baptized in the Holy Ghost and everything will return back to normal” She believed, She loved her fiancée and wanted him back.


Immediately after the call, Miriam led her to take the sinner’s prayer


“ Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that you are the son of God, That you came to the earth, died for me to set me free from my sins, I accept you as Lord and Master, Dear Holy Spirit, I offer you my life and my soul, come and do all you may with it, I confess that I am now a child of God”


Of course Miriam had been teaching her how to read the bible and also telling her so many stories of How the Holy Spirit loves and takes care of His own so this confession was easy for her, she already believed in her heart and this confession was unto salvation!


Hallelujah! Miriam was happy! First assignment in Maiduguri done and dusted!


Miriam also baptized her in the Holy Spirit through the evidence of Speaking in tongues and the very next day Yohana called!


The excuses? They were many!


Money also began to flow also as Hannatu was restored just as Earthworker prophesied it would and just as the declaration was made to last, but who then would tell the story?


No! the earthworker was not in on this, he only prophesied what he heard from the Holy Spirit, He was accurate like always, If the Holy Spirit did not show him all of it, how would he know? We see in parts and prophecy in parts.


Hannatu never knew why or how things took this turn, she may never know!


How about her relationship with Yohana? Would it hold water now that she is in Christ and he is of her old religion?


It did not!


What do you think about this story? Fair judgment or no?!


Miriam wanted the story written and


I would like to hear your thoughts.

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