So this morning when I was praying at mid-night the Holy Spirit brought an encounter I once had to remembrance. I really don’t know why He does that, but He is like that with me, sometimes, He does this either when I’m about to have a greater encounter, about to continue from where the first …



I was 18years old and was a bar tender of a hotel, I wanted to go to school and the only means for me was to work out the money.   I had lost my dad who was the one and like the only literate bread winner in the family including it’s extension.   Bartending …

THE VICTIM! Read More »


Got a visit from an acquittance turned friend one day and instead of the regular fine-boy-chasing-fine-girl gist we should be having because of the FB group we met in, we started to talk about salvation and church, of course I’ve always used every opportunity I had to preach the gospel of Christ since I met …

TOUCH NOT Read More »


I remember the very first time I started to do things with my mind (imagination) I was either 9 or 10years old.   My dad was a math’s teacher in an all boys boarding school and we were living in the staff quarters   Because of this a lot of the boys were my paddy, …

THE MIND Read More »


After the Night Of Glory yesterday, I was taken back to 2010 a time in my life I was just meeting and trying to know the Holy Spirit, a time I was coming to understand the supernatural and why things happen the way they do.   I enrolled in a catering school cause I was …

ON DREAMS Read More »


I have been thinking upon these scripture recently and how accurate it is about the love of the father towards us.   God truly does not wish for any of His own to perish no matter the situation of things, He tries to sort us out and call us home.   Jesus gave a parable …

A CALL Read More »

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