Its been a while a wrote a story, so I would love  to write on how I met with  Pastor  Timothy Dakut

One day after our 4am prayer and bible reading on Personal Fellowship, I needed clarity on something and I had an impression to call brother Samuel, (I wish I knew his surname, but the Holy Spirit has named him ODOGWU!)

We were talking and he told me about his mentor, Pastor Tim, the name caught fire in my heart and I asked him further questions, of course he told me about the program held every Friday 3pm at Gethsemane, Jos.

Do I know the place? Of course not, it was a very different place from where I lived and I agreed to contact Samuel anytime I was ready or interested in attending one of the programs, I thought to take two-three weeks at least after our discussion to do my due diligence before I attended any physical gathering in Jos.

What I didn’t know was that it was actually the Holy Spirit that led us to have that discussion (oh well!  I’m always led by Him even when I do not realize it, for He is the one that lives inside of me to will and to do of His good pleasures, in Him I live, move and have my being)

We said our goodbyes and I dropped the call.

That was like on a Monday.

Same week Friday, the Holy Spirit prompted me by 1pm to get ready, I’d be going somewhere with a message (it had been a while I was led in this manner, I heard Him clearly at this point)

Did I know the message? No!

Did I know who it was for? No!

Did I know the place where I’d go deliver this message? No!

But I was sure of one thing, this message was for a man of God I had never met, at least from my walk with the Holy Spirit I could perceive that much.

I somehow dropped a chat in Samuel’s inbox asking for the address of Gethsemane and I didn’t get a response.

3pm came and I started to call but to no avail.

Samuel had to be busy.

“You must go Princess, get dress and leave the house!” The Holy Spirit urged.

“But I don’t even know the place”

There was silence from Him, He knew I was just feeling lazy, not like I didn’t trust him enough to show or lead me to the place even though I didn’t have or know an address.

4pm on the dot and the Holy Spirit kept impressing it upon my heart until I got uncomfortable, I couldn’t sleep, stand, seat or do anything else.

I wore my clothes and left the house.

Where was I going to? I did not know!

I did not have an address!

Samuel will not take his call!

I sha entered a taxi and decided to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Should we talk about how I didn’t have transport and was given a free ride?

oh?! That’s not the focus.

So I reached an address and the Holy Spirit showed me a lady.

“Ask her”  He said.

Did I even get the name of the Ministry I was going to? Sincerely I didn’t, I wasn’t even prepared to come, you know? Samuel mentioned it was Gethsemane yet I didn’t remember,

what was I to tell the lady I was looking for?

How do I describe where I was going? I’ve never been there, didn’t have an address and didn’t know the name of the place where I was going to, I only had the leading of the Holy Spirit.

“Good afternoon ma, please I’m looking for a ministry I do not know the name or the address  but I know its around this area” I said as I smiled 😂

She looked at me with surprise

“There are many ministries and church in this area how will u know the specific one now?”

“I don’t know o, but I know its on this street”

“Follow me!” She said.

She lead me to Gethsemane and pointed,

“it should be this one” she said!

The Holy Spirit confirmed and I went in.


Service was almost ended when I got there, I sha follow the congregation in sharing the grace as I smiled at Samuel on the keyboard.

Odogwu was surprised, he never expected it! I didn’t too but the biddings of my father must be done.

I sat and kept wondering who it was, I was to see.

After a while I left the church premises but somehow couldn’t leave the street, I kept pacing up and down until I heard the Holy Spirit again.

“Go back to the Church, the first man you see at the door, ask him to pray with you.”

I went back and met pastor Tim, it was him the Holy Spirit prompted me about all along.

A man of the Spirit

A man of value and of great interest to the Holy Spirit

A man that sacrifices all he has for the kingdom

A general of our time!

A king!

A priest!

A shepherd!

A deliverer of the broken!

A son of consolation!

A teacher and

A father!

……so today is pastor @timothy’s birthday and I will like to celebrate the grace of God upon his life.

Thank you for accepting the message that day even though u didn’t know me from anywhere or never met me before then, many pastors would have frowned at such. But only the man of the Spirit like you was able to perceive and asked me to come again

I nearly ran away sir!

I celebrate grace when I see one, God bless you for all you do for the kingdom sir!

We see you and we love you!


We do love you! ❤

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