Princess Wake Up!

There is something so intriguing that happened to me and I will like to share,


Some people may not understand this reality of ours and to be fair,  it’s not for all to understand, so if you see this and do not understand it,  it’s safe for u to “waka pass”

It was 3am and I was up as usual,  started to pray in the Spirit with sleepy eyes,


Did I just say sleepy eyes,  in fact I was between sleep and reality,  so let’s just say my Spirit was praying while I still slept even as my lips moved.

Normally I would sleep by 10pm everyday so I could be wide awake by 3am to spend some personal time with the Holy Spirit and another with my brethren by 4am, my daily spiritual exercise ends mostly by 7am, but due to my late online activities I slept later than I should.

I dropped the link as usual and truth be told,  the attendance for fellowship had dropped and it became a little discouraging…

So I dropped the link and somehow slept off again in a twinkle of an eye.

“Princess! Wake up!!”

I heard someone called out, like from the parlor,  it was the voice of the Holy Spirit.

This time,  His voice over rode my inner man and spoke to my ears.

It was like  a command in a whisper,  I checked the time and it was 15 minutes passed Personal Fellowship time

I logged on to find just one person.

We started to pray, I was in-between sleep and half praying in the Spirit , after an hour,  I felt an urge from the Holy Spirit to continue the fellowship but I was also discouraged by the number in attendance,

So I told my brother I was too sleepy and we should continue the fellowship tomorrow.

I ended the fellowship,

My dears,

as I put my phones on silent and made myself comfortable to sleep, I started having electric shock all over my body,

I mean from my brains down to my whole system,  it was like a very high tension wire was connected to my brain and currents went through my whole body,

I sincerely thought I was going to die,  I couldn’t shout,  talk or even move.

(so you know,  there was no power supply at the time)

It was like a magnetic

Force held me and I was being electrocuted at the same time,

How can my bed be so high tensioned? I asked myself

It was so uncomfortable

And of course it had to be the Holy Spirit chastising me for ending the fellowship half way after He warned me not to,

I knew better,

“Dear Holy Spirit,  I’m sorry,  I will return online to Fellowship” I said

And immediately the electric shock lifted

I went into the group and pleaded for those awake to join me in the bible reading…

My available brethren came online and I heard the Holy Spirit say,

“You shouldn’t have kept me waiting, you were discouraged by the numbers but I could have been here for that one person, You ought to lead to the end. ”

Brothers and sisters in ministry,  see…

do not ever get discouraged because of numbers in this our walk o!

If you’re called to lead,  even if it’s just one attendance you have or probably you’re the only one present for that church program you organized.

Please do your best to lead as you should,  never be discouraged on the numbers you are seeing,  the Holy Spirit might have just

Organized the entire program for just that one person or even for just you and there may be lessons for you in it.

How could I have been disobedient to His urging? He obviously wanted to clear my doubts and chastise me to keep me in track.

And the book of Hebrew says.


Hebrews 12:5-8

[5]And have you forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children? He said,

“My child, don’t make light of the lord’s discipline,

and don’t give up when he corrects you.

[6]For the lord disciplines those he loves,

and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.”

[7]As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father?


Always encourage yourselves in the Lord dears.

I would say again,  do not be discouraged (with numbers) at any point of this your walk of faith!


Shalom! Shalom!!

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