The Advantage.

Thinking about it now, there was never a time the Holy Spirit was not there for me,

Somehow looking back, all I can see was the hand of God over my life from childhood.

I will be safe to think He was in the future and dealt with me at those moments like He would today.

No wonder a song writer said:

“Help me to see me, the way that you see me.”

It’s really important for everyone to realize that God is the beginning and also the end of all our lives…

Little wonder, Moses even in his human state could write the five history books (and more)

of the bible as though he was there, after meeting with the ALMIGHTY.

We all know most of the things that Moses talked about were ancient history of eternity, way before he was birthed, how else could he have come about all those information he so accurately told?

It had to be God telling/showing him about the beginning of eternity before and giving him the visions and prophecies about the eternity after and even of the end when he (Moses) went up the mountain.

looking at it, God always saw a SON in me, and I am happy to call Him FATHER

I was 12 when I noticed the Holy Spirit never left my side, it’s either He was settling me on stuff, bailing me out of situations, fixing my mistakes or just taking good care of me and assuring me that He was there with me.

Yes! His voice always came walking to me

Talking to me, teaching me things, answering my many questions and lifting me up whenever I fall.

When I was 21, I applied for a admission in the University, it wasn’t like I was a very intelligent child but somehow I never failed any exams or even test.

Reasons why my dad considered me more intelligent than my siblings, I wished that was true though, it wasn’t, I only had a supernatural advantage which was the Holy Spirit.

After I applied for the university, we needed to sit for an exam that will determine our admission into the school, like always, I read hard and prepared for the exams…

I prayed (and fasted like I knew how to) waiting for what the Holy Spirit will say to me

“It’s time Princess, you’ll get the admission” He assured.

I was happy and went on.

Exam date came and all questions were difficult to me at the time (the questions were said to be set for people that lived in JupiterĀ trust Naija lecturers nau?) and the time set was short

Anyways, I remembered whom I was and started to blast in tongues as I tick all them answers.

Result came out and I failed šŸ˜­

A 165 out of 400

I cried my eyes sore, throw all the tantrums I knew how to throw best like? why will my speaking in tongues not work?

A thought

I don’t even know what I was expecting then, maybe i was expecting a voice from heaven that’ll give me the correct answers or something

So I went back to the Holy Spirit in prayers

“I did not pass sir, you told me it was time, why didn’t I pass?” I questioned amiss tears

“I never told you, you’d pass, I told you, you’d get the admission” He whispered.

In my mind, getting a pass in an exam equals getting admitted, but it was obvious it wasn’t so in God’s mind.

His ways and thoughts will forever be further than ours like the sky from the earth.

Did I get admissions? Yes, I did! And on merit too.

Did I graduate? Yes, I did! I also completed my Youth service.

I did not pass yet I got the admission on merit in a school where admission was difficult to get.

To think I was the second from my state to get admitted into studying that course was surprising, a cut-off bar of 200 was lowered to accommodate me just cause the Holy Spirit gave me that assurance

This is the confidence that we have in Him that whenever we call upon Him, He hears us and answers.

All my life has been a testimony because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in it.

He has always given me the advantage in all things!

Let me use this opportunity to invite you to pray with

My friends and I in the Personal Fellowship Ministries InternationalĀ  will be fellowshipping for two hours tomorrow, in fact we do so on a daily bases

4am – 6am WAT
On Telegram

Kindly join us if you need clarity on any situation you’re facing.

There is nothing the Holy Spirit can not sort out and all the answer you need are given in the place of prayer.
Join us let’s do some one on one koinonia with the host of heaven!

Link will be in your inbox when you chat me.

God bless you as you do so.

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