The First Encounter!

Throw back some years ago, with my many unanswered questions about Christianity, the bible and why we worshipped God the way we did, I mean I saw other denomination and the way they worshipped, I wondered why there were so many diversions, some did a silent and solemn prayer, other believed in loud prayers that almost sounded noises, yet  another wanted Satan to fall and die by all means exerting lots of their physical energy, some usually worshipped same God through their dressing and depriving themselves of all the good things of live,

I always wondered why it ought to be so, Well?! those I called priest and leaders did not help matters, I will ask some questions and they’ll say my questions were sin unto God.

this was their way of shutting me up since they either did not have the answers to my many questions or they thought I was too little to handle these answers, they felt I was just a little girl who shouldn’t know so much, all they talked about was heaven being the goal and hell fire being a place for liars, sinners and also for children who ask too many questions.

Because of this, I locked up those questions in my heart and kept them there a long time, A time came when I went to Port Harcourt and lived with my uncle at the time, then one day, I was sitting outside the house singing, as I just finished my house chores

“Open your bible to the book of Ezekiel” I heard his voice loudly in my ears

(I really can’t remember the particular verses and chapters now I’m poor at memory verses, but I know what is and was written)

This was the voice of the Holy Spirit calling to me at that time of the morning 9am, I didn’t know who He was then, but this voice sounded compelling, sweet, audible, I fell in love immediately.

In the church I worshipped at the time Holy Ghost was just a word in the bulletins we read on Sundays, Jesus was supposed to be someone that died because he loved us and God was the oga pata pata (Almighty ), we believed more in angels and we prayed to them instead, Jesus’ mother, who is known as the Virgin Mary was another to be honored so we prayed through her to her son for our problems to be solved, in fact Jesus’ mother was more pronounced than the savior himself, we bowed to their status too.


So who was this speaking to me at this time? I didn’t know him but I fell in love and had the urge to do as he said.


I didn’t have a bible, I reached out for my uncle’s and started to read, when I was done with Ezekiel, He led me to psalms, when I was done, He lead me to Isaiah, when I was done he led me to Jeremiah.

And that was were I was hit!

I had bubbles inside of me, I didn’t understand what was happening to my inside, it felt sweet, it felt genuine, it felt real, I had the light in me glow, my face shone, I was melting away, it was beautiful like the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain, I didn’t want it to stop,  then I heard him say clearly again

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you came out of the womb, I sanctified you and consecrated you to be a prophet unto the nations” Jeremiah 1:5

I screamed, it was so surreal, I wanted more, I didn’t want the moment to end!

He stayed with me for three days  and on the third day I got many more revelation,

I reached out for the bible again to see what it was all about, I kept reading Ezekiel then Jeremiah until I finished the book.

Another scripture came alive inside of me “Call unto me and I’ll answer you, I’ll show you great and mighty things that you do not know about” Jeremiah 33:3

By this time, all my unanswered questions since childhood had been answered both from the scriptures and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I started to understand the mysteries

He kept speaking to me and I loved him, it felt like I fell in love with a person, he made me laugh, he made me smile, joy was all over me and I glowed, I was beautiful, it was beautiful and everyone who came around me was happy for no reason too.

He said to me “Eyes has not seen, nor ears heard neither had it entered into the heart of any man the things I have in store for you who loves me and waited upon me” Isaiah 64:4 , 1 Corinthians 2:9

He also told me about a man I was going to meet that would teach me deep and secret things of God in the bible, he said I was going to ask more questions and that man will answer many.

It was a joyous experience and as Sunday came, I worshipped in my uncle’s church and started to worship there all the time (Faith Power Christian Center, Pastor Joseph Mukoro)

In one of the services, I was praying whole heartedly (in English) and boom! I heard myself speaking in tongues, I kept mute and wondered if anyone was listening to me,

(you see? I had always believed speaking in tongues meant speaking in other people’s languages, like an Igbo man speaking Efik or an Idoma speaking Hausa or a Chinese speaking German etc.)

I opened my mouth and began to pray fervently again and it came out in tongues, I kept quiet!

What the Holy ghost was doing to me wasn’t fair at all, how can I explain to my uncle that I now speak tongues?

Then I opened my mouth to pray for the third time and it came out in tongues,

I didn’t understand why it was happening that way yet it was exciting.

After service, I didn’t tell no one, I kept it to myself.

In that same October 2010, we were in service when the pastor asked those that wanted the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues to come forth, I had the gift already but I went forth

Since I didn’t know how to open up to my uncle or his wife about the gift, I wanted them to see it for themselves  (childish right? I didn’t want to be laughed at)

Before pastor would raise his hands and asked the Holy Spirit to fall on us with a mighty hand, guess who was already rolling on the floor, prophesying and speaking in tongues?

The power of the Holy Spirit came mightily, church scattered that day, no one could talk after service, everyone was in awe, no one could say a thing, even when we got home, we were all speechless?

His wife spoke in tongues too and all our argument died!

I and his wife led the argument of what speaking in tongues was meant to be

Are you a Christian still arguing up and down on what speaking in tongues is or should be?

Do you desire to speak in tongues yet you’re waiting for a lightening from heaven first?

Do you thirst for the gift of speaking in tongues but you don’t know how to go about it?

I can baptize you in the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues! Yes! I can.

The Apostles did it, you can too,

All you need to do is send me a message if you desire it and I will respond to you shortly.

There’s nothing to be ashamed of, the Holy Spirit is willing to speak and walk through you today and always, all you need to do is allow him.

Are you wondering if I have met the  man the Holy Spirit was referring to?

yes! I have!

I met him 10years after and he has taught me so many, many things.



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