I have led people to Christ before and one thing I do immediately is filled them up with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues,


I’ve seen people change, curses broken and causes of live set straight by the power of the Holy Spirit.


In all of these you feel great joy when you see “your” converts thriving and doing things for God! The joy is unexplainable.


But you see all these couldn’t be compared to the greater joy you feel when children or teens are involved.


There are lots of testimonies but in particular


Id love to share this one.


A week ago (or there about) my mom came back home telling me about a particular boy she loves that helps her with some things around the house, for some reasons this boy hadn’t used his right hand since he was a baby (they claimed it was witch craft activities).


She went on to tell me how he has also been afflicted with a re-occurring sickness that never gets cured and defiles both herbals and orthodox medicines.


He falls sick on his own, so severely putting everyone in panic mood then after several days he gets well on his


Own and this happens monthly and has been since he was a baby.


I brooded over this story as mommy made food and packaged his, I didn’t have anything to say.


Days past and the boy got well like usual, then he brought back the dishes used in packaging the food.


When I saw him, I just wanted to pray with him, so I asked him how things are and he narrated same story to me.


“can I pray with you?” I asked


“Yes!” He responded as he made to sit.


I held his hands and said “Father in the mighty name of Jesus!”


Then I heard the Holy Spirit Clearly say

“Lead him to Christ”


So I asked him “Are you born again, have you given your life to Christ?”


He looked at me and clearly didn’t know what that meant.


“Okay! Have you heard about Jesus?” I asked


He said “Yes!”


So I proceeded to preach the good news to him


Telling him about the fall of Adam and Eve, why we are automatically sinners from birth, reasons why God had to send his son who is Jesus, how He died, was buried and resurrected, I proceeded to tell him that WHO-SO-EVER believed in this Jesus shall be saved and have eternal life


I told him about the Holy Spirit who is our seal unto salvation/redemption and how he can be his friend.


The 15year old boy listened to this beautiful story with fascination, then I asked if he’ll like to receive Jesus as his Lord and Saviour and if he can accept the Holy Spirit


“Yes! I want Him” he responded.


So he made the confessions and we started to pray in the spirit holding hands.


I felt a lift in my spirit and I knew it was done, we concluded the prayer as he made his declaration.


One week past and this boy


This beautiful looking boy


came knocking at our door 😭


The thought of this still brings tears to my eyes.


First thing he said was “Aunty I can use my hand, my mommy and sisters want you to pray for them too”


People of God you needed to see how beautiful this boy looked, with white bright eyes and a


Shinning face, I stood in awe.


“I don’t understand”


“When you prayed for me, I went home and I started using my hand to fetch food, so my mommy asked me how it was possible, I told her you prayed for me, so she wants to be prayed for too”


His response brought tears of joy! 😭


He said


“since that time you prayer for me, I use to work with the hand, I do all things now, I even fetch water and hold bucket with the hand”


I kept looking as joy filled my heart.


People of God see Jesus o! 💃🏻


See what Jesus is doing through us!


I was so excited,


He started to go pluck some fruits we had in our compound to eat as I watched him in tears.


The boy was completely healed just by hearing about Jesus, accepting Him and speaking in tongues.

Hours past and he brought his two younger sisters, I preached to them too, led them to Christ and filled them up with the Holy Spirit.


Oh?! Mine! You needed to hear their tongues, how beautiful it sounded, how they chorused “yes!” After I asked them if they would love to accept Christ.


Children are beautifully innocent I can’t describe


See! If you think Children from 1-12 or teenagers of 13-19 will not understand the word of God or the preaching of salvation and grace then you’re wrong, very wrong!


Just the same way you preach the good news to an adult


Is the very way you preach to a child, they know, can see and understand things


You may be somewhere thinking how to go about children ministry and wondering if they can understand you or how the Holy Spirit works



You just have to try and see them burst forth in tongues!


I encourage you today to be sold out in Christ, preaching the good news and leaving no one out!


Not the Children, adults nor the elderly, not the young or the old.


The gospel is our message unto salvation and this is done not only in mere words but in power!


Evening came and his mom came knocking at our door, we prayed together as I heard the rejoicing of angels in heaven


And that of the saints on earth because more souls are being added to our kingdom!


I hope this encourages a believer today?

The gospel works!



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