I was reminiscing on some things and loved  how interested the Holy Spirit is on the little bits and details of our lives, an example is after I met with the Holy Spirit in my uncle’s house somewhere in Port Harcourt Nigeria, I noticed he was helping me out in very little things I wouldn’t have bothered praying for because I thought one needed to pray only when things get really tough and beyond human might but No! I see him in it all,

I am the type that dislikes house chores, I mean I love to wash the dishes, do the laundry and sometimes I can cook up a storm but I totally dislike fetching water , sweeping or any other chores besides what I have mentioned.

Fetching water was what I had to put up with every three days or so, we were a family of four and had a very big drum with three buckets, if they were filled up, water finishes after the third day which means I will have to go across the street, crossing a major road many times to fill them up since we did not have a running tap in our house, whenever it was the rainy seasons, I would be so happy because it meant I wouldn’t have to go across the streets to fetch water most of those days, the rains will fall and fill every empty thing I dropped at the balcony, I’m sure many average Nigerians understands this.

There was this day water got exhausted and I felt so lazy, I remembered the words of the Holy Spirit and I decided to try it out, speaking into the air, I said

“ If truly I am a son of God, let rain fall and fill up all this buckets and drum”

Dear brethren I kid you not!, It wasn’t up to thirty minutes after I said that, the dark clouds covered the bright ones and it started raining heavily.

It was beautiful to see, the rains filled up all the empties I kept outside and after I was satisfied, the rain stayed!

This would be the very first miracle I would perform deliberately and shortly after meeting the Holy Spirit.

It was satisfying dear brethren, I was very happy!

I know many doubting Thomas’s who have never experienced a miracle and loves to give logical explanations to things would come here to invalidate my experience like they usually do, but I am not about to keep shut! These things are as real as we say them, if you have never experienced the supernatural, all things would sound like a lie to you but I will keep saying it until you get it!

it wasn’t even the rainy days, if I remember correctly it was one of those dry or harmattan days and the Holy Spirit came through for me, you’ll be right to say he helped me with my house chores, He fetched water while  I finished up with the cooking and other stuff.

How cool was that? very cool?

And No! it did not stop there!, it was not a ‘by luck’ thing that rain fell to fill up my empties, It was something that happened over and over again when I wanted and asked!

There are also other little stuff, he helps me do and is still helping me out with to this day, I will begin to write them one after the other so you all will see the goodness of God in the life f a believer , everyone needs the Holy Spirit in their lives sincerely, He is our helper, He has come to make all things new.


Do you know the Holy Spirit?


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