One Sunday I went to church as usual, did I say “as usual”? Oh?! Well it wasn’t as “usual” as a usual w0uld be,

the youth pastor was given an opportunity to preach that day, so he started teaching and at the middle of his sermon I was hit by the word!

Boom! then the uncontrollable tongues flowed, that type of tongues that came from both the belly and heart, that type of tongues that flows from you like a fresh water gushing out from a broken rock, that kind of tongues that you know it wasn’t you neither was it yours

Yes! That type.

Then everywhere went dark and I saw him, the one preaching the sermon, in light, standing and waiting on multitude who lined up in darkness.

This youth pastor was clothing them, some, he plaited their hair, some, he cut them, and some he filled them with fire, they were all handsome and beautiful, joy overflowing from them, darkness became light and nothing could have stopped it from shinning so blinding bright.

When this lifted! I found myself sited in church beside the whole congregation and my friend holding my hand in support just to assure me that she was with me.

Was I embarrassed with the display?


Oh?! Well! 🤷🏽


I’ve had such times but not in a new environment  like this were prophecies and visions wasn’t welcomed, it was the type of church where everything had to be done “decently and in order” you know those kind of “prim and proper” churches? even your shouts of “Hallelujah” has to be permitted by the pastor.

There the Holy Spirit whispered into my ears

“Tell him what you saw”

“Ha! Me? No o!, I can not”

He kept quite,

after the service I started to run home, I wouldn’t even wait for choir meeting or the “why didn’t you come for rehearsal?'” question, I guessed I felt embarrassed at the display and wanted to run away before anyone noticed me enough to ask what happened


But something happened I was on the way home and my heart started to race faster, temperature high, I started having very strong head ache, it immediately dealt with me hard, I became so sick running away with the message, it felt like I would die

I was still moving very fast and when I almost got home I heard very loudly

“turn back!”

Brethren I did not bother to ask why or force my way through anymore, I knew what could happen if I hadn’t listened , this was more like the case of Balaam and his donkey the bible told us about in the book of Numbers 22 , I could have died if I forged ahead.

(I have heard too many a story similar to this)

I didn’t want to die, I turned back, and started racing back to church, when I got to church The youth Pastor was there at the church entrance, waiting ………..



I greeted him, delivered the message and told him exactly as I saw it!

He had the biggest smile ever on his face.


He said “I’ve been praying and fasting for seven days now, no water or food just to receive this message,  actually I was offered a higher position as a Pastor and asked the Holy Spirit to send confirmation before I accept it, I didn’t want to accept it at first, I needed this, this is it!”


I just starred at him surprised.

It happened that, that was the last day of the fast and he was about turning down the offer until I showed up.


Are you a believer and holding the word of God in disobedience or unrighteousness, It might be the cause of that sickness, disease or calamity befalling you!


As a believer the devil has no hold over us, (it’s not that he’ll not try o, he would but we are more than conquerors)


What is that message that was given to you and u struggle to “write” or do? you know you have no peace holding it yet, you held it with excuses that may not make sense to the Holy Spirit.

I don’t know why God chooses to do the things He does or the way He does them, but I sure know this walking with/by the instructions of the Holy Ghost has done and can do no harm.


The Holy Spirit could have sent another person when I refused, but no!

He could have shown the pastor this vision by Himself, but no!

He could have also chosen another messenger and found a way to make her do it, but no!

He wanted me to do it and I had to.


This also reminds me of Jonah and the big fish, calamity came on innocent people that were with him on the boat just because he was carrying God’s message in disobedience.

Did I tell you I became fine  and healthy after I gave this message? Yes! I became well, like I was never sick.


Imagine after all your fasting and prayer and for days, your message didn’t come because the messenger ran away.


You could be the messenger, do not keep him waiting…..

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