Kwasi met Baako who was a military man and his bosom friend to complain about  Abena whom was a customer-turned-acquaintance, he had loaned money from him few months back and business did not turn out as expected so he lost the money, Abena wanted his money back obviously and has been a lot of trouble to  Kwasi too, this gave him so much worry,“Charlie can you believe this man brought some boys to my club to threaten me, saying something like he would shut down my business until I am able to pay him back, I really do not know how he plans to do so but he looked serious” Kwasi complained.Baako has always been a man to hate intimidation, or which military man doesn’t?they always want to be the one intimidating others not the other way round,“ How Dare him threaten you?” He thought,Kwasi knew very well whom his friend was and knew what could happen, He had come through for him a lot of times using the solider boys under him to threaten people who troubled him to keep off, He knew very well what he was asking for indirectly,“No worry, I go send my boys” Baako said without much thought, little did he know that this time, the story would be different,Abena is a politician’s son who stayed out of trouble he had connections to authorities and powers that be but kept a simply profile, no one could have guessed who he was except for very close relatives, he was upset that Kwasi would not be bothered about returning the money loaned to him many months ago, it was long overdue and the promises and explanations were not adding up anymore, he just wanted his money,He visited Kwasi for the fourth time that month as agreed and found solider boys waiting on him, they beat him up like a common criminal,…what a mistake they have made,first off  “who gave the orders?”Abena used his connections to find out that Baako gave the orders, it is an offence and a breach of the military codes of conduct to supply body guards to civilians in any manner whether they be paid for or not, so this can be used against him,calls were made, interrogation were done, investigation was made, the black book was brought forward and these names were black listed , what does this mean?There would be no promotions or career advancement for Baako no matter where he was posted to, how well he served or how long he had spent in his post, He would remain on same level once the promotion list shows up and the black book visited, it would always be visited.Baako reached out to me and narrated his ordeal, He has been due for promotions for four years now and nothing was forthcoming, his nomination to any good things gets terminated the moment the black book was visited and none of his boss could carry out any good decisions in his favor without visiting the black book, it was tough for him and a very stiff situation he found himself in, He  prayed many nights, Fasted too many times concerning this situation, visited many Imams, spiritualist and was at the moment sending money to seers and men who claimed to be prophets whom he thought had solutions but to no avail, he spent so much money fell into depression many times and was frustrated“ I really want God to have mercy on me” he said“all my juniors and people who started the military after me have been promoted above me, they now give me orders that I can not refuse, these are younger people I trained myself and they were like my boys then, I now take orders from them” he cried.I looked upon him and had compassion on him, Even though he told me he was a Christian he would have to give his life to Christ all over again,In my opinion anyone that dabbles into many spiritual things was not never born again to start with…….because anyone who is truly born of God and understands his reality would make better decisions, judgement and would not dabble into many spiritual things in search for solutions just because s/he is desperate and in trouble, that is not a Christian’s reality…….come to think of it, was that even in my opinion? Nah! When the Holy Bible states that by their fruits, you would know them, he [it] wasn’t joking,for indeed, if the fruit is good then the tree is good but if the fruits taste sour, then by all means the tree that bears these fruits is sour and should be hewn down, Matthew 7:15 -20.Every taste comes from the tree that bears the fruits.He gave his life to Christ there and then and asked for mercy, that night was the first time in these years he would sleep in great peace, the panic attacks he had through the nights were gone,Before he met me, there was an evaluation report that was supposed to be given him by his boss so he could go ahead to take a course and training to help his promotion but this boss kept postponing, this  delay cost him lots of opportunities but after we met and prayed, the Holy Spirit said that evaluation would be done in the coming Monday and it was so, thereafter, he was shortlisted for the training and he found great favors with all his bosses.Scriptures cannot be broken for it is written: Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need Hebrew 4:16,Baako literally saw these scripture become a reality in his life, One day a higher ranking officer called him to say he was with his file and is led to forgive and remove the case that made him guilty from it, this means that his name would also be removed from the black book and he could apply for promotion and be granted,Is our God not good? once you give your life to Christ, you have a new reality, the Zion reality,…. and in this kingdom, we were forgiven from the time of the cross, so we do not beg for mercy, we obtain! Children come to obtain!Baako went for his course, training and passed with a clear distension, the fifth best in the whole of Ghana just like the Holy Spirit said he would, a month later, the board for the promotion sat and he was promoted into the military ranking of a MAJOR,what made this promotion baffling was that his letter of promotion was back dated to February 2022……. This alone means that he was never blacklisted, and that he was promoted by merit and on a clean slate.You know how your past, present and future sins were forgiven by God once you accept Jesus as Lord and saviour?well….! It is the physical reality of Baako and that is the beauty of his testimony………How beautiful is our God?

On Fri, Sep 29, 2023, 7:41 PM

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