The Taxi Driver.

I was in school and wanted to visit my uncle who was in same city with me, I boarded an old, rickety taxi that looked like it would break down in any minute, I was in a hurry and couldn’t wait for another, since it was his turn for passenger to board, I boarded it.

Motor got filled, we moved, half the journey, there was traffic congestion and we all thought it was due to the many vehicles that plied that route,

We were still gisting when we noticed the police men who instead of doing their jobs of searching vehicle documents and making sure the passengers were alright, were extorting the usual fee of N100 (and making it look like it was their divine entitlement).

We didn’t notice this on time so the driver when he realized what was going on, he in a split second started chanting some incantations, he proceeded to take a red cap (you know the red caps that has some white stripes that the Igbo tribe of Nigeria wear? That one that are worn mostly by their chiefs) He used it to wiped the windscreen and window of the car, wore it, then took bitter cola, chewed some and spewed it in the car,


Everyone stopped gisting and looked in wonder, it got to our turn to be extorted and all the police men suddenly stood at attention in salutation to this driver, including their most senior officer, allowing him pass to our amusement,

Then It hit me!

I smiled realizing what just happened,

Everyone in the taxi started to ask him questions and he began to boast

“they can never see me o!, they’ll never eat my money” He started to boast


” As you see me, I am a dibia who can do and undo things, nobody hurts or dares me and go scot free, I see vision for people, I can tell who is who, I do not go to church or believe in God and I do not look for trouble but I will deal with people who looks for my trouble” He boasted again

Blah! Blah! Blah!πŸ™„ can you imagine he brought church into this? How did church and men of God get into this discussion? I wondered to myself


I didn’t know much about my authority in Christ at this point of my life and I didn’t know it was possible to have reliefed him of whatever powers he boasted about, If it was at this point of my life I could have reliefed him of the power he had until he gets to accept Christ Jesus as Lord and Master,

yes! we have that much authority Just like Paul and Silas did in Acts 16:16-24

Anyways! This driver continued boasting

“One time someone looked for my trouble, I went into my inner temple and invoked two spirits of destruction, I took them to the person’s business place, this person owns a car wash and it is attached to a viewing center with a restaurant in it where his customers relax and wait for their cars to be washed, when I got there his workers were washing many cars and many people were in the restaurant, I sat at the restaurant, ordered a bottled of beer and commanded the spirit of destruction to strike on this place, it wasn’t up to five minutes everyone in the restaurant started to fight themselves, his workers started breaking the cars, causing lots of havoc while I stood and watched” He said and added

“there will be no peace in that car wash until that man returns my N2000 (Two Thousand Naira) with an apology”


Ah! I was livid, little change of N2000 that somebody is owing you, you have gone to destroy many of his customers cars including all this man has ever built and is working for? what matter of wickedness is this? kai! the children of this world are wicked! their father, the devil is really wicked!

it was written concerning them that they came to steal, to kill and to destroy!

John 10:10


And I am seeing this first hand for myself in this taxi, what marveled me was that this driver did not let his debtor know that he was responsible for the destruction of his business, according to him after everything was destroyed and he was satisfied, he left the scene without saying a word to anyone and we are the first to hear this from him. (we that do not even know this man and can not warn him, he is telling us just to show off.)

How will your debtor pay sir since you refuse to let him know your grievances? so you just want to continue destroying this man’s things without telling him why or letting him know that you are responsible for it? it marveled me.


I thought to myself.


But of course, the heart of man is desperately wicked who can know this? who can understand it? who can understand this? the bible tells us that no one is good, except he that is come from above,

No matter what, demons can not do good!

And no matter what, the demon possessed or demon worshipers can never do good because this is a simple matter that could have been resolved amicably, N2000 can never be a big deal for a business man who owns a car wash, or what do you think?


As I didn’t know much Spiritual stuff then,Β I sat and looked on as he narrated this story, we all listened.

A passenger collected his phone number, she was interested in his powers and wanted to come to him for consultation on how to get it too, then she asked further what he sees concerning her that’s how he started to tell her who she was and what business she was into.

One after another he started to give word of knowledge concerning all his passengers, telling them who they were andΒ they cheered him on as he did this,

Then when it got to my turn, He looked at me and went mute πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

“Oga, how about this lady na?” A passenger asked, pointing to me, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Oga couldn’t talk again! He went spiritually blind and mute automatically πŸ˜…

Oga, the seer, couldn’t see or speak again! πŸ˜‚ (it was funny to see, I sincerely didn’t do anything or know what happened)

Let me ask you a question, as believers, what do you allow in your space?

What rubbish do you give access to slide into your territory?

Every power should bow to the highest power!

Every authority should bow to the higher authority!

Every call must bow to the highest calling!

You can not boast in another god or about another power in my space, I will not allow you, at least not anymore, even if I do, My angels will not let you go.

Every spirit must bow to the father of all spirit who is the Holy spirit that lives inside of me.

As I remembered this incident, this scripture came alive in me James 1:17-18

“Every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning”

I dwell in an undimmable light and darkness can not see me,

How can he see me?!

He simply can’t!

The light shines in darkness and darkness do not understand it, those in darkness can not see or understand those in the light!

we are a mystery to them!

They feel us move but can never tell where we are coming from or where we are going to!


John3:8 says

“The wind blows wherever it pleases, you hear it sound but you can not tell where it comes from or where it is going, so it is with everyone born of the Spirit”

We are mysteries to the dark!

Just like oga set his gaze on me, he couldn’t see or talk again until I alighted his vehicle

He went mute, and in sincerity, I couldn’t say or know what happened, I just know that when he looked at me, he couldn’t talk again till I alighted, some of the passengers kept asking him what was wrong, He just couldn’t talk!


Know this:

The highest power and authority has been given to us, that at the mention of CHRIST JESUS every knee in heaven, on earth and under the earth will bow and every tongue will confess that JESUS IS LORD!

To think I didn’t have to pray, caste and bind any demon I didn’t even have to call the name Jesus, yet he couldn’t see me and speak.


I will ask again, As believers what are you allowing in your space?

Good morning people of God!


**A DIBIA is a person who connects with demons or the spirit world through divination with the use of charms (VOODO) etc. they are other wise known as BABALAWO

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