Got a visit from an acquittance turned friend one day and instead of the regular fine-boy-chasing-fine-girl gist we should be having because of the FB group we met in, we started to talk about salvation and church, of course I’ve always used every opportunity I had to preach the gospel of Christ since I met with the Holy Spirit.


My Friend took gist over and narrowed it down to “fake Pastors and money” he went on and on about how Christianity was a faze And only a business venture and nothing more, he went on and on about how fake pastors act drama just to get money from ignorant members and how he can never fall a prey to religion blahdadash!


My friend was on a roll!

“Uncle, it is not like this I planned the talk na!”,  I felt hurt


Very hurt, because I hate it when people talk about all pastors or even Christians in such bad light,  how can you talk about Christianity in such lights? Yet I didn’t blame him, I understood where he was coming from


“Well..?! I am a Christian” I announced and he busted out laughing,


Again I did not blame him, of course he saw me as the regular “what’s up” girl on the streets that any guy could walk up to,


And of course I was and the group we met in wouldn’t have portrayed me as a Christians anyways.


Although I was a Christian at that phase of my life, I had many questions, so many that I made wrong choices, choose the wrong set of associates and sometimes made the wrong decisions but that didn’t stop me from answering the call and it didn’t make me less than whom I was,

I was a child of God (Christian) that  just had questions.


After Oga finished laughing whole heartily I started to tell him about Jesus and how having fake pastors doesn’t cancel the fact that there are genuine children of God doing wonders for the kingdom, Oga scoffed,

ha! I got vexed and started to tell him his family history down to his present including what he ate before coming over, about his father etc down to the orange juice on the table besides his bed and what his bed sheet looked like.


(the Holy Spirit had told me about him at the course of our discussion just the way He tells me about many others when in contact with them, this was just for my knowledge sake)


I know! I shouldn’t have said it to him but I wanted to drive home my point.


Oga got scared.

He knew everything I said was the truth but how did I know this? He wondered

Of course we were meeting for the very first time and was just in a stage of breaking into friendship, no one could have let me into the depth of his life if not the Holy Spirit.


Oga started to shake vigorously

Then he let it out!

“Are you an obanje?”

“Do you have a familiar spirit?”

“How did you know all this?”


🙄 oh! So this is all you got?

I’m here trying to prove there are genuine children of God that deals with the supernatural therefore its not in anyone’s place to judge a any pastor else you run into trouble and all you could take from it is that I was an obanje?


How do we Christians please this people of the world? I asked myself.


So you’d better believe I am of the devil because of the accurate word of knowledge and prophecies I gave concerning you than that I am of God?

Why then did I start to preach to you about salvation?

Can Satan now go against himself?

So you are better off believing that evil people are the supernatural ones that has power and not Christians?  why?


You believe Ogbanjes are the powerful ones and Christians are only there to fraud people of their money from tithes and offerings?

oh wow!

It reminds me of how Jesus was accused to be doing the miraculous with the power of Beelzabub in the scriptures.


This type of things makes me wonder who made the devil and gave him all the supernatural power he has, If it was God then how much more will He give to His children?

This is not to say there aren’t fake people posing as Pastors just to defraud people of their hard earned money in disguise of prayer, counselling, for miracles, testimonies and wonders but it is hurting to rope every other genuine men of God in that web


This is a call to all you that don’t understand


“Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm” Psalms105:15

1chronicles 15:22


Daily I see you all on social media, mocking, insulting and saying bad things about God’s anointed,


Not in all things your opinions are needed dears!

Men and Women of God may not be as humanly perfect as you want them to be but once he’s called to be a pastor or known to be one, be careful of what you say about him or them.


Yes! There may be fake pastors here and there but who are you to judge?


in fact who made you a judge over any believer of the gospel of Christ?


All you who come online to rant about is how pastors should prove themselves by going to Hospitals in this COVID19 era bla! bla! bla!.

As if they owe you anything, you’ll never take news of the good they do but you will dance over their short comings,


A child of God is a child of God, he doesn’t need to prove himself to anyone for anything except by doing the kingdoms business where only His God is the judge, take it or leave it if one is called God’s anointed, be careful what you do or say about him/her.




PS- Ogbanje is a term used for water spirits in Nigeria, or someone possessed by a water spirit, they are known to be evil, have supernatural powers and are of the devil.

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