In my walk with Christ , there are many amazing things I have seen and heard that is beyond religion, morality of any kind or even human understanding, what people say and who the Holy Spirit is said to be is just a minute bit of him or not, sometimes we are just totally wrong about him and  who he is or what he will do or ask us to do in many situations, must times he is just someone that does things outside the box, with him you’ll learn to always think outside the box.

God is always bigger and beats our imagination, I will tell you a story!

Personal fellowship is an online fellowship where we meet on telegram 4am, Nigerian time to pray in the spirit daily, of course we read the scriptures regularly too and the Holy Spirit reveals a lot of things to us while at it, so it came to pass that one morning while we were praying, The Holy Spirit said, someone is in need of a child and that child w0uld be a male,

I look at those in attendance and all of us were unmarried, who could the Holy Spirit be talking about? I wondered. I asked anyways  I have learned to act fast as he speaks to either avoid doubts, fear or even in the delay of testimonies because most times testimonies are birthed at the words of our mouths or the speaking forth of prophecies, As you say them, they happen or are launched to happen,


“who wants a baby or desire to have a baby?” I asked for the third time but all I heard was their silence, we shared the grace and ended the fellowship as no one was ready to birth forth this child I saw.

Same day by evening the Holy Spirit asked me to share some written down prophecies on twitter which I did. I had lots of people meet me inbox to ask about salvation, how to get baptized in the Holy Ghost and many other request that most humans make, then there was this man from another religion that reached out to me, many doctors and his religious leaders had confirmed his wife barren and one who would never give birth, this man had been married for five years and had never been pregnant for once, they resigned to fate until he saw the written prophecy on twitter

“Do you believe in Jesus?” I asked and

he said “I believe Jesus is a prophet but it does not matter who we believe in, all that matters is that your prayer works so pray for me, I want my wife to conceive if not, my relatives are threatening to bring in another wife for me, I am under pressure as it is and if nothing happens soon, I may be forced to marry another woman so my mother could have a grand child as I am her first son and as my religion allows me to marry four women, but I do not want that in my home”


then I proceeded to ask “so would you like to give your life to this Christ Jesus?, He actually is not a Prophet but He is the son of God who is himself God and he came to the world, died to set us all free from our sins and anyone who calls upon his name shall be saved. Would you like to accept him as your Lord and Master?”

“ NO!” He replied

I was left speechless as I considered his request selfish, you do not even believe in this God I serve or worship, you do not even want to believe, understand him or even pretend to want to understand, you told me an outright NO! yet you want his blessings by my anointing,  most times when people of other religion come to me, especially with their many request, I take the opportunity to preach Christ to them, get them saved and baptized them in the Holy Spirit, before attending to their request, the truth is most times their request gets granted immediately they receive Jesus genuinely as their Lord and master, it does not take up to a week for them to come back with testimonies no matter how difficult their request always sounds but not this one!


To fulfil all righteousness on my path, I set a time to call and  pray with him the next day, I called at the time and immediately I opened my mouth to speak,


the Holy Spirit said “That’s his son, that child you saw yesterday morning during fellowship is his” I was marveled.

Just like that?!

There were Christians whom were trying to conceive that I was praying and believing God for at the time yet there was no answer, but this man from another religion has it just like that? How unpredictable can the Holy Spirit be?


In the bible, what did Jesus say about giving the children’s bread to dogs again? I saw it play out here,  You would think he would answer the children first but God had his own plans and like I said, its beyond the human mind, this man stretched forth his left hand by my instruction as I prayed and asked him to place it on his wife’s belly when he goes home which he did, I prophesied the conception of the child in three months and it was so, He came to my inbox with the happy news saying lots of things and praising God.

As the belly grew and as time went by, He came to me and said “Princess, If truly you are a prophet of God, tell me something about me or in my life that no body knows or have ever heard of” [if you are a believer, I beg you by the mercies of God, Do not to try this with any man of God]

This was Gods plan the whole time, to use the supernatural to bring this man and his family into the kingdom, who would have thought? We always thought miracles and the supernatural was only reserved for the children, if we were to agree to this then miracles would be a reward for being a child of God but Gods mind is way beyond that, For he reminded me ‘Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved’ Romans 10:13

He said ‘WHO – SO – EVER!’

So some times it does not matter where you belong, his name saves when you call upon him, but will your soul be saved?……..


This Story Is To Be Continued Because There Is More To It,


But I know you have questions:

Did he later give his life to Christ ?

yes! He did and not just him, He and his family.

Did his wife carry the said child to term?

Yes! She gave birth to a male child on Monday the 31st Of January 2022 like I prophesied.

We rejoiced on PFMI and I named him “Victory” as my teacher has taught me to name every child that was birthed out of prophecy by us and from us, Victory is growing strong and I rejoice at this sight.

So Mr T and family has joined a church, reads the bible now and prays in the name of Jesus, his story changed my mentality about God and how the Holy Spirit works, He can never fit in a box nor does he operate in any religious form and human mentality, when I talk about religion, it includes the Religious-Christianity , God is Spirit and anyone who must come to him must come to him in truth and in spirit, so only spirituality works with God, religion limits the human.

That’s what Christianity is, a relationship between God and man with Christ Jesus as the door and as led by the Holy Spirit.

I trust you have learnt something today?



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