This story was to be continued, so here I am on 1st of November 2023 writing the continuation, not because I planned it but because, God has done it for Mr. T again,

To get Mr. T born again was an issue as he was one who wanted the spectacular, His wife getting pregnant against all odds wasn’t enough for him so he asked for another sign as we chatted on WhatsApp


“tell me something about me that no one knows then I will believe in your God.”


Mr. T had forgotten he was interacting with one who operates in the office of a prophet, or was it that he understood it but was skeptical seeing that he had been deceived by many? I do not blame him at all.


“ You were treated unfairly by your mother when you were a child, you were beaten severally, mistreated and you hated yourself” I said and I paused, He paused too.


“Oh, you guessed that anyone could have guessed that and be right?” He responded, remember that this is someone I have never met in my life even as I speak and all our prayer and conversation was over the phone or text, he knew there was no how I would have guessed that correctly even if I tried, I never knew him….. but the Holy Spirit knows us all deep into our secrets…


The Holy Spirit whispered to me and I spoke again “Not just that, you were treated unfairly to the extent that no inheritance was given to you and you are supposed to be the heir, your business is bad and you need all the help you can get yet no one wants to help you in your family even though they are capable of it, the issue now is they want you to get a second wife and your refusal make……..” I noticed how silent he went, and I stopped, he broke down in tears and wept


“ How did you know all of these?” He asked.


He started to talk in a rush on how unfairly he had been treated from childhood till date, he gave me details of all I had said and marveled at how much I knew……


“will you give your life to Christ now?” I asked and he affirmed he would,


At that moment joy filled my heart and I got off the texting to call him over the phone


“ Repeat after me” I said


“Lord Jesus, I come to you today to confess that indeed you are the son of God, that you came to the world to die for my sins, I believe that you resurrected on the third day, Forgive me my sins dear Lord and be my personal savior. Dear Father, thank you for giving us your son Christ Jesus, I ask that you give me the Holy Spirit who would lead me into all truth, I declare that I am yours and yours I want to be, do with me whatever you will. I am born again, Hallelujah!!!”


He said this prayer with sincerity and was translated from the power of darkness into Jesus’ kingdom Colossians 1:12-14, I used the opportunity to fill him up with the Holy Spirit by the evidence of speaking in tongues.



Many months passed by, and I saw God literally coming through for him in all ramifications, Victory was birthed and another drama ensued,


Mr. T was invited by the police for questioning and continues investigation, as someone claimed it wasn’t possible for his wife to have given birth since she was a known write off and this person reported that Mr. T and his wife must have bought a baby from a baby factory which was a crime…..


….but WHO-SO-EVER-CALLED, and the Lord God answered, he tendered his proofs, investigations were carried out and the case closed.


And God did it again to close the waggling tongues of the many mockers and accusers,


Yes! He got his wife pregnant yet again and birthed their second Child on the 29th day of October 2023, and named her “PRINCESS.”


A daughter he named after me to put him to remembrance of the day he met me, met God and his afflictions became no more, my daily declaration is “when you see me, you see Jesus.” Indeed the words which I speak are spirit and they are life…..


A big congratulations to you Sir Mr. & Mrs. Temi Tope on the arrival of their daughter. God increase you more and more.


Let us remember that this story is of an unbeliever who accepted salvation after the spectacular, Believers should not expect the spectacular all the time, give room to grow in faith for blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. John 20:28.

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