Believing and Receiving in Prayer

By Brother Tobi Thompson

17th October 2022

Holy Spirit thank You for the spirit of wisdom and revelation made manifest here tonight. I ask that our eyes be enlightened to see the truth of Your Word. I declare in the name of Jesus; our minds receive the light that comes from Your Word by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen


Let’s do a little recap, in our last discussion about Prayer, we established that:

  • Prayer is how God strengthens us i.e. the man who really wants to be strengthened of God, must be a man that loves prayer.
  • Prayer is how we remain alert to the workings of the spiritual realm, whether of God or of the devil.
  • Prayer is one of the ways we receive instruction from God


Tonight, I’ll also touch very significantly about the need to PRAY IN TONGUES but that would be on the voice chat at 8 pm.

Why tongues?

Should everyone pray in tongues?

And questions that relate to tongues.




Of course, we’ll need to understand something, even though Prayer itself is an act of faith, yet it is also something that can be done out of the flesh.


What do I mean?


Once prayer doesn’t involve an understanding of the nature of God, then it is of the flesh.


And often times when people don’t seem to have answers to prayers if we study closely, it’s either of two things;


  1. That they lack understanding of the nature of God or,


  1. They are hypocrites.


Watch what Jesus said here,

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

[Matthew 6:5 KJV]

We see here, that Jesus acknowledged that there are men that can be hypocritical in prayer, but the reason for their prayer was of no eternal significance. Can you imagine!


He said they loved to pray because they wanted to be seen by men!


And Scriptures already told us, woe to that man that puts his trust in the flesh…. watch the next thing Jesus says,

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

[Matthew 6:7 KJV]

This same set of people think that God will hear them because they can construct all the nice words in the world abi by speaking strange things to Him.


Vain repetition is basically speaking to God what He never said.


Repetition is permitted in prayer i.e. continually saying what God has said or what is contained in His Word until it comes to pass.


But vain repetition goes nowhere. It lacks the ability to “touch” God.


BUT glory to God, we are not as the heathens neither are we as those that glory in the flesh.


We are the ones that glory in the Spirit! We are the ones that have a SURE inheritance in Christ Jesus!


It is to us the Lord said,

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

[Isaiah 65:24 KJV]

This is the CONFIDENCE that we should have! GOD ALWAYS HEARS US!

Now, Jesus gave an open secret to receiving in prayer,

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

[Matthew 6:6 KJV]

The first thing He showed us is this:

  1. When you want to pray, make sure that YOUR GAZE IS ONLY ON GOD.

That’s what He meant by “enter into your closet and shut thy door”.

Shut your mind to every strange noise of doubt, unbelief, condemnation and all those strange things.

Then He said,

  1. Pray to your FATHER.

Showing us the nature of God, we must fix our gaze upon.


If you don’t, you’ll most likely see Him as someone you must cajole to receive from not knowing that HE HAS WILLINGLY AND FREELY GIVEN YOU ALL THINGS

  1. Pray to thy Father in SECRET.

Heyyyy!! David was the one that had to look upon the heavens to get help from the Lord BUT FOR YOU.


Jesus is saying that Your Father is not far from you anymore… He lives inside of you.


Stop looking without and start LOOKING WITHIN.


Now guess what, because He’s now in your heart… those requests you can’t even find the words to express… HE HEARS THEM!


The power of prayer is not in speaking plenty of grammar or words.


The Power of Prayer is in the truth that God is always willing to HEAR AND ANSWER prayers.


The Power of Prayer is in the anointing of the Holy Spirit!


John said we have the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon us!


And of course, yokes are broken by the anointing!!!


You have the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon!!! Build confidence in that.


Gloraaayyy to God!!!


Then Jesus says to put the icing on the cake.


We are not praying to a God who is ignorant of our needs… Kai!

Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

[Matthew 6:8 KJV]

Your Father is not ignorant of your needs! You can bank on that!!!!


If God can give you the Holy Spirit, what are your needs, that He can’t provide for???


C’mon, now… see what John said,

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us:

[1 John 5:14 KJV]

Let me ask you, what is your confidence in prayer???

I’ll tell you mine:

That God is my Father!

That I have the Holy Spirit!

That I am a son of God!

That even before I speak, He has heard!

That God dwells in my heart and therefore answers my innermost desires!!!


Another way is, there is the principle of WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET.


So, even though God has freely given all things yet WE CAN ONLY RECEIVE THAT WHICH WE SEE!


Look at this,

Therefore, I say unto you, What things soever ye DESIRE, when ye PRAY, believe that ye RECEIVE them, and ye SHALL HAVE them.

[Mark 11:24 KJV]

Let’s list the words I highlighted:

  1. DESIRE, you know something is a desire when YOU FIX YOUR GAZE UPON IT IN YOUR HEART


  1. PRAY, that which you see in your heart, oya tell your Father


  1. RECEIVE, after telling Him, with the assurance that He always hears you, DECLARE I RECEIVE (whatsoever you’ve asked)


  1. SHALL HAVE, this refers to the physical manifestation of what you desire. This is where CONFESSION comes in


Believe me, if you don’t have any desire in prayer, you won’t receive anything and definitely won’t have any physical manifestation.


Can I shock you too?


The moment you asked, you received. Both ASKING AND RECEIVING happen at the same time.


It’s the physical manifestation that sometimes takes a while but YOU MUST LEARN TO INSIST through YOUR CONFESSIONS.


Let’s say you need a job, TAKE THAT DESIRE TO PRAYER, thank God that YOU RECEIVED A JOB.




That’s all!


Sometimes the answers to prayers are delayed because men refuse to MAINTAIN THEIR CONFESSIONS.


Therefore, making angels and ministering spirits somehow confused, as per, what do you want ehn?

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

[Hebrews 10:23 KJV]

Do you see that? HOLD FAST THE PROFESSION OF YOUR FAITH, without wavering. And you do that by making sure the Words of your mouth align with the desire of your heart.


The scripture before says this:

Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

[Hebrews 10:22 KJV]

Within the context of this meeting, BE CONFIDENT AND BOLD BEFORE GOD WHEN YOU PRAY!…


We know that you have been blessed by this teaching, but this is not all of it. The conclusion is in audio and if you would like to listen, join us on telegram here. After you join, send a direct message to any of the admins and you will be referred to the audio file.


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