Engaging the Holy Spirit

By Brother Sammy

27th June 2022

It is time for the Word of God.

Let us Pray.

Father, thank You for the opportunity to receive from Your Word. We ask that You unveil Your Word to us in a new way in Jesus’ name. Yes, and Amen.


Today we are looking at; Engaging the Holy Spirit.

You see, as believers, we must understand that the Holy Spirit is our HELPER.

When you really look at how helpless man truly is on his/her own, you will see that we truly need the Holy Ghost.

If you did not follow the teaching last week, I advise you to do so to fully grasp the aforementioned.


This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;

[1 Timothy 1:18 KJV]

So, when you look at this scripture, you see Apostle Paul telling his son in the Lord that (if I may paraphrase), he should not fold his arms and relax just because he (Timothy) had received a word of prophecy.

Certain believers have the mindset that ‘what will be will be’. Please debunk that idea.

Now, understand that I am not putting fear in you. I only want to open up a reality to you.

You see, you owe it to yourself and to your destiny to engage the Holy Spirit.

Understand that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the almighty God and therefore, He is all-knowing and powerful.

The primary way to engage the Holy Spirit is through PRAYER and Study of the WORD.

In Romans 8:26, the bible says;

Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

[Romans 8:26 KJV]

The Holy Spirit helps us to pray. Now, this scripture suggests that on your own, your prayer will achieve very little result and that is why you need the Spirit that searches the deep things of God.

When you pray in the Spirit, your spirit man is strengthened.

You begin to rise spiritually. Your ranking shifts.

And as you combine this with the study of the word, light invades your spirit and soul.

So, one might ask, why do I need to engage the Spirit in prayer and the Word.

Let me tell you a glorious light I received from my Pastor in Abuja. He said; ‘before you engage the systems of the world, engage the Holy Ghost’.

You see, the truth is, the enemy is also after your destiny because they know that when you eventually become the great man or woman of God that God intended you to be, it is a problem for him. So, he tries to shut down your destiny.

That is why Apostle Paul told Timothy to use the prophecies that were spoken over him to carry out warfare.

Are you aware that our Jesus who is the son of God, who is God, prayed? He engaged the Spirit.

35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

36 And Simon and they that were with him followed after him.

37 And when they had found him, they said unto him, all men seek for thee.

[Mark 1:35-37 KJV]

Prayer was a very integral part of the Ministry of God. He worked wonders while on earth with the Holy Spirit.

Now, I know that if I were to take a quick study of how many of us were given prophecies this year, almost all of us will be involved.

Now, just because it was spoken does not mean it will just happen like some sort of magic. You must take the responsibility of engaging the Spirit until said prophecy is birthed.

When you see a promise in the Scripture, bless God for it and then insist on it. Stay on it until it is your reality.

It is when you engage the Holy Spirit that you will begin to manifest as a son of God.

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

[Romans 8:19 KJV]

It is when you engage the Holy Spirit that you can manifest as a son.

As you engage the Holy Spirit, He works on you and the effect of His work on you is that you will grow large in your spirit, and then you can engage the systems of this world for God.

So, if you’re here and you have received words of prophecy over your life for exploits in God and what not or you have a calling on your life, first engage the Holy Spirit, because He is the one that can bring it to pass.

One unfortunate thing that happens is that most believers just expect it to happen like magic and when it delays or does not happen, we begin to say that the Word was fake or the prophet was fake.

But in reality, we left things to chance.

If you have that mentality of what will be will be, you will go through a lot of struggles.

May God give us the grace to engage the Holy Ghost.


Thank You, Lord, for Your Word that has come forth. Help us to take responsibility for our lives by engaging Your Spirit, Lord. Blessed be Your Holy Name in Jesus’ name. Yes, and Amen

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