Expressions of the Fruit of the Spirit – Faithfulness

Ministering: Brother Tobi Thompson

Date: Monday, 16th January 2023

Topic: Expressions of the Fruit of the Spirit

Good evening people of God, how are you? How was today?

If you’re in Eko traffic, help me and greet those guys that sell plantain chips. God bless you.

Father, in the name of Jesus, let the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus fill our hearts tonight, that the eyes of our understanding be opened to the riches of Christ’s inheritance dwelling inside us. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

I love the Lord a lot, a whole lot, and day by day my heart is set on giving Him full expression. It’s not easy but of course, as I rely on the Holy Spirit daily, I’m reminded it’s a walk of faith.

God is not putting pressure on me nor is He putting pressure on anyone to impress Him, rather He’s very keen on us learning to CONSTANTLY receive His help.

That being said, we will be looking into an expression of the fruit of the Spirit tonight.

The Scriptures don’t tell us there are nine fruits of the Spirit, what the Scriptures tell us is that there is ONLY ONE fruit of the Spirit, but this one fruit comes in varied expressions.

Watch this:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

Galatians 5:22 NKJV

Apostle Paul knew that this fruit has infinite expressions, so he put

gentleness, self-control. AGAINST SUCH there is no law.

Galatians 5:23 NKJV

Against such implies that is MORE.

Examples of this include wisdom, boldness, godly virtues, and things worthy of good report BUT these infinite expressions only happen where love dwells right.

Okay back, to the beginning.

We are going to be looking at an expression called FAITHFULNESS.

What is faithfulness? Why was it handed over to us?

ALL the infinite expressions of God are present in us, how???

By the Spirit!!!

And if one has the Spirit of God, such a person has the nature and character of God in its fullness.


Can I tell you something? In the Old Testament people were called gods (with the small letter, “g”)

But by the Spirit we are God.

So in the New Testament, we are called Christ, and Christ is God (not god) therefore we are God.

Let it sink in a bit.

However, the Scriptures tell us that Christ as Son is still in submission to the Father. The same applies to us.

Therefore as sons in submission to the Father, there are certain things required from us. Faithfulness is one such.

Let’s make this clear if God requires something from you, it’s because HE ALREADY GAVE IT TO YOU BEFORE HE ASKED.

We see that all through the Scriptures.

He gave Isaac before requesting him.

He gave Jesus so that the atonement required for sin could be offered to Him.

Do you get?

Now if God demands faithfulness, it’s because He has given you the ability to be faithful and we see that in the giving of the Spirit.

What then is faithfulness?

When we talk about faithfulness, of course, faith is involved but this is a faith that has become established firmly.

So we are talking about a faith that is committed, trustworthy, has strong convictions, difficult to lose (in some context).

We are talking about a faith that is rugged! That never fails! That never lies!

As a great example, our Father is a faithful Father and we see that in the infallibility of His word to us.

Do you know what Apostle Peter said about the word of God?

We have also a more sure word of prophecy….

2 Peter 1:19 KJV

Tonight, we would look at faithfulness in two folds

  1. Faithfulness as it regards the word of God.
  2. Faithfulness as it regards the work of God.

It’s important that we learn to build strong convictions because Jesus Christ warned us that in these days the love of many will actually wax cold.

The implication is that we would have people who would lose their faith in God but glory to God, we in PFMI are not of those who fall away.

We have a greater witness and testimony by the Spirit of God.

The call will begin at 7:50 pm, please do well to join in. God bless you.

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