How to Release Faith

By Brother Tobi Thompson

6th May 2022

Thank You Holy Spirit

Wherever you are, give thanks to God for His presence with us

Thank You Father for we are Your sons indeed

Thank You for revealing your desires and heart unto us

Oh, what a great thing to know that You are pleased with us

Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!


Good evening family, you are welcome to tonight’s teaching.

We continue from last week’s topic which is FAITH.

We learnt that:

  • Every believer is already full of faith and doesn’t need more faith
  • If we stay away from the word and prayer, it will be difficult for us to manifest faith
  • Faith doesn’t grow rather we grow IN faith

You can catch up with the teaching here.


Alright, tonight I’ll be teaching, HOW TO RELEASE FAITH.

I pray from tonight that you become bolder and more audacious about releasing your faith in the name of Jesus!

On my way back from work, I began meditating on tonight’s topic and the Holy Spirit shed light into my spirit! And right there on the bus I just bowed my head in awe of His revelation.

By God’s grace, I’ll be revealing the same to you tonight, and you’ll see results as you practice it.

I honestly can’t capture in words how powerful faith is, Paul, records a lot of powerful things about faith in Hebrews 11. It is such a powerful force that, by faith:

Vs 1: We see and receive the manifestations unseen!

Vs 2: We receive a good testimony!

Vs 3: The worlds were framed by the Word of God (notice he didn’t say words of God but Word of God) and that’s because the Word of God is a Person! (John 1:1, Rev 19:13)

Vs 6: We have access and be in constant communication with God!

When you read through the whole Bible, you see signs, wonders, the barren becoming fruitful etc, just because of this powerful force, FAITH!

John goes on to say in

1 John 5:4 “…and this is the victory that HAS OVERCOME the world – our faith”

Faith is so powerful that it operates from the realm of FINISHED WORKS.


Let that sink in!!!!!

Heyyy! Dear Son of God, before you even began to fight any battle or face any challenge, FAITH has already given you the victory!!

You are a victor yesterday, today and forevermore!!!


So how do we release this victory we have received in Jesus? Very easy.

I was meditating earlier and I suddenly got the revelation of what James 2:17 actually means, James said faith without works is dead right?

Then the Holy Spirit said to me, the ‘works’ of faith is actually SPEAKING!

In short, if you want to see a man full of faith you’ll see a man who is always speaking!!

And He reminded me of Romans 10:10 “if you believe in your heart and confess with YOUR MOUTH”.

This is the works of faith!!

As a matter of fact,!

You see in creating the worlds, GOD SPOKE!

In manifesting healing, signs and wonders Jesus required the recipients to always SPEAK.

I love Matthew 8 a lot, a hack I use in remembering that chapter is that it’s a chapter full of words of faith:

Vs 3: Jesus healed a leper by touching him and saying “I am willing”

Vs 8: the centurion says only speak a word! In fact, he vocalized his faith to an extent Jesus said “I’ve never found such great faith”

Children of God, we release our faith by speaking the Word of God!

The Holy Spirit said to me while on my way home, “do you know that every word the believer speaks is prophetic”

Ah!!! Eloi Eloi!!

Then He began to expound scriptures,

Rev. 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”

What is this “word of their testimony”? I asked.

Then He goes on,

Rev. 19:10 “…….for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”

Every believer’s word is prophetic because we have the testimony of Jesus and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

So, in lack, the testimony of Jesus is “I was made poor that they might be rich”

You release these words! It is prophecy!

The believer is first his own prophet!!! Don’t wait until you see visions, trances, words of knowledge etc.

You have the testimony of Jesus!!! Prophesy!!

In fact, because He has redeemed you to the Father in Rev. 5:9-10. You are the testimony of Jesus.

In Isaiah 55:11 “the word (not words) of God cannot come back to Him without a testimony”

Jesus didn’t go back to God alone, He went with me and you!

He has declared us sons of the Father, we are Jesus’ testimony!!

Now in the next five minutes, because you have the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy, release the Word of God into your life!

Situations that have lingered before now!! Release the testimony of Jesus!

Where there has been lack, I declare the release of abundance!

Where there has been stagnation, I command a never-ending flow of fruitfulness by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Speak the Word of God!! Speak forth the testimony!!!

Speak as a VICTOR for faith has given you the victory by the blood of the Lamb!

Thank You, Jesus!

The Holy Spirit says to someone,

‘Your faith is never stirred up because you never speak!!! My words have the ability to stir you up, you need to SPEAK!’

Speak what He has written to you, speak what He has spoken to you!!

Stop being silent!! He has made you alive in Him!! Only the living can speak!!

Speak in the name of Jesus!

Thank You Holy Spirit for teaching us, for revealing Your words to us! Thank You, Lord

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

I’m impressed with a word,

The Holy Spirit said why do you think I speak good things concerning you? He says because you are My testimony!

Please tonight, I beg you, see yourself the way God sees you.

No one has ever been ashamed of their testimony, He is not ashamed of you as a matter of fact He is pleased with you!!

Please build that in your consciousness.

God bless you!

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