Light Be

Ministering: Tobi Thompson

Date: 17th July 2023

Topic: Light, Be!

Good evening family, it’s about time for Bible study. I hope we are all doing very well.

Father, we thank You in Jesus’ name for the testimonies given to us.  Thank You for the spirit of wisdom and revelation at work in us by Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

The foundation upon which our teaching will be founded tonight is in the book of John.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
[John 1:5 NLT]

John makes a profound revelation here, the only way to deal with darkness is to SHINE THE LIGHT and it’s eazzzyypizzzieee. Notice, John didn’t say light and darkness are fightin’????

He said as soon as Light shines, darkness just becomes powerless!  No time for argument, no time for negotiation!

Bearing this in mind, I’ll start tonight by telling us something the Holy Spirit told me almost a year ago, He said to me,

“If you teach a man about his circumstances… his life won’t be changed but if you teach him about his identity, transformation begins”.  The writer of Proverbs also said, “as a man thinks in his heart, so he is”

In other words, every man will speak and behave according to how he has thought of himself. One of the major things the devil wants to do to men especially children of light is to cause them to have an identity crisis.

So watch this:

Then God looked over all he had made (man inclusive), and he saw that it was very good!….
[Genesis 1:31 NLT]

But after the fall, the devil had so messed up Adam’s identity God had to ask “Who told you that you were naked?” … (Genesis 3:11 NLT)

As a result of this fall, later on, we start seeing things like unclean and clean animals even though God originally called ALL animals clean.  In the light of God’s ordained identity for His creation particularly man, Jesus came. So John says “for God so loved the world i.e. man that He sent His only begotten Son to die”.  Jesus didn’t die for worthless creatures.

I’ve had several conversations with the Holy Spirit on identity and I’ll tell you another one, I had referenced where Jesus had said a man’s heart will be wherever his treasure is and I asked the Lord where His treasure was and He replied “My treasure is on earth, you are my treasure, man is my treasure”…oh my God!  It struck me deeply! C’mon tell yourself, I am God’s treasure!

That being said, LIGHT, Be! Is a teaching or better put, a reminder of our identity in Christ. I pray you understand and begin to SHINE in those areas where darkness seems to thrive.

We’ll be looking into who we have become in Christ and permit me to say, it is in the light of identity we have the confidence to attend to every situation and to have boldness before God. We must learn to be convicted of our identity in Christ and be firm in it, in and out of season. Expression of the power of the Holy Ghost also comes from consciousness of our identity. I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord is something I have cemented in my heart and no physical circumstance can change that testimony.

There is the story of an eaglet that grew up with chickens and as expected when it grew up it couldn’t behave any other way. It would eat the chickens’ food, stay in their cages, and even try to sound like them but alas! It was a misfit. BUT one day, deliverance came for the eagle. FAR ABOVE in the sky flew another eagle in boldness and might.

As soon as the eagle down below saw the eagle that was FAR ABOVE, something clicked in it and all of a sudden, it spread out its wings and left the community of chickens for life. It took an Eagle that knew its identity to deliver the one with the identity crisis.

So who am I? What have I become in Christ?

1. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
II Corinthians 5:17 NKJV

You have become a new creation!  You are no longer of the humankind. You have become just as He is and that is Christ. Jesus Himself said anyone born of the Spirit is spirit.  Stop thinking like a mortal man! You are a new creation!

As a result, the ancestors of your village are Jesus Christ and the spirits of just men made perfect. Powers of your Father’s house are the ministering spirits and angels attached to you. God called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, stop claiming darkness.

Yen yen yen “in my father’s house they don’t use to marry on time” ehn???? Don’t you understand YOU ARE A SPECIAL PERSON OF God? Paul said, why do you allow yourself to be subject to the devices and circumstances of this world????

Bro, Sis YOU ARE NEW CREATION. No longer of the Adamic seed BUT of the seed of the word of God that abides forever.

2.  “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Matthew 5:14 NKJV

Jesus didn’t say you are a light, He said you are THE light of the world. Jesus has put you here to SHINE. So I declare in the name of Jesus, Light, Be!

Many of us are too shy, too considerate, too lenient, too religious to let YOUR LIGHT shine. Some are always looking for who to pray for them! If you don’t shine now, when do you now want to shine?  When are you going to once and for all, stop that affliction in your family????

When are you going to shine??!! When will men know you stand for JESUS?  How long are you going to be wallowing in darkness???

Tonight, you must shine!  You are light and you must shine!

3. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Galatians 4:6 – 7 NKJV

You are not a servant of God, please!  You are not a slave of God, please!  You are a Son of God. A bonafide child of the Almighty God. Of course in the journey of rendering worship unto God, we should maintain the posture of service. However, our position before the Father is that WE ARE SONS OF GOD.

You are not the daughter of a nobody! You are not the son of a nobody!  You are a son of God, the Almighty God! And God also confirmed this by giving you His Holy Spirit.

Stop talking in the nonsense of how your daddy is a nobody. Let me ask now, Who is your daddy??

As for me, The Almighty God is my Daddy.

4. Therefore let no one boast in men. FOR ALL THINGS ARE YOURS:
I Corinthians 3:21 NKJV.

Because God is my Father and by what Christ has done for me, all that belongs to God also belongs to me!  When you know this, “The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want” will slap much harder.

Stop seeing yourself as small!  Stop seeing yourself as poor!  Stop seeing yourself as powerless!  ALL THINGS ARE YOURS. ALL THINGS ARE YOURS!

Lastly for tonight,

5. You are anointed of the Lord to do great things and exploits in His name

But you have an anointing from the Holy One. .. 
I John 2:20 NKJV

Stop refusing to pray for the sick! Stop running away from preaching the gospel! Stop allowing the devil and ignorant folks to tell you otherwise. Jesus paid the ultimate price for you to have the Holy Spirit. Let the Anointing work through you!

Dear Child of God, continually behold Your identity in Christ.  As He is so are you, don’t let your circumstances or any other person whether apostle, pastor, prophet even angels define who you are.

Meditate on your identity in Christ a whole lot and let it guide your daily living.

God has blessed you…

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