Other Aspects of Prayer: Meditation and Declarations

Ministering: Princess Ojo Onogwu

Date: 10th April 2023

Topic: OTHER ASPECTS OF PRAYER: Meditation And Declarations

Anchor Scripture: Joshua 1:8

Good Day, Family ❤️,

I trust y’all had a good day today?

It’s time to dine!

Who’s ready???

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank You for a day such as this, I ask that You take over this ministration, everything I will say here will be Your mind and to Your glory,  I ask that everyone that will read this at any point in time will come into Your light by Your power! Amen!

Joshua 1:8 (NLT)
[8]Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

So as we have seen in all the prayer series,  we defined prayer as the communication between a man and his God,

We saw the many ways or aspects of prayer and of cause,  meditation is one of them, and making declarations is another.

Since we are Christians and I am talking to a Christian community,  I would be teaching through the eyes of the scriptures so it won’t be just on meditation but Scripture Meditation.

What is Scripture Meditation?

Meditation can be seen as thinking and muttering God’s word/scriptures.

Meditation is a way to think about God’s word, what He has said, His promises, and His truths (His words are truth always).

And muttering them repeatedly until it comes alive in you or it becomes flesh to you.

This is easier done than what I have written or what you just read.

Meditation is taking the scripture, looking at it from all angles, thinking about it, reading it out loud for your ears to hear, saying it over and over again in different languages, versions, tones, and sounds,

Letting it get into your subconscious, owning it, and making it yours.

Meditation is the way of talking to your God and telling Him of that which He has promised and you have believed.

Not just believed but have accepted to be part of you.

How Do You Meditate With Scripture?

A Practical Approach:

1. Take a verse of scripture that you love, agree with or that speaks to your current situation

Example:  Psalms 23:1
[1]The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.

2. Read that verse out loud for your ears to hear,

What this does is that: You speak to your subconscious or your spirit by so doing, it is like you writing it in your mind or Spirit.

Do not forget that God’s words are spirit and they are life.

John 6:63
[63]The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

Therefore speaking it loudly to your ears makes them come alive for you.

So we say loudly “The Lord is my shepherd,  I have all that I need”

Settle it in your spirit and subconscious.

3. Think about the words of these scriptures in a different light,

Like, what is similar to a Shepard?

A lead or a leader,  wow!

So I can say,  “The Lord is my leader therefore I have all that I need”

4. Take these words and scriptures from another light as you ponder on them,

If the Lord is my leader, my shepherd then I am His follower, and because I follow Him and He is the giver of all things therefore I lack nothing.

I can never lack anything good in my life!

My leader is the Lord,  He made all things. He has given me all things then why should I lack or be in need?

I can never be in need or lack anything!

I am a follower of the Lord!

The Lord is my shepherd,  I can not lack hallelujah!!!


Shout it!

Say it!

The Lord is my shepherd!!!!

I can not lack!!!!

5. Keep saying it over and over again to yourself until you feel a burst within you.

Most times it feels like a lot of bubbles burst in your stomach.

Sometimes these words become life and they come to you as the prophet Ezekiel would say,

Ezekiel  12:1

The word of the LORD also came unto me, saying,

Until you know what meditation is, you may never understand certain things that were written in the scriptures or certain things some scripture characters talked about.

Did you see what Ezekiel said?

The WORD of the Lord CAME to me.


You need to get to that point!

6. Lastly scripture meditation can be done for many hours or days or months depending on how far you can go, start with a verse please, little by little,

Stay on that verse until it becomes flesh to you.

As I said earlier,  it’s easier done than explained or taught.


What are Declarations?

This is simply an announcement or a decree of whom you are, what you want, desire, or what you want others to know about you.

For Christians, it is echoing God’s words.

Psalms  62:11

God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.

Why do we need declarations?

It is an important aspect of prayer for Christians because it helps your mind or soul agree to that which is written concerning you,  Apostle John in his goodwill for us said:

3 John  1:2

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

And since words spoken about us or to us becomes life when we declare them then it means declarations are important.

Importance Of Declarations

1. It helps you send your ministering spirits or angels on errands.

2. It increases the angelic activities around you

3. You receive angelic help effortlessly

4. It helps the universe align to your words or will as you are god upon the earth.

5. It helps you realize or understand who you are in Christ Jesus.


2 Peter  1:3

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:


Because the scriptures say this, you will declare:

“I have all things pertaining to life and godliness therefore I have solutions to all problems”

If the Bible says you are blessed,  all you need to do is echo it!

“Yes!  I am blessed! ”

“I am the blessed of the Lord! ” etc.

It helps your mind to adjust to that which God has called you.

I trust that you all have learned something today and that you will practice just as you have read.

If you have questions,  kindly ask them.

Let us pray!

Dear Father, I thank You for having Your way with me always, I ask that You teach me always so I may teach others as I have learned from You.

Thank You, for everyone reading for they have received Your light.


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