By Brother Sammy

24th January 2022

Let us pray.

Father, it is such an Honour to be at Your feet yet again to receive from Your Word. Lord, we ask that You give each and every one of us an encounter with Your Word tonight. In Jesus Name. Amen.


Tonight, I will be talking on the topic, THE PRINCIPLE OF PERSISTENCE.

Looking at the dictionary definition, persistence means OBSTINATELY REFUSING TO GIVE UP OR LET GO.

Let us look at some scriptures.

 One day Jesus taught the apostles to keep praying and never stop or lose hope. He shared with them this illustration:

2 “In a certain town there was a civil judge, a thick-skinned and godless man who had no fear of others’ opinions. 3 And there was a poor widow in that town who kept pleading with the judge, ‘Grant me justice and protect me against my oppressor!’

4–5 “He ignored her pleas for quite some time, but she kept asking. Eventually he said to himself, ‘This widow keeps annoying me, demanding her rights, and I’m tired of listening to her. Even though I’m not a religious man and don’t care about the opinions of others, I’ll just get her off my back by answering her claims for justice and I’ll rule in her favor. Then she’ll leave me alone.’”

6 The Lord continued, “Did you hear what the ungodly judge said—that he would answer her persistent request? 7 Don’t you know that God, the true judge, will grant justice to all of his chosen ones who cry out to him night and day? He will pour out his Spirit upon them. He will not delay to answer you and give you what you ask for. 8 God will give swift justice to those who don’t give up. So be ever praying, ever expecting, just like the widow was with the judge. Yet when the Son of Man comes back, will he find this kind of persistent faithfulness in his people?”

LUKE 18:1-8 TPT

This story is an excellent example given by Jesus on the principle of persistence.

You see, as believers, we have to be persistent in our prayers.

This is the beginning of a New Year and if you are like me, words of prophecy have been spoken over your life. We also have things we desire for God to do for us.

Now, it is left for you to persistently go into prayer.

Don’t ever give up because your desires seem to tarry.

Jesus made a statement in Luke 18. He said;

“Don’t you know that God, the true judge, will grant justice to all of his chosen ones who cry out to him night and day? He will pour out his Spirit upon them. He will not delay to answer you and give you what you ask for”

Notice Jesus even said, “he will not delay to give you what you ask for”

The problem at times is that we give up too quickly.

To be persistent is to have faith in God.

To have Faith in God is to know the Character of God, which is the fact that he is a Faithful God.

Look, let me tell you all one thing about the Godhead.

Compassion is part of their nature. That is why you see littered in the gospels that “Jesus had compassion on…”

That means when you go to God in prayer especially when you are persistent (not giving up), he cannot turn you away.

You see, the beautiful thing about engaging in this seemingly simple principle is that; when you are persistent in prayer, you are indirectly telling God that “I trust you to come through for me”.

You are letting Him know that your trust and Faith is on no other but Him.

Now, the danger of not being persistent when you don’t see the results you desire is that you are telling God that He cannot answer you and where it really gets bad is when you begin to lean on the arm of flesh.

Thus, saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.

Jeremiah 17:5 KJV

The Bible also says in the book of Samuel that, “by the arm of Flesh shall no man prevail”

Your trust, Hope and Faith should solely be in God.


Sure, men help men, but it is God that sends men to you to favour you, not you trying to force it.

So, Jesus made it so simple. He said, just be persistent in asking and you are sure to receive.

You see, when I was waiting on God for what to teach on, He laid it in my heart that this issue of persistence on what you might be asking for can be a problem for some this year.

You see, at times when we ask God for certain things He seems to delay, it can be so frustrating and painful, depending on the nature of the request.

But always remember that God is a good Father that can never reject you.

Many times, you ask Him for what you are not ready for and if He grants your request in such an instance it might destroy you or cause you to backslide.

So, what does He do as a loving Father? He, first of all, builds you to be able to handle what you are asking for.

So, in your opinion, what seems like a delay is simply Him building your capacity to handle what He wants to give you.

There have been instances where people got blessed with wealth and that wealth made them backslide terribly.

You see, our God is a good God, He is faithful to perform, just be persistent in asking. It might tarry for reasons best known to God, but remain steadfast in prayer.

Cornelius kept engaging God until salvation came to him and his household and they as well received the baptism of the Holy Ghost

So, to you reading this no matter how long that situation may have lingered, keep being persistent in prayer.

“But bro Sammy, I have been praying for years now”


“I am tired of waiting bro Sammy”

☺️ Keep praying.

Remember Isaiah 40:31,

KJV: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.

“But Bro Sammy other people have been giving testimonies, what of me?”

😄Keep the Faith and keep praying.

“Bro Sammy you are just saying your own, me I am tired”

I know it hurts dear brother/sister. But guess what; you are ABBA’S delight.

Keep praying dearest one.

You see, one thing the kingdom of God responds to is principles.



Father, I speak over every long-standing battle over everyone’s life here that it comes to an end now in the Powerful name of Jesus.

Yokes are broken by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Thank You, Father, for Your Word that has brought light tonight. Thank You because we shall run with it and our lives shall yield results in Jesus name.

Yes, and Amen!!!


Nothing missing!!

Nothing broken!!!

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