
By Brother Tobi Thompson

3rd October 2022

Lord, thank You for the spirit of wisdom and revelation made manifest tonight. Thank You Holy Spirit for our minds are open to understanding and grasping the depth of Your Word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

In the next two minutes, wherever you are just tell the Lord, thank You…

Thank Him for being there to always answer when you call upon Him.

For the fulfillment of His word in Isaiah that

“It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear [Isaiah 65:24 NKJV]

Thank Him!

Thank You, Lord!

Thank You, Father, in Jesus’ name. Amen!


Alright! So, Prayer is one of the necessary tools made available to mankind in interacting with the supernatural realm and ultimately with God.


Whether a man decides to pray or not, one day! Something will definitely lead him to cry out to the supernatural for help.


But you see, for one to pray effectively, one must LEARN how to pray. Why???


You can’t use the principles of the physical world to relate to the spiritual world. It’s impossible and that’s why we MUST LEARN the right way to Pray.


Let’s look at an event that happened in the book of Luke,

Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.”

[Luke 11:1 NKJV]

The disciples of Jesus had made an observation of certain things;

  1. How they themselves prayed
  2. How John prayed and taught the same to his disciples
  3. How Jesus Himself prayed.

After reasoning within themselves, they found out that the way Jesus prayed was more effective than the rest.


So, one of the disciples summoned the courage to ask Jesus, to teach them how to pray.


Can I tell you something? God never created the institution of prayer for man to have unanswered prayers! Never!!


But if you don’t understand the RIGHT WAY to pray, you would think God doesn’t answer prayers all the time.


Tonight, we would build up from milk, then finally to strong and mature meat.


By the power of the Holy Spirit, you’ll have a shift in the understanding of prayer, and your prayers will be more effective from now on.


It’s essential also to know that GOD ANSWERS THE PRAYER OF ALL MEN, whether saved or not.


Look at what David said,

O You who hear prayer, To You all flesh will come.

[Psalms 65:2 NKJV]

Later on, I’ll address some myths about prayer, such as, “the prayer of a sinner is an abomination to God”, and so on.


So, what then is Prayer? You know, in Sunday School abi CRK class, we were taught Prayer is communication with God i.e. you talk and God replies.


Also, that prayer is how we make our requests known to God.


Yes! These are all true.


But let’s delve into deep waters.


We can say,


  1. Prayer is God’s way of supplying strength to mankind.


Jesus speaking said,

Men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

[Luke 18:1 KJV]

Why did He say so? Because He knows God ALWAYS answers prayers.


Remember, Jesus had always been with the Father even before the world began, and He had never seen God refuse to answer prayers. And He had also seen, how strength was ALWAYS SUPPLIED to men when they prayed.


That’s very interesting.


In other words, the man that refuses to pray… will always be weak.


Why do people find it easy to give in to temptation? Simple, because they don’t pray.


To refuse to pray is to refuse to be strengthened by God.


Now that’s one definition.


  1. Prayer is how men RECEIVE REVELATIONS FROM GOD. You see, God is Spirit and He doesn’t speak carnal languages…so I once asked the Holy Spirit, so what do we call the language of God??


You know men have English, Yoruba, Spanish, etc., abi? He didn’t t answer but because I know HE ALWAYS HEARS me, I maintained the question.


One night, He told me, when God speaks, He speaks in REVELATION.


That’s why anything we hear from God is always a revelation cause we never knew about it before, but He has always known and chosen to reveal it to us.


To pray is to receive REVELATION FROM GOD.


  1. Prayer is God’s way of making men alert to His workings and also of the wiles of the devil.

Yes, I know that people have said we don’t know when the Lord is coming but can I shock you? God doesn’t like to pay surprise visits.


He loves for men to be alert always! So, they can properly take advantage of what He’s doing.


We don’t know the exact timing right, but we know when He’s ready to come because He will let us know, and does that through prayer.


Now watch this.


We remember the parable of the Virgins in Matthew 25… Jesus said something significant,

WATCH, therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

[Matthew 25:13 KJV]

He was implying that if you WATCH i.e. to prayer, even if you don’t know the exact day yet you’ll be alert when the time is at hand!


That’s how He knew when it was time for Him to be crucified. Through the alertness gotten in Prayer.


Again, when we move to Matthew 26, He said to Peter, James, and John,

Watch and pray

[Matthew 26:41 KJV]

Watch and praying are not two different things, in fact, what Jesus was saying is that TO WATCH IS TO PRAY, and TO PRAY IS TO WATCH


That’s why we call intercessors, WATCHMEN…


We know that you have been blessed by this teaching. The conclusion is in audio and if you would like to listen, join us on telegram here. After you join, send a direct message to any of the admins and you will be referred to the audio file.


1 thought on “Prayer”

  1. Pingback: Believing and Receiving in Prayer – Personal Fellowship

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