Question and Answer Session for July 2022

Date: Saturday, 30th July 2022

Teachers: Sis Princess, Pastor Eyitayo, Sis Nehita, Bro Daniel & Bro Tobi Thompson

This is a monthly question and answer session on the Ministry’s telegram platform where members are given the opportunity to ask questions that are answered by Holy Spirit filled teachers of the gospel.

Question 1

Do we pray to God the Father alone? Or I can direct my prayers to Jesus or Holy Spirit?


God is God

Jesus is God

Holy Spirit is God.

He is three in one, just like you have your spirit, your soul and your body.

Don’t separate them as if you are talking to different persons/people

We pray in the name of Jesus because He is the pathway to the father and all things answer to His name;

We pray “by the power of the Holy Spirit” because it is the era of the Holy Spirit here on earth, when Jesus ascended, He left us with the Holy Spirit to help us and it is by His power we get things done (supernatural things);

Yet, all three are one.


Question 2

What’s the meaning of John 1:18? Who then did Moses see on mount Sinai? Or who met Abraham before destroying Sodom?


[18] No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, who is himself, God, is near to the Father’s heart. He has revealed God to us.

[John 1:18]


[18] Moses responded, “Then show me your glorious presence.”

[19] The lord replied, “I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will call out my name, Yahweh, before you. For I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose.

[20] But you may not look directly at my face, for no one may see me and live.”

[21] The lord continued, “Look, stand near me on this rock.

[22] As my glorious presence passes by, I will hide you in the crevice of the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.

[23] Then I will remove my hand and let you see me from behind. But my face will not be seen.”

[Exodus 33:18-23]


[1] The lord appeared again to Abraham near the oak grove belonging to Mamre. One day Abraham was sitting at the entrance to his tent during the hottest part of the day.

[2] He looked up and noticed three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he ran to meet them and welcomed them, bowing low to the ground.

[3] “My lord,” he said, “if it pleases you, stop here for a while.

[4] Rest in the shade of this tree while water is brought to wash your feet.

[Genesis 18:1-4]


[1] That evening the two angels came to the entrance of the city of Sodom. Lot was sitting there, and when he saw them, he stood up to meet them. Then he welcomed them and bowed with his face to the ground.

[2] “My lords,” he said, “come to my home to wash your feet, and be my guests for the night. You may then get up early in the morning and be on your way again.” “Oh no,” they replied. “We’ll just spend the night out here in the city square.”

[Genesis 19:1-2]


 [15] For, at just the right time Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only almighty God, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords.

[16] He alone can never die, and he lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach him. No human eye has ever seen him, nor ever will. All honor and power to him forever! Amen.

[1 Timothy 6:15-16]


Read all of these scriptures carefully and you’ll get your answers.

Quoting verses and chapters sometimes makes us miss the essence of the scriptures, a believer should learn to read the scriptures from start to finish!

I mean Genesis down to revelations for better insight and knowledge.

Join us every day from 4 am to 6 am if you can’t do it on your own or download the recordings and listen to them every day!


Question 3

What do you do when you feel emotionally drained and have no energy to pray?

First response:

That’s why praying in the Spirit is of great importance.

I’ve not seen anyone who genuinely prays in the Spirit and gets emotionally down or his energy gets drained to pray.

Note that it is the Holy Spirit praying through you with deep groaning and intercession to the father NOT YOU!

So how do you get tired when you are not the one praying?????

That’s why believers can be sleeping and praying at the same time because it’s not them praying but the Holy Spirit praying through them.

If you are a baby Christian and don’t understand all I have said, then use music when you feel too drained to pray.


Reach out to me via my inbox and let me baptize you in the Holy Ghost.

When you start praying in the Spirit and do it consistently, you never get drained.

Second Response:

Also (for baby Christians);

Most of the time, the reason we feel emotionally drained/have no energy to pray comes from what’s going on in our (physical) lives… Things like losing a job or a loved one, having expectations that haven’t been met yet, etc.

  • You could take out time to figure out why you feel that way. This can help you realise how temporal whatever you’re going through is
  • You should read the scriptures
  • Make affirmations based on the Word of God and say them out to your hearing
  • Listen to songs of worship (already mentioned)
  • Talk to someone (seek spiritual counselling)
  • Surround yourself with like-minded people (attend fellowship, go to church).

Third Response:

Normally, it is not supposed to be so but because we are all still renewing our minds and moving to be MATURE believers. There are certain things YOU can personally do:

In Ephesians 5, Paul said BE FILLED CONTINUALLY WITH THE SPIRIT by singing psalms, hymns, spiritual songs and making melody in your heart unto the Lord, and again giving thanks always.

So, whenever the believer doesn’t pressure himself to be grateful at all times, he will be emotionally drained.

Just make a resolution to yourself to REJOICE ALWAYS, GIVE THANKS ALWAYS FOR ALL THINGS… that’s a way to draw out the joy of the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps that seemed difficult, just get SPIRIT-INSPIRED MUSIC that will minister to your spirit until joy bursts forth. I say Spirit-inspired ‘cos most of what some folks sing is just letters and emotion-laden songs…


Question 4

What can you do when God seems quiet in one’s life?


Is God ever really quiet?

I am glad you chose the word “seem” and not “is”.

There is a vast difference between “When God seems quiet” and “when God is quiet”.

Now let’s view it this way, when you read the book of John, how many times did Jesus talk about God as His Father? – Countless, se? Good.

Do you realise that was one of the major reasons the Pharisees and Sadducees hated Him?

When His disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He taught them to say, “Our Father” – why didn’t He teach them to say, “Our God”?

How we see and relate with God determines what we get out of that relationship.

Jesus chose to see and relate with God as His Father and He declared at the tomb of Lazarus: “you always hear me”

“So, they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”

[John 11:41 – 42 NIV]

If His Father heard Him always, it meant, “they always had a conversation, abi?

As an earthly Father, I am wondering why I’d choose to be quiet and not talk to my sons and even if I do, they will ask, “Daddy, why are you not talking”?

So, when it does “seem” like God is quiet:

  1. You probably relate to Him as God and not as Father
  2. He is actually not quiet; you are just the one who can’t hear Him
  3. He probably is drawing you into communion and wants to hear you say, “Daddy, why are you quiet”?
  4. He has given you repeated instructions none of which you have carried out; He isn’t obliged to give further instructions, especially on the same matter.

So, what can you do when God seems quiet?

Ask Him why He is quiet; He is your Father.


Question 5

After the Holy Spirit came during Pentecost, His power was immediate. On the same day, thousands of people got saved plus many miracles. Why nowadays do we find minimal manifestations despite praying in tongues repeatedly?

First Response:

Is this an assumption or this is your reality?

Because the reality I am living is very different.

I and everyone around me manifest the Holy Spirit daily and in great magnitude too, you needed to have been in our 5-Hour prayer early this morning to experience a little of what went on.

Scroll up the chats and read some of the things we penned down.

The person that asked this question needs to change their association because it’s a tad evident that you aren’t mixing with the right people…

Second Response:

One of the implications of the one who has been baptized with the Holy Ghost is that it is now the believer’s responsibility to manifest power.

If you look around you and see very few manifestations, it means that you are surrounded by a lot of disobedient Christians.

When we go back to Acts 1:8, we see that Jesus said YOU shall become witnesses as a result of being empowered with the Holy Spirit.

Before that, He had said in Mark 16 to the BELIEVERGO into all the world preaching the gospel, healing the sick and manifesting all forms of supernatural activities.

So, it is not God’s fault, it is the BELIEVER’S fault.

And that makes me wary of believers who are always wanting REVIVAL but never RENEWING THEIR MINDS to the fact Christ has given US the power to DO.

Manifesting power is now the BELIEVER’S RESPONSIBILITY.

So many got saved and miracles happen because the DISCIPLES TOOK ACTION.

I manifest power and I’m also surrounded by believers that do the same.

I’ll suggest you change your company or rather FOCUS ON THOSE MANIFESTING POWER. At the end of the day, a powerful Christian does not wait for God to manifest rather he manifests THE POWER ALREADY MADE AVAILABLE TO HIM/HER BY THE HOLY GHOST!


Question 6

Are black people a cursed race? If you look across the globe, black-skinned people seem to occupy low social and economic status. What does the Bible say about this?

First Response:

No!  Black people are not cursed but when you are a son of a king but do not know it or take your place as one then you become a servant to those who took your position or you become a servant to those who realized who they were in time.

We are meant to take hold of what belongs to us and insist on it!  Until you do that, you’ll keep seeing things like this.

As for me, my reality is different.

Second Response:

Paul said, “we know no man after the flesh”

God doesn’t view us after the flesh. We are spirit beings.

Race, colour, tribe, and traditions have no place in the reality of a New Creation because we are no longer after the order of the 1st  Adam (a living soul); we are now after the order of the last Adam (life-giving spirits).

No race is cursed because of its skin colour neither is any race blessed ‘cos of its skin colour.

We all are descendants of Abraham and He was a blessed man.

Whether we will walk in that blessedness or not is our choice.


Question 7

 Is there anything like spiritual husband? Before I joined this group, I was told one time that I had a spiritual husband and should come for deliverance. I don’t believe in it though, but is it real?

First Response:

Can the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit in you be subject to a strange spirit🤔?

As a child of God, filled with the Holy Spirit, this cannot be your reality.

Second Response:

A believer should not have this reality but if you do, then it means your fellowship with the Holy Spirit is weak.

When you came into Christ you were taken from darkness into light, darkness did not follow you into the light because it can not comprehend it, any darkness that comes to the light fades away automatically.

Spiritual husband or its likes is of the dark and you were supposed to have left it where it belongs, except you haven’t accepted Jesus as Lord and saviour.

But if you still have this experience or reality please reach out to me  inbox. Thanks.

Third Response:

😂😂 If somebody tells me I have a spiritual wife I won’t even argue. Make I first see am for my dream, by the time I send am on errands multiple times, devil go know say, some people get “craze” for head.

Am I saying it isn’t real to some people? No, what I’m saying is religious people are always looking for somebody or some demonic spirit to blame 😒.

If we leave them, they might even say it’s possible Paul had a spiritual wife 😒. Rubbish and nonsense!


Question 8

If Jesus accomplished this (below), why is Satan still called the god of this earth? Who are these entities? “When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.” [Colossians 2:15]


The answer to your question lies in your question😂…I’ll give a brief history:

  1. God created the heavens and the earth but He put MAN in charge of the earth. So, therefore, man had full authority over the earth.
  2. The d evil seeing that he had no dominion over man decided to have this authority by deceiving man. So, when man was deceived, he gave up his authority to the devil.
  3. As a result, the devil now had legal access to the affairs of man.

Note this: MAN is still the god of the earth because no spirit can operate on earth without the permission of a man.

However, when referring to the god of this age in 2 Cor 4, Paul was referring to the SPIRIT OF DARKNESS THAT IS IN OPERATION, in operation because there are men who are allowing it to operate, he says it’s because they are perishing.

  1. The effect of the death of Jesus did not happen on the cross, the cross was just a means to an end…which was to get Him to hell.

So, while in hell, Jesus fought with the devil and demons to retrieve EVERYTHING he stole from man.

  1. This was what Paul meant by “Him being made lower than the angels” in Hebrews 2 and He first descended into the lower parts of the earth in Ephesians 4.

So, this disarming, happened in hell fire however the Cross is the symbol of that victory!

  1. Now, Jesus has obtained eternal salvation for ALL men, but it is MAN’S choice to accept or to reject deliverance.

If a man receives salvation, he is now a NEW creation. He is no longer a living soul but a life-giving spirit!

Devil can tamper with the living soul but you see, the LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT? No matter how he tries, it can’t be corrupted because this SPIRIT IS NOW IN ONENESS WITH GOD.

So, the believer and God are now the same Person by the Holy Spirit.

  1. So, that being said, the MAN IN CHRIST (believer) is now in charge of the earth because Jesus said “whatsoever we bind or loose on earth (He didn’t say our immediate environment alone but the whole earth) will also be bound or loosed in heaven”.
  2. Because the earth knows that power has changed hands, in Romans  8 Paul says “the world is waiting for the manifestation of the SONS of GOD” why?? Because in Christ all authority has been given to us!
  3. But if the believer doesn’t renew his mind to this truth, he will be operating as if he is a child of darkness… we are supposed to shine our light to the world that men may see and accept this light.
  4. Your mind is also important, if you see Satan as the god of this earth, your reality will reflect it. But as for me; I OPERATE AS GOD IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH! make devil shift go one side first. Do you get?

I’m not quoting exact verses ‘cos just as Sis Princess said, sometimes we miss out on the revelation of Scripture when we focus on a segment instead of the whole text.


Question 9

Why would God let an armed robber be born when He knows from the beginning that the person will turn out to be a robber?


Jeremiah tells us that God’s thoughts towards ALL men (both born and unborn) are of GOOD and never of EVIL.

God allows a man to be born based on His good intention (purpose) towards him. By the time a man is born, whatever he becomes or has become is reflective of the choices he makes or has made… but his poor choices will never change the fact that God’s intention towards him is ALWAYS GOOD.

That’s why it’s important we know men by the spirit, irrespective of the positive or negative outcomes of a man’s life, his true identity lies in the spirit and it’s from there God deals with men.

So, God doesn’t exactly know men as teachers/police/armed robbers etc. He calls them by what He has put in their spirits.


These Question and Answer sessions take place on the last Saturday of every month on the ministry’s telegram platform (to join, reach out to any of the contacts here).

If you have questions bordering on faith, relationships, health, finances, the supernatural and any other aspect of human living, come and ask. They shall all be answered.

Until then, Shalom beloved!

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