Resting in the Love of God

By Brother Samuel

7th February 2022

Let us pray.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your eternal Word of life. Lord, I ask that as we receive Your Word tonight we shall receive light from it in Jesus glorious name, Amen!


Tonight, we are looking at the topic, RESTING IN THE LOVE OF GOD.

You see, when a believer truly knows the love God has for him/her, he/she takes the position of rest.

You see, God’s love for you is so great, that your mind cannot fully comprehend it.

Lol…your mind is too little for that.

Apostle Paul told that Church at Ephesus something about the love of God for us that we shall look at.

16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,

17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,

18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,

19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

[Ephesians 3:16-19 NIV]

Apostle Paul tells them that he is praying they can know how WIDE, LONG, HIGH & DEEP God’s love is toward us.

He says it is a love that surpasses knowledge. Kai!!!

Do you know that God loves you more than you love yourself?😃😃😃

You know, one of the proofs of love is what you are willing to sacrifice for the one you love.

So, what did this our wonderful loving Father give? 😁

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

[JOHN 3:16]

Now here is what the Holy Spirit revealed to me that blew my mind🤯





When God gave Jesus, He outdid himself, meaning that there is nothing He can give again that will be greater than the gift of Jesus Christ. HE GAVE US HIS BEST!

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

[ROMANS 8:32]

So, you see, God’s love is perfect.

Nothing you can do can make God withdraw His love from your life.

His love, like I said, is perfect, it does not fluctuate.

No sin can make His love fluctuate over your life, sin has no power over the love of God!

Scripture says that “while we were yet sinners, He sent his son to die for us!”.

I was at a restaurant with my boss recently and the Holy Spirit showed me something wonderful.

While at this restaurant, a man came with his little girl of about 11 or 12 (I’m guessing) and they both ordered their meals and took it to their table. So, I watched as the little damsel ate her food with so much pleasure while having a conversation with her Dad.

It occurred to me by the help of the Holy Spirit that, this little one did not for even a moment, worry about who will pay the bills for her meal because she instinctively knew that the one who loves her (DAD) will settle everything.

I was on my way home with my mind still on the whole teaching when the Holy Spirit told me that if that is the love of man for his Child, IMAGINE GOD’S LOVE FOR HIS KIDS.

The Holy Spirit said that man has love as an emotion, that is, he possesses it.

And that God does not just possess love but GOD IS LOVE!

I will end on this note, stop struggling on loving God and start focusing on His love for you instead.

You need to register in your mind that you are the object and focus of God’s love.

A big brother in the Faith told me that, God loves all His children generally and each of them uniquely. He is that Great!

You see, Apostle John teaches us that:

We love him because he first loved us.

[1 JOHN 4:19 AMP]

It is and should be in this format because God’s love works on our hearts and only when we begin to receive and experience His love do we love Him and others.

When you know that God loves you, you will be in a continuous state of rest.

You will be like that little girl in the restaurant who knew that the one who loves me will settle everything that concerns me

Your Faith will thrive and blossom in God’s love. You will have peace that is not of this world because you trust in His love.

So, like Apostle Paul, I pray that you know how Wide, Long, High and Deep God’s love is for you.

I truly love you all.


Nothing missing!

Nothing Broken!

Yes, and Amen!!!

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